Keywords: Imagery, processing, GIS, mosaic, cataloging
Abstract. As remote sensing technology advances, imagery becomes one of the most important data sources for GIS applications –as it can quickly provide the most current and most detailed information with high resolution image data. Traditional image processing workflow becomes inefficient in GIS applications especially in the case of disaster analysis. This paper introduces two ArcGIS data models that are designed for on-demand image processing in managing imagery: raster product and mosaic dataset. A raster product allows you to access single scene remote sensing image products dynamically such as a pan-sharpened and orthorectified GeoEye image or multi-spectral Landsat scene with a single drag and drop to the map display. Mosaic datasets allow you to catalog a large collection of images from many sensor platforms, process them on-the-fly and dynamically mosaic the images together. The key concept – the raster function that is used to implement on-the-fly image processing capabilities – will also be discussed.