Keywords: Visibility analysis, human visual perception, workflow analysis, requirements analysis
Abstract. In city marketing, different applications require the evaluation of the visual impression of displays in the urban environment on people that visit the city. Therefore, this research focuses on the way how visual displays on façades for movie performances are perceived during a cultural event triggered by city marketing. We describe the different visibility analysis methods that are applicable to the analysis of façades. The methods advanced from the domains of Geographic Information Science, architecture and computer graphics. A detailed scenario is described in order to perform a requirements analysis for identifying the requirements to visibility information. This visibility information needs to describe the visual perception of displays on façades adequately. The requirements are compared to the visibility information that can be provided by the visibility methods. A discussion of the comparison summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of existing visibility analysis methods for describing the visibility of façades. The results show that part of the researched approaches is able to support the requirements to visibility information. But they also show that for a complete support of the entire analysis workflow, there remain unsolved workflow integration issues.