The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XLIV-4/W3-2020
23 Nov 2020
 | 23 Nov 2020


I. R. Karas, M. Ben Ahmed, A. A. Boudhir, and B. K. Ane

Keywords: Preface, Conference on Smart City Applications, SCA, Geo-Smart Information Systems, Smart Cities, 3D City Modeling and Visualization, Smart Building and Home Automation, Smart Environment and Smart Agriculture, Location Based Services, GeoInformation for

Abstract. This Conference Proceedings volume contains the written versions of the contributions presented during the 5th International Conference on Smart City Applications.

At first, the event had been planned to organized in Safranbolu Campus of Karabuk University, Türkiye. Then, it has been converted to the online conference because of the Covid-19 situation. It took place with the motto of “Virtual Safranbolu” by inspiring historical UNESCO Heritage city Safranbolu, on October 07-08, 2020. The conference provided a setting for discussing recent developments in a wide variety of topics including Geo-Smart Information Systems, Smart Cities, 3D City Modeling and Visualization, Smart Building and Home Automation, Smart Environment and Smart Agriculture, Location Based Services, GeoInformation for Mobile, Wearable Technologies and Wireless Sensor Networks, Building Information Modeling, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Big Data and Urban Data Analytics, Smart Healthcare, Smart Economy and Digital Business, Smart Education and Intelligent Learning System, and etc.

The event has been a good opportunity for the more than 300 participants coming from more than 30 countries of the world to present and discuss topics in their respective research areas. In addition, four keynote speakers presented latest achievements on their fields; Alias Abdul Rahman "Smart Cities and Geo-Spatial Technologies", Şule Erten Ela "Smart Cities and Energy", Bülent Bayram "Deep learning applications for shoreline extraction from Landsat and Sentinel satellite Imagery", Attaullah Shah "Review Use of Modern Technologies in Creating Smart Cities".

The 63 papers that were selected as a result of double-blind review process and presented during the conference were accepted for the final publication in the ISPRS Archives.

We would like to thank all participants, organizing and scientific committee members, and session chairs for their contributions to the conference program and these Proceedings.
