The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XLVIII-1-2024
10 May 2024
 | 10 May 2024

Deep-FG-DSM: Fine-Grained DSM for High-resolution UAV Imagery Based on Deep Implicit Occupancy Networks

Yongmao Hou, Haibo Zhang, Xin Wang, and Zongqian Zhan

Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery, Digital Surface Model (DSM), Occupancy Networks, High resolution

Abstract. Nowadays, DSM (Digital Surface Model) is one of most important products that has been widely applied in digital city or smart city. Over the last decades, the common way is to follow the conventional photogrammetric pipeline for generating DSM, which is often not efficient and yields noise with small geometric details lost. Inspired by the development of deep implicit occupancy network, in this paper, we presented a learning-based method for obtaining fine-grained DSM, i.e., fine Deep-FG-DSM. In particular, high-resolution UAV imagery together with the corresponding original point cloud are employed to improve DSMs preserving higher details, two heads that embed the features of images and 3D points are deployed, and a MLP (Muti-layer Perceptron) is appended to decode these embedding into continuous occupancy probabilities for predicting the existence (or not) of surface point. Our experimental results demonstrate the robustness of our model against both sparse and noisy point clouds. While generating DSMs, it retains high-frequency details from high-resolution UAV images while maintaining relatively high accuracy. For point cloud obtained after simplification with average sampling resolution of d=5m, the MAE (Mean Absolute Residual Error) is 2.15m.