The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XLVIII-1-2024
11 May 2024
 | 11 May 2024

Technical Framework and Preliminary Practices of Global Geographic Information Resource Construction

Hongwei Zhang, Jiage Chen, Chenchen Wu, and Lijun Chen

Keywords: Global Geographic Information, Uncontrolled Geometric Positioning, Intelligent Interpretation, Multi-source Data Mining, DEM Extraction With Multimodal Imaging

Abstract. High-precision and real-time global geographic information data are fundamental and strategic resources in various fields such as safeguarding global strategic interests, studying global environmental changes, and planning for sustainable development. However, due to challenges related to ground control and obtaining reference information, the development of global geographic information resources faces significant hurdles in terms of geometric positioning, information extraction, and data mining. This paper starts with the characteristics of domestically produced remote sensing images and proposes a comprehensive technical framework centered around "uncontrolled geometric positioning, intelligent interpretation of typical elements, mining of multi-source data from abroad, and intelligent hybrid collection and compilation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)." The paper elaborates on the key technical challenges that need to be overcome and their corresponding solutions. It also outlines the development of relevant data products and production technical specifications. Multiple production-oriented software tools were developed, leading to the creation of a variety of data products in multiple types and scales, including global 30-meter land cover data, DEM data, core vector data, and more.