The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XLVIII-1-2024
10 May 2024
 | 10 May 2024

Multitemporal Seagrass Mapping and Monitoring of Posidonia Meadows and Banquettes for Blue Carbon Conservation: The Poseidon Project

Giulia Ceccherelli, Filiberto Chiabrando, Francesca Gallitto, Andrea Lingua, Valeria Longhi, Paolo Maschio, Francesca Matrone, Fabio Menna, Erica Nocerino, Massimiliano Scalici, Silvia Secco, and Beatrice Tanduo

Keywords: Posidonia Oceanica (PO), coastal monitoring, underwater surveying, multibeam echosounder, hyperspectral imaging

Abstract. In the framework of mapping underwater environments, Posidonia Oceanica (PO) is a fundamental indicator for environmental monitoring and related studies and analyses for climate change. The POSEIDON project aims to study, develop and test new methodologies to provide knowledge, as well as ultra-high-resolution (UHR) and beyond ultra-high-resolution (BUHR) mapping and monitoring data for the conservation of the PO and related meadows and banquettes in the Mediterranean area. The project is funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and stems from the recommendation of international organizations (European Environmental Directives, Mediterranean PO Network, International Partnership for Blue Carbon, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO in the Save the Wave project). Starting from new integrated survey methods and legacy data, the PO, ichthyofauna and seagrass banquettes will be mapped to understand their evolution and extract indicators and useful trends. Furthermore, the produced information will be stored and shared in a webGIS and a dedicated app to prevent unexpected damages during sailing or other activities. POSEIDON will use imaging sensors (RGB and multi/hyperspectral cameras) to extract information. With specific lighting equipment for significant water depths, these sensors will be conducted (by scuba divers or Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) next to the object to acquire BUHR data. Finally, to monitor the fauna (fish, other species, invertebrates), terrestrial and underwater videogrammetry will be applied using mono and stereo-cameras with object detection algorithms.