The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XL-4/W2
25 Oct 2013
 | 25 Oct 2013

Fuzzy Logic-Supported Detection of Complex Geospatial Features in a Web Service Environment

L. L. He, L. P. Di, P. Yue, and M. D. Zhang

Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Geoprocessing Workflow, Remote Sensing Imagery, Complex Geospatial Feature, Geospatial Service

Abstract. Spatial relations among simple features can be used to characterize complex geospatial features. These spatial relations are often represented using linguistic terms such as near, which have inherent vagueness and imprecision. Fuzzy logic can be used to modeling fuzziness of the terms. Once simple features are extracted from remote sensing imagery, degree of satisfaction of spatial relations among these simple features can be derived to detect complex features. The derivation process can be performed in a distributed service environment, which benefits Earth science society in the last decade. Workflow-based service can provide ondemand uncertainty-aware discovery of complex features in a distributed environment. A use case on the complex facility detection illustrates the applicability of the fuzzy logic-supported service-oriented approach.