The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XL-6
23 Apr 2014
 | 23 Apr 2014

The Development of Geospatial Education and Training in North Africa

I. Dowman and K. Labbassi

Keywords: Curriculum, geospatial, North Africa

Abstract. This paper described the progress in a project funded by the ISPRS Scientific Initiative to develop a curriculum for the African Geospatial Sciences Institute (AGSI) in Tunis. AGSI is a non profit organisation registered in Germany and has the objective of developing geospatial capacity in North Africa through training, education and the provision of facilities. The first step in the project involved a survey of potential stakeholders in North Africa in order to determine the requirements for training and education. The questionnaire sought information on the type of work which organisations in North Africa undertake, and the type of employees who are needed to fill gaps in the skill set required. It also solicited information on the type of training which is needed and the level of qualification required. The results from this questionnaire are analysed in the paper which also reports on the discussion with stakeholders at a workshop held in Tunis in March 2014, which also resulted in a draft curriculum.
