Keywords: Accuracy Improvement, Hyperspectral, Minimum Noise, Classification, Subpixel
Abstract. The best technique to extract information from remotely sensed image is classification. The problem of traditional classification methods is that each pixel is assigned to a single class by presuming all pixels within the image. Mixed pixel classification or spectral unmixing, is a process that extracts the proportions of the pure components of each mixed pixel. This approach is called spectral unmixing. Hyper spectral images have higher spectral resolution than multispectral images. In this paper, pixel-based classification methods such as the spectral angle mapper, maximum likelihood classification and subpixel classification method (linear spectral unmixing) were implemented on the AVIRIS hyper spectral images. Then, pixel-based and subpixel based classification algorithms were compared. Also, the capabilities and advantages of spectral linear unmixing method were investigated. The spectral unmixing method that implemented here is an effective technique for classifying a hyperspectral image giving the classification accuracy about 89%. The results of classification when applying on the original images are not good because some of the hyperspectral image bands are subject to absorption and they contain only little signal. So it is necessary to prepare the data at the beginning of the process. The bands can be stored according to their variance. In bands with a high variance, we can distinguish the features from each other in a better mode in order to increase the accuracy of classification. Also, applying the MNF transformation on the hyperspectral images increase the individual classes accuracy of pixel based classification methods as well as unmixing method about 20 percent and 9 percent respectively.