Keywords: Point Cloud Fusion, 3d Reconstruction, Registration, ICP, Parallel Planes
Abstract. Different platforms and sensors are used to derive 3d models of urban scenes. 3d reconstruction from satellite and aerial images are used to derive sparse models mainly showing ground and roof surfaces of entire cities. In contrast to such sparse models, 3d reconstructions from UAV or ground images are much denser and show building facades and street furniture as traffic signs and garbage bins. Furthermore, point clouds may also get acquired with LiDAR sensors. Point clouds do not only differ in the viewpoints, but also in their scales and point densities. Consequently, the fusion of such heterogeneous point clouds is highly challenging. Regarding urban scenes, another challenge is the occurence of only a few parallel planes where it is difficult to find the correct rotation parameters. We discuss the limitations of the general fusion methodology based on an initial alignment step followed by a local coregistration using ICP and present strategies to overcome them.