Keywords: Ground Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GB-SAR), Rail Displacement Error, Landslide Monitoring, Dis-continuous GB-SAR, Artificial Corner Reflectors, Atmospheric Phase
Abstract. This paper presents a new method to correct rail errors of Ground Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GB-SAR) in the discontinue mode. Generally, “light positioning” is performed to mark the GB-SAR position in the dis-continuous observation mode. Usually we assume there is no difference between the marked position and the real installation position. But in fact, it is hard to keep the GB-SAR positions of two campaigns the same, so repositioning errors can’t be neglected. In order to solve this problem, we propose an algorithm to correct the rail error after analyzing the GB-SAR rail error geometry. Results of the simulation experiment and the real experiment of a landslide in Lvliang, Shanxi, China, show the proposed method achieves an mm-level precision, enabling the D-GBSAR mode to be used in engineering projects.