The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XL-5/W4
18 Feb 2015
 | 18 Feb 2015

Low-cost surveys of the Domus of Stallius Eros in Pompeii

A. Bosco, M. Barbarino, R. Valentini, and A. D’Andrea

Abstract. In the framework of the Project 3D-ICONS (, different large archaeological models were acquired in Pompeii. In particular, the 3D Model of the House of Stallius Eros (Regio I, Insula VI, 13 - 14) was realized. This house conserves a rich vertical stratigraphy covering a large chronological period and offers interesting information about the development of this side of the ancient city. To implement a detailed survey of the house and to reconstruct the original structure of the domus, different types of survey were carried out, in order to provide a complete 3D model of the house. Three data-acquisition methodologies were used and their final results were compared in order to measure their accuracy, efficacy and velocity. At first, the domus was surveyed by an electronical total station, then two different interventions with un-calibrated photogrammetry were planned. The paper presents some preliminary results obtained by the three methodologies and the integration of the three models. The computational environments reproducing the ancient Domus of Stallius Eros allows to propose new archaeological interpretations and hypothesis about the reconstruction of the ancient House.