M. Lucarelli,E. Laurini,and P. De Berardinis
M. Lucarelli
The purpose of this contribution is to describe the use of the HBIM method for the management of the restoration building site applied to a historic building in the heart of the historic center of L'Aquila. The construction is located in a densely constructed area and it is characterized by a high spatial complexity with various types of limitations including: small external and internal spaces and interferences due to neighboring construction sites. The proposed method involves a particularly detailed organization of the construction site, simultaneously planning both the development of the working and the safety in order to have more transparency and more control of the information shared among stakeholders. This method consists in planning the Gantt diagram from general to detailed level, according to certain parameters that will be cross-examined and checked regurarly. A screening step has been carried out regarding the current situation, the proceedings to be undertaken and the stakeholders to be included. Thank to this, it has been possible to have automated processes to control not only geometrical interferences but also the ones related to the completion of the work in the interest of enhancing the risk management. Due to a 3D and 4D BIM modelling, there are been found advanced layouts and some timeliners that have allowed a rigourus control of the building process, particularly in the case of precise working and potencial changes that are common in building sites of this type.
E. Laurini
The purpose of this contribution is to describe the use of the HBIM method for the management of the restoration building site applied to a historic building in the heart of the historic center of L'Aquila. The construction is located in a densely constructed area and it is characterized by a high spatial complexity with various types of limitations including: small external and internal spaces and interferences due to neighboring construction sites. The proposed method involves a particularly detailed organization of the construction site, simultaneously planning both the development of the working and the safety in order to have more transparency and more control of the information shared among stakeholders. This method consists in planning the Gantt diagram from general to detailed level, according to certain parameters that will be cross-examined and checked regurarly. A screening step has been carried out regarding the current situation, the proceedings to be undertaken and the stakeholders to be included. Thank to this, it has been possible to have automated processes to control not only geometrical interferences but also the ones related to the completion of the work in the interest of enhancing the risk management. Due to a 3D and 4D BIM modelling, there are been found advanced layouts and some timeliners that have allowed a rigourus control of the building process, particularly in the case of precise working and potencial changes that are common in building sites of this type.
P. De Berardinis
The purpose of this contribution is to describe the use of the HBIM method for the management of the restoration building site applied to a historic building in the heart of the historic center of L'Aquila. The construction is located in a densely constructed area and it is characterized by a high spatial complexity with various types of limitations including: small external and internal spaces and interferences due to neighboring construction sites. The proposed method involves a particularly detailed organization of the construction site, simultaneously planning both the development of the working and the safety in order to have more transparency and more control of the information shared among stakeholders. This method consists in planning the Gantt diagram from general to detailed level, according to certain parameters that will be cross-examined and checked regurarly. A screening step has been carried out regarding the current situation, the proceedings to be undertaken and the stakeholders to be included. Thank to this, it has been possible to have automated processes to control not only geometrical interferences but also the ones related to the completion of the work in the interest of enhancing the risk management. Due to a 3D and 4D BIM modelling, there are been found advanced layouts and some timeliners that have allowed a rigourus control of the building process, particularly in the case of precise working and potencial changes that are common in building sites of this type.
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