The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XLVIII-4/W11-2024
27 Jun 2024
 | 27 Jun 2024

Optimizing Building Energy Systems through BIM-enabled georeferenced Digital Twins

Christoph Blut, Ralf Becker, Tristan Kinnen, Dominik Schluetter, Christoph Emunds, Jérôme Frisch, Dirk Heidermann, Matthias Wenthe, Tobias Rettig, Marc Baranski, Christoph van Treeck, and Joerg Blankenbach

Keywords: Digital Twin, BIM, Technical Building Equipment, AI, VR and Geospatial AR

Abstract. Building energy system management is critical for resource-saving approaches amid climate change-driven energy transitions. This paper presents a digital twin toolchain leveraging modern technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR). The toolchain automates the derivation of georeferenced digital twins during Technical Building Equipment (TBE) commissioning. Using a Scan vs. BIM process, discrepancies between as-planned and as-built TBE are identified, allowing automatic updates to the BIM model. Validation methods ensure both physical and functional aspects of the TBE are accurate. VR and AR facilitate off- and on-site commissioning, enabling immersive visualization and live sensor data access. An evaluation in small and large-scale demonstrators shows the toolchain's scalability and efficiency, with promising results in performance and accuracy. Future work aims to integrate more operational data, enhancing the digital twin's capabilities for building energy system management.
