The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XLVIII-4-2024
21 Oct 2024
 | 21 Oct 2024

Augmented Reality for Air Quality Monitoring: Case Study in the Marche Region (Italy)

Marsia Sanità, Jonathan Fratini, Nikhil Muralikrishna, Roberto Pierdicca, and Eva Savina Malinverni

Keywords: Augmented Reality (AR), Air Pollution, GIS, 3D Thematic Representation, Health Risk Perception, Urban Sensing

Abstract. Augmented Reality (AR) allows the real world to be enhanced through the overlapping of digital information generated by an algorithm or software amplifying the user's perception. In this research, the potential of AR is exploited by applying it to the problem of air pollution visualization to raise awareness of the issue. It is well known that the principal sources of air pollution include industry, domestic heating, traffic, production processes and more others. According to European Environment Agency, air pollution is the largest environmental health risk in Europe in 2022 affecting respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and premature deaths. A suitable combination of GIS-based procedures for data analysis and georeferencing, AR systems for the visualization and exploitation of the results, can be a strategic driver. The research presented in this paper has been experimented in the Marche Region, in the central part of Italy, and in particular the city of Ancona. The pollutant data collected come from 17 Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale delle Marche (ARPAM) meteorological ground-based stations located in Marche Region. The data processing have been executed using the software ArcGis Pro instead of a 3D City Model has been acquired from the online 3D ArcGIS platform. According to the Dlgs.155/2010 regulation, the AQI index (Air Quality Index) has been provided by the interpolation of the meteorological ground stations data. The visualization phase has been tackled exploiting in a WebGIS platform and an APP by AR. A 3D immersive visualization is made using five AQI level of air quality (excellent, good, fair, poor, bad) in order to increase the urban sensing.