The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XL-5
06 Jun 2014
 | 06 Jun 2014

Quasi-five point algorithm with non-linear minimization

K. Oda

Keywords: Five Point Algorithm, Relative Orientation, UAV

Abstract. Five-point algorithm is a powerful tool for relative orientation, because it requires no initial assumption of camera position. This algorithm determines an essential matrix from five point correspondences between two calibrated cameras, but results multiple solutions and some selecting process is required. This paper proposes Quasi-Five-Point Algorithm which is non-linear solver with seed solution of 8 point algorithm. The method tries to calculate the appropriate essential matrix without selecting process among multiple solutions. It is one of non-linear approach, but tries to find an appropriate seed before non-linear calculation. Using correspondences of 3 or more additional points, seed values of the solution is calculated. In this paper relationship between traditional parametric relative orientation and essential matrix is discussed, and after that quasi-five-point algorithm is introduced.