Keywords: Photogrammetry, Satelite, WorldView-1, 3D Modeling
Abstract. A hybrid model based on 3D deterministic Toutin's model developed at the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing and taking full advantages of the image metadata was used for the 3D photogrammetric processing of WorldView-1 stereo images without in situ ground control points (GCP) collection. The accuracy of the modelling results in monoscopy and stereoscopy was around 0.7-1.8 m in planimetry and 2.7 m in altimetry computed over 40 dGPs checked points. Elevations were thus extracted and compared to 0.2 m accurate lidar elevation data. Elevations linear error with 68 percent confidence level (LE68) computed over bare surfaces was 2.6 m, with small biases. These results were compared with the solution using 8 dGPS GCPs and demonstrated there is no significant difference in auccuracy. Consequently, the new hybrid model will offer a strong advantage of no-control collection in operational conditions, mainly in remote and harsh environments or when cartographic or ground control data do not exist.