The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XL-7/W2
28 Oct 2013
 | 28 Oct 2013

A Novel Mosaic Quality Measurement Method for UAV Surveillance and Remote Sensing

T. Buyukyazi, S. Bayraktar, and I. Lazoglu

Keywords: UAV, Mosaic, Aerial, Surveillance, Remote Sensing, SURF, Quality Measurement

Abstract. A novel hardware independent real-time aerial image stabilization and mosaicing system is developed for mini UAV surveillance and remote sensing operations. In order to measure the quality of the constructed mosaics, several in-door and flight tests were performed. A novel mosaic quality measurement method utilizing 5 axis CNC for 3D positioning of the camera and printed high resolution aerial images for ground truth information is described. Results of the path following tests employing several state of art registration algorithms are provided. Mosaics constructed in real-time during flight tests are presented.