Keywords: National Spatial Data Infrastructure, Fundamental Spatial Data, Basic Registers, Digital Economy
Abstract. The system of basic registers was launched in the Czech Republic in 2012. The system provides a unique solution to centralize and keep actual most common and widely used information as a part of the eGovernment. The basic registers are the central information source for information systems of public authorities. In October 2014, the Czech government approved the conception of The Strategy for the Development of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the Czech Republic to 2020 (GeoInfoStrategy) that serves as a basis for the NSDI. The paper describes the challenges in building the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) in the Czech Republic with focus on the fundamental spatial data and related basic registers. The GeoInfoStrategy should also contribute to increasing of the competitiveness of the economy. Therefore the paper also reflects the Directive 2014/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communication networks. The Directive states that citizens as well as the private and public sectors must have the opportunity to be part of the digital economy. A high quality digital infrastructure underpins virtually all sectors of a modern and innovative economy. To ensure a development of such infrastructure in the Czech Republic, the Register of passive infrastructure providing information on the features of passive infrastructure has to be established.