Keywords: 360° camera, Accuracy, Automation, Low-cost sensor, Orientation
Abstract. Metric documentation of buildings requires the connection of different spaces, such as rooms, corridors, floors, and interior and exterior spaces. Images and laser scans have to be oriented and registered to obtain accurate metric data about different areas and the related metric information (e.g., wall thickness). A robust registration can be obtained with total station measurements, especially when a geodetic network with multiple intersections on different station points is available. In the case of a photogrammetric project with several images acquired with a central perspective camera, the lack of total station measurements (i.e., control and check points) could result in a weak orientation for the limited overlap between images acquired through doors and windows. The procedure presented in this paper is based on 360° images acquired with an affordable digital camera (less than 350$). The large field of view of 360° images allows one to simultaneously capture different rooms as well as indoor and outdoor spaces, which will be visible in just a picture. This could provide a more robust orientation of multiple images acquired through narrow spaces. A combined bundle block adjustment that integrates central perspective and spherical images is here proposed and discussed. Additional considerations on the integration of fisheye images are discussed as well.