March 12, 2025
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Volume XLVIII-M-5-2024, 2025 – Keyword index
Volume XLVIII-M-5-2024
Volume XLVIII-M-5-2024
Volume XLVIII-M-5-2024, 2025 – Keyword index
3D Building Modeling
Integrating LiDAR Point Cloud Classification and Building Footprints for Enhanced 3D LOD Building Modeling: A Deep Learning Approach
, pages 95–100
3D modeling
Large-scale mapping using UAV-based oblique photogrammetry
, pages 183–188
Aboveground biomass
Assessment of Machine Learning Models for Predicting Aboveground Biomass in the Indian Subcontinent
, pages 109–115
Active fire data
Mapping Forest Fire Dynamics: A Global Perspective on Trends of Severity and Frequency Across Sub-Biomes
, pages 117–123
Affinity Propagation
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms and Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis in Crop Growth Monitoring with NDVI
, pages 15–20
Mapping Vegetation Dynamics in Wyoming: A Multi-Temporal Analysis using Landsat NDVI and Clustering
, pages 87–94
Agricultural Monitoring
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms and Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis in Crop Growth Monitoring with NDVI
, pages 15–20
Agricultural Site Selection
Optimized agricultural site selection based on geographic similarity
, pages 147–152
Remote Sensing Based Crop Monitoring Techniques: A Case Study for the Navajo Nation
, pages 165–170
Amur Falcon
Bioclimatic Drivers of Amur Falcon Habitat Dynamics Using Advanced Machine Learning Models
, pages 37–43
Analytical Hierarchy Process
Priority Areas for Public Infrastructure Development to Support National Equity, Case Study: East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
, pages 1–7
Bio-climatic factors
Bioclimatic Drivers of Amur Falcon Habitat Dynamics Using Advanced Machine Learning Models
, pages 37–43
Biomass distribution
Assessment of Machine Learning Models for Predicting Aboveground Biomass in the Indian Subcontinent
, pages 109–115
Building Footprint Extraction
Integrating LiDAR Point Cloud Classification and Building Footprints for Enhanced 3D LOD Building Modeling: A Deep Learning Approach
, pages 95–100
Urban Land-use Features Mapping from LiDAR and Remote Sensing Images using Visual Transformer Network Model
, pages 195–200
CO2 Emissions
Estimating Atmospheric Forest Carbon Loss in East Baton Rouge Parish Using Satellite Remote Sensing: A Critical Tool for Climate Change Mitigation
, pages 101–107
Evaluation of the performance of Pléiades Neo and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery for Chlorophyll-a Detection
, pages 171–175
Climate change
Unveiling the 2022 Southern Pakistan Flood Footprint: Insights from Sentinel Imagery and Land Deformation Analysis
, pages 159–163
Cooling Range
Urban Parks and their Cooling Potential: Evaluating how Park Characteristics Affects Land Surface Temperature
, pages 29–35
Crop Data Layer
Remote Sensing Based Crop Monitoring Techniques: A Case Study for the Navajo Nation
, pages 165–170
Crop Mapping
Remote Sensing Based Crop Monitoring Techniques: A Case Study for the Navajo Nation
, pages 165–170
Curve Number (CN)
Rainfall-Runoff Modelling for Sustainable Water Resource Management in the Louisiana State
, pages 131–137
Digital Economy
UMGCINI - Empowering Rural Communities through Geospatial Data and Digital Connectivity
, pages 59–64
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS)
Earth Observation-Based Analysis and Modelling of Coastline Erosion and Accretion Along the Parts of the East Coast of India
, pages 65–73
Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
AI-Driven Ground Points Extraction for Rugged Terrains in Coastal Landscape – A Case Study
, pages 125–130
Fire severity & frequency
Mapping Forest Fire Dynamics: A Global Perspective on Trends of Severity and Frequency Across Sub-Biomes
, pages 117–123
Flood disaster
Unveiling the 2022 Southern Pakistan Flood Footprint: Insights from Sentinel Imagery and Land Deformation Analysis
, pages 159–163
Forest fire dynamics
Mapping Forest Fire Dynamics: A Global Perspective on Trends of Severity and Frequency Across Sub-Biomes
, pages 117–123
Analysis Geomorphic Flood Index in Determining Flood-Prone Areas in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
, pages 177–182
forest fire
Multi-source remote sensing-based forest fire monitoring
, pages 189–193
UMGCINI - Empowering Rural Communities through Geospatial Data and Digital Connectivity
, pages 59–64
Multi-source remote sensing-based forest fire monitoring
, pages 189–193
Gaussian Mixture Model
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms and Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis in Crop Growth Monitoring with NDVI
, pages 15–20
Gaussian Mixture Models
Mapping Vegetation Dynamics in Wyoming: A Multi-Temporal Analysis using Landsat NDVI and Clustering
