The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XL-5
05 Jun 2014
 | 05 Jun 2014

Discovering hidden architectures of ancient time: 3d data survey to reveal the myth of mithra in Santa Maria Capua Vetere

M. Campi, R. Catuogno, A. di Luggo, D. Iovane, and D. Palomba

Keywords: Databases System, Cultural Heritage, Virtual Archaeology, 3d modelling Mithraea, Laser scanner

Abstract. The research illustrated in this paper is part of a wider testing ground, aimed at identifying and developing processes of le arning and development taking place in archaeological contexts. These sites are investigated through the use of advanced technology, based on integrated methods of survey of new generation. The aim is to identify alternative languages of representation, able to read and to represent effectively the analyzed object and to propose alternative enjoyment systems. The case study is the Mithraeum in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, for which were carried out surveys with non-contact techniques, based on the use of instrumentations, for the acquisition of colorimetric and metric informations, that exploit a non-invasive approach. Data coming from laser scanner's sensors, combined with GPS receivers, are processed to define a three-dimensional centimetric space, in a single reference system of individual scans. Purpose of this research is to identify representation techniques able to communicate the sense of the multiple interrelations and of interferences among parties, providing the subsequent insertion of data into a wider project of cataloging, fruition and valuation of cultural heritage. The chance to diffuse Digital surveys is now a possible and implementable reality. The purpose is to spread awareness of World Heritage, in a participatory manner and based on the spiri t of knowledge, conveying all the strength of cultural content that heritage has.