Keywords: crisis management, levee monitoring, remote sensing, UAV data, automatic orthomosaics
Abstract. In the proposed SAFEDAM system, aerial and satellite-based information is used for the monitoring of river bodies, flood monitoring during the event, and for post-disaster damage assessment. UAV constitute a valuable source of information about the current situation in the field during the operation of emergency services. Time is crucial, and the basic assumption to use UAV remote sensing data is to make them available immediately after landing. Therefore, the approach of automatic orthomosaics created based on the exterior orientation of the transmitted images using direct georeference was selected instead of sophisticated automatic on-the-fly image-matching and georeferencing. The article conveys the justification for selecting this option in order to process orthomosaics with lower localisation accuracy in a short time. The developed algorithm takes into account the elements of exterior and interior orientation of the camera as well as the digital terrain model. The evaluation of the orthomosaic was conducted based on theorthophoto created in post-processing. Thanks to the approach used, images from the platform are available in the near real time on the screen of the interventional mode of the SAFEDAM system and are an extremely valuable and informative source of data. The system also integrates tools, which support the management of the action and prepares site documentation.