Keywords: ASPRS, Hyperspectral, Imaging, Standards, P4001, Characterization, Calibration, IEEE Standards Association, Metadata, Pushbroom, Terminology, Data Structures, Spectral NITF Implementation Profile, SNIP
Abstract. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) systems have been invaluable tools for over two decades, but there are few authoritative standards that characterize these systems or define the data and metadata they produce. Manufacturers calibrate instruments and report specifications differently and, in some cases, the same term has different definitions among HSI programs.
To address these inconsistencies, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) sponsored Project 4001 (P4001), a Hyperspectral Working Group under the auspices of IEEE’s Standards Association. Since its inception in 2018, the IEEE P4001 Working Group has been working to specify testing and characterization methods for HSI device manufacturers, as well as recommend data structures and terminology for HSI products.
P4001 focuses on the ultraviolet through the shortwave infrared spectral range (~250 to 2500 nm) and prioritizes camera technologies that are in widespread use. Many aspects of the standard will have wider applicability with respect to camera technology and wavelength range, and updates will expand the range of technologies and topics covered. Industrial, laboratory and geoscience use cases are informing the development of the standard. Utilization of the P4001 HSI standard will lead to HSI systems with consistent characterization and calibration criteria, as well as interoperable data products with a common lexicon for data and metadata.