, pages 87–94
Geographic Similarity
Optimized agricultural site selection based on geographic similarity
, pages 147–152
Geographical Information Science
Priority Areas for Public Infrastructure Development to Support National Equity, Case Study: East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
, pages 1–7
Geomorphic Flood Index (GFI)
Analysis Geomorphic Flood Index in Determining Flood-Prone Areas in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
, pages 177–182
Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure
UMGCINI - Empowering Rural Communities through Geospatial Data and Digital Connectivity
, pages 59–64
Global fire hotspots
Mapping Forest Fire Dynamics: A Global Perspective on Trends of Severity and Frequency Across Sub-Biomes
, pages 117–123
Google Earth Engine (GEE)
Rainfall-Runoff Modelling for Sustainable Water Resource Management in the Louisiana State
, pages 131–137
Gross Primary Production
Estimating Atmospheric Forest Carbon Loss in East Baton Rouge Parish Using Satellite Remote Sensing: A Critical Tool for Climate Change Mitigation
, pages 101–107
Ground Points Extraction
AI-Driven Ground Points Extraction for Rugged Terrains in Coastal Landscape – A Case Study
, pages 125–130
Habitat Suitability
Bioclimatic Drivers of Amur Falcon Habitat Dynamics Using Advanced Machine Learning Models
, pages 37–43
Human Activities
Estimating Atmospheric Forest Carbon Loss in East Baton Rouge Parish Using Satellite Remote Sensing: A Critical Tool for Climate Change Mitigation
, pages 101–107
Hydrologic soil group (HSG)
Rainfall-Runoff Modelling for Sustainable Water Resource Management in the Louisiana State
, pages 131–137
Analysis Geomorphic Flood Index in Determining Flood-Prone Areas in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
, pages 177–182
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms and Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis in Crop Growth Monitoring with NDVI
, pages 15–20
Indus Plain
Unveiling the 2022 Southern Pakistan Flood Footprint: Insights from Sentinel Imagery and Land Deformation Analysis
, pages 159–163
Inverse Distance Weight (IDW)
AI-Driven Ground Points Extraction for Rugged Terrains in Coastal Landscape – A Case Study
, pages 125–130
Simulation of Land Use and Land Cover Using the MOLUSCE Plugin Integrated with QGIS for the Western Himalayan Region of India
, pages 81–85
LULC change
Vegetation Dynamics and Surface Water Infiltration: Addressing Hydrological Challenges in East Baton Rouge Parish in the Louisiana State of USA Using Satellite Remote Sensing
, pages 139–146
Land Surface Temperature
Urban Parks and their Cooling Potential: Evaluating how Park Characteristics Affects Land Surface Temperature
, pages 29–35
Land Surface Temperature (LST)
Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Urban Heat Island in Scotlandville in the Louisiana State of USA using Satellite Remote Sensing
, pages 9–14
NDVI and Land Surface Temperature Analysis of Asheville, North Carolina
, pages 153–158
Land Use Land Cover Change (LUCC)
Mapping the Extent of Land Degradation in East Baton Rouge Parish
, pages 21–28
Land cover change
Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Urban Heat Island in Scotlandville in the Louisiana State of USA using Satellite Remote Sensing
, pages 9–14
Land degradation
Mapping the Extent of Land Degradation in East Baton Rouge Parish
, pages 21–28
Land subsidence
Unveiling the 2022 Southern Pakistan Flood Footprint: Insights from Sentinel Imagery and Land Deformation Analysis
, pages 159–163
Mapping Vegetation Dynamics in Wyoming: A Multi-Temporal Analysis using Landsat NDVI and Clustering
, pages 87–94
NDVI and Land Surface Temperature Analysis of Asheville, North Carolina
, pages 153–158
Urban Land-use Features Mapping from LiDAR and Remote Sensing Images using Visual Transformer Network Model
, pages 195–200
LiDAR Point cloud classification
Integrating LiDAR Point Cloud Classification and Building Footprints for Enhanced 3D LOD Building Modeling: A Deep Learning Approach
, pages 95–100
Litter Determination
Determination of litter accumulations in different rivers using Sentinel-2 and Pleiades data
, pages 75–79
land cover
Identification of Factors Causing Land Cover Change in the Cikapundung Watershed
, pages 53–57
land cover change
Identification of Factors Causing Land Cover Change in the Cikapundung Watershed
, pages 53–57
land-use classification
Urban Land-use Features Mapping from LiDAR and Remote Sensing Images using Visual Transformer Network Model
, pages 195–200
large-scale mapping
Large-scale mapping using UAV-based oblique photogrammetry
, pages 183–188
Estimating Atmospheric Forest Carbon Loss in East Baton Rouge Parish Using Satellite Remote Sensing: A Critical Tool for Climate Change Mitigation
, pages 101–107
