30 Apr 2015
Comparison of two Satellite Imaging Platforms for Evaluating Sand Dune Migration in the Ubari Sand Sea (Libyan Fazzan)
A. Els, S. Merlo, and J. Knight
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8 citations as recorded by crossref.
Detecting Areas Vulnerable to Sand Encroachment Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in Nouakchott, Mauritania
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Mapping dune dynamics by InSAR coherence
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Evaluation of various image transformation techniques for the delineation of coastal sand dune features in Tamil Nadu, South India
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Analysis of Parabolic Dune Morphometry and Its Migration in Thar Desert Area, India, using High-Resolution Satellite Data and Temporal DEM
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Demarcation of Coastal Dune Morphology and Dune Patterns using Geospatial Models: A Case Study from Manapad Coastal Stretch, Tamil Nadu, South India
P. Durai et al.
Spatiotemporal Variability of Dune Velocities and Corresponding Uncertainties, Detected from Optical Image Matching in the North Sinai Sand Sea, Egypt
E. Ali et al.
Mapping and measuring aeolian sand dunes with photogrammetry and LiDAR from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and multispectral satellite imagery on the Paria Plateau, AZ, USA
D. Solazzo et al.
Remote sensing techniques in the investigation of aeolian sand dunes: A review of recent advances
Z. Zheng et al.
Latest update: 14 Dec 2024