Keywords: 3D geology, DTM, Geological maps, Geophysics, Bedrock geology, 2D geological profiles, WebGL, API, DXF, PostGIS, Norway, georeferencing, cross-sections, open source javascript framework
Abstract. Geology and all geological structures are three-dimensional in space. GIS and databases are common tools used by geologists to interpret and communicate geological data. The NGU (Geological Survey of Norway) is the national institution for the study of bedrock, mineral resources, surficial deposits and groundwater and marine geology. 3D geology is usually described by geological profiles, or vertical sections through a map, where you can look at the rock structure below the surface. The goal is to gradually expand the usability of existing and new geological profiles to make them more available in the retail applications as well as build easier entry and registration of profiles. The project target is to develop the methodology for acquisition of data, modification and use of data and its further presentation on the web by creating a user-interface directly linked to NGU’s webpage. This will allow users to visualise profiles in a 3D model.