Simulation of Land Use and Land Cover Using the MOLUSCE Plugin Integrated with QGIS for the Western Himalayan Region of India
, pages 81–85
Machine learning models
Assessment of Machine Learning Models for Predicting Aboveground Biomass in the Indian Subcontinent
, pages 109–115
Mann-Kendall trend
Mapping Forest Fire Dynamics: A Global Perspective on Trends of Severity and Frequency Across Sub-Biomes
, pages 117–123
Bioclimatic Drivers of Amur Falcon Habitat Dynamics Using Advanced Machine Learning Models
, pages 37–43
Medinipur & South 24 Parganas Coastal Erosion
Earth Observation-Based Analysis and Modelling of Coastline Erosion and Accretion Along the Parts of the East Coast of India
, pages 65–73
Moisture Stress
Geospatial Assessment of Agricultural Productivity in Jefferson Davis Parish: A Focus on Rice Cultivation
, pages 45–52
Evaluation of the performance of Pléiades Neo and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery for Chlorophyll-a Detection
, pages 171–175
NDVI Analysis
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms and Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis in Crop Growth Monitoring with NDVI
, pages 15–20
Determination of litter accumulations in different rivers using Sentinel-2 and Pleiades data
, pages 75–79
Net Primary Productivity
Estimating Atmospheric Forest Carbon Loss in East Baton Rouge Parish Using Satellite Remote Sensing: A Critical Tool for Climate Change Mitigation
, pages 101–107
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Geospatial Assessment of Agricultural Productivity in Jefferson Davis Parish: A Focus on Rice Cultivation
, pages 45–52
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Urban Heat Island in Scotlandville in the Louisiana State of USA using Satellite Remote Sensing
, pages 9–14
Mapping the Extent of Land Degradation in East Baton Rouge Parish
, pages 21–28
Mapping Vegetation Dynamics in Wyoming: A Multi-Temporal Analysis using Landsat NDVI and Clustering
, pages 87–94
NDVI and Land Surface Temperature Analysis of Asheville, North Carolina
, pages 153–158
non-irrigated pasture
Mapping Vegetation Dynamics in Wyoming: A Multi-Temporal Analysis using Landsat NDVI and Clustering
, pages 87–94
Open3D Library
Integrating LiDAR Point Cloud Classification and Building Footprints for Enhanced 3D LOD Building Modeling: A Deep Learning Approach
, pages 95–100
Optimized Site Selection
Optimized agricultural site selection based on geographic similarity
, pages 147–152
Pairwise Comparison
Analysis Geomorphic Flood Index in Determining Flood-Prone Areas in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
, pages 177–182
Park Cooling Intensity
Urban Parks and their Cooling Potential: Evaluating how Park Characteristics Affects Land Surface Temperature
, pages 29–35
Pléiades Neo
Evaluation of the performance of Pléiades Neo and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery for Chlorophyll-a Detection
, pages 171–175
Evaluation of the performance of Pléiades Neo and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery for Chlorophyll-a Detection
, pages 171–175
Priority Areas
Priority Areas for Public Infrastructure Development to Support National Equity, Case Study: East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
, pages 1–7
Public Infrastructure Development
Priority Areas for Public Infrastructure Development to Support National Equity, Case Study: East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
, pages 1–7
Large-scale mapping using UAV-based oblique photogrammetry
, pages 183–188
Simulation of Land Use and Land Cover Using the MOLUSCE Plugin Integrated with QGIS for the Western Himalayan Region of India
, pages 81–85
Random Forest
Bioclimatic Drivers of Amur Falcon Habitat Dynamics Using Advanced Machine Learning Models
, pages 37–43
Determination of litter accumulations in different rivers using Sentinel-2 and Pleiades data
, pages 75–79
Assessment of Machine Learning Models for Predicting Aboveground Biomass in the Indian Subcontinent
, pages 109–115
Remote Sensing Based Crop Monitoring Techniques: A Case Study for the Navajo Nation
, pages 165–170
Random Forest Classifier (RFC)
AI-Driven Ground Points Extraction for Rugged Terrains in Coastal Landscape – A Case Study
, pages 125–130
Remote Sensing
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms and Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis in Crop Growth Monitoring with NDVI
, pages 15–20
Determination of litter accumulations in different rivers using Sentinel-2 and Pleiades data
, pages 75–79
NDVI and Land Surface Temperature Analysis of Asheville, North Carolina
, pages 153–158
Evaluation of the performance of Pléiades Neo and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery for Chlorophyll-a Detection
, pages 171–175
Remote sensing
Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Urban Heat Island in Scotlandville in the Louisiana State of USA using Satellite Remote Sensing
, pages 9–14
Rainfall-Runoff Modelling for Sustainable Water Resource Management in the Louisiana State
, pages 131–137
Rice cultivation
Geospatial Assessment of Agricultural Productivity in Jefferson Davis Parish: A Focus on Rice Cultivation
, pages 45–52
Rainfall-Runoff Modelling for Sustainable Water Resource Management in the Louisiana State
, pages 131–137
random forest
Identification of Factors Causing Land Cover Change in the Cikapundung Watershed
, pages 53–57
regression analysis
Identification of Factors Causing Land Cover Change in the Cikapundung Watershed
, pages 53–57
remote sensing
Multi-source remote sensing-based forest fire monitoring
, pages 189–193
Urban Land-use Features Mapping from LiDAR and Remote Sensing Images using Visual Transformer Network Model
, pages 195–200
SAR interferometry
Unveiling the 2022 Southern Pakistan Flood Footprint: Insights from Sentinel Imagery and Land Deformation Analysis
, pages 159–163
Satellite Images
Remote Sensing Based Crop Monitoring Techniques: A Case Study for the Navajo Nation
, pages 165–170
Satellite imagery
Simulation of Land Use and Land Cover Using the MOLUSCE Plugin Integrated with QGIS for the Western Himalayan Region of India
, pages 81–85
Evaluation of the performance of Pléiades Neo and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery for Chlorophyll-a Detection
, pages 171–175
Shoreline change analysis
Earth Observation-Based Analysis and Modelling of Coastline Erosion and Accretion Along the Parts of the East Coast of India
, pages 65–73
Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI)
Mapping the Extent of Land Degradation in East Baton Rouge Parish
, pages 21–28
Structure from Motion (SfM)
AI-Driven Ground Points Extraction for Rugged Terrains in Coastal Landscape – A Case Study
, pages 125–130
Mapping Forest Fire Dynamics: A Global Perspective on Trends of Severity and Frequency Across Sub-Biomes
, pages 117–123
Surface deformation
Unveiling the 2022 Southern Pakistan Flood Footprint: Insights from Sentinel Imagery and Land Deformation Analysis
, pages 159–163
Surface water Infiltration
Vegetation Dynamics and Surface Water Infiltration: Addressing Hydrological Challenges in East Baton Rouge Parish in the Louisiana State of USA Using Satellite Remote Sensing
, pages 139–146
spatial analysis
Multi-source remote sensing-based forest fire monitoring
, pages 189–193
Third Law of Geography
Optimized agricultural site selection based on geographic similarity
, pages 147–152
Urban Land-use Features Mapping from LiDAR and Remote Sensing Images using Visual Transformer Network Model
, pages 195–200
Large-scale mapping using UAV-based oblique photogrammetry
, pages 183–188
Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)
AI-Driven Ground Points Extraction for Rugged Terrains in Coastal Landscape – A Case Study
, pages 125–130
Urban Heat Island (UHI)
Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Urban Heat Island in Scotlandville in the Louisiana State of USA using Satellite Remote Sensing
, pages 9–14
Urban Heat Islands Impact (UHI)
NDVI and Land Surface Temperature Analysis of Asheville, North Carolina
, pages 153–158
Urban Park
Urban Parks and their Cooling Potential: Evaluating how Park Characteristics Affects Land Surface Temperature
, pages 29–35
Vegetation Dynamics and Surface Water Infiltration: Addressing Hydrological Challenges in East Baton Rouge Parish in the Louisiana State of USA Using Satellite Remote Sensing
, pages 139–146
Estimating Atmospheric Forest Carbon Loss in East Baton Rouge Parish Using Satellite Remote Sensing: A Critical Tool for Climate Change Mitigation
, pages 101–107
Vegetation Dynamics
Vegetation Dynamics and Surface Water Infiltration: Addressing Hydrological Challenges in East Baton Rouge Parish in the Louisiana State of USA Using Satellite Remote Sensing
, pages 139–146
Vegetation indices
Assessment of Machine Learning Models for Predicting Aboveground Biomass in the Indian Subcontinent
, pages 109–115
Watershed Delineation
Vegetation Dynamics and Surface Water Infiltration: Addressing Hydrological Challenges in East Baton Rouge Parish in the Louisiana State of USA Using Satellite Remote Sensing
, pages 139–146
West Bengal Coast
Earth Observation-Based Analysis and Modelling of Coastline Erosion and Accretion Along the Parts of the East Coast of India
, pages 65–73
West Bengal Islands shoreline change
Earth Observation-Based Analysis and Modelling of Coastline Erosion and Accretion Along the Parts of the East Coast of India
, pages 65–73
Western Himalaya
Simulation of Land Use and Land Cover Using the MOLUSCE Plugin Integrated with QGIS for the Western Himalayan Region of India
, pages 81–85
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