Keywords: Heritage Landscape, Heritage Landscape Information Model (HLIM), Cultural Experience, China, Conservation
Abstract. With the repaid development of Building Information Modelling (BIM), many scholars began to explore the BIM-adaption in landscape field. Landscape Information Modelling (LIM) is the corresponding concept created and used in landscape architecture discipline. However, cultural landscape heritage, as a special cultural heritage category, have specific objectives, principles and methodologies in conservation and management. It is necessary to explore an integrated information framework to facilitate the digital management of cultural landscape information. The aim of this paper is to explore an integrated information framework, which I call a ‘Heritage Landscape Information Model (HLIM)’, to facilitate cultural landscape heritage practices in China. This research examined the Digital Scenic Area project as instrumental case studies to identify the main components for a HLIM. As the two major components of cultural landscape heritage, both the physical features and the non-physical landscapes experiences were identified in this paper. The large amount of intangible heritage aspects indicated the significant differences between a HLIM and a BIM. Accordingly, a conceptual framework to represent ‘cultural experiences’ was identified with certain categories of landscape features and attributes. In terms of technologies, firstly, this research revealed that virtual reality was the most prioritised tool used in the current landscape conservation practices in China. Secondly, the other required system includes landscape-monitoring tools and the automation office work. Lastly, a HLIM also needs to contain a special information platform for cultural and historical information. The components identified in this paper could potentially contribute to an integrated conceptual framework of HLIM in China. The conclusion identified several implications for technology development.