The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XXXVIII-4/W19
10 Sep 2012
 | 10 Sep 2012

DTM generation with Radarsat-2 Data without GCP

T. Toutin and K. Omari

Abstract. Digital terain models (DTMs) were extracted from high-resolution Radarsat-2 stereo high-resolution images. The metadata supplied by MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. were used to replace the ground control data used to compute for the deterministic geometric model. The DTMs are then evaluated with 0.2-m accurate lidar elevation data. Because DTMs included the height of land covers, elevation linear errors with 68 and 90 percent confidence level (LE68 and LE90) were both computed over the full study site and the bare surfaces. Comparisons were also performed with the same rigorous model using accurate differential GPS as ground control points (GCPs). Using the radargrammetric model using eight dGPS GCPs achieved the best results (3.3 m LE68) than using only the metadata (3.9 m LE68). However, this accuracy is compensated by the fact that the user does not have to collect any ground data, which offers a strong advantage in remote and harsh environments.