The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XXXIX-B4
27 Jul 2012
 | 27 Jul 2012

Object-Based Building Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Imagery

R. Attarzadeh and M. Momeni

Keywords: Extraction, Classification, Detection, Object, Algorithm, High Resolution

Abstract. Automatic building extraction from high resolution satellite imagery is considered as an important field of research in remote sensing and machine vision. Many algorithms for extraction of buildings from satellite images have been presented so far. These algorithms mainly have considered radiometric, geometric, edge detection and shadow criteria approaches to perform the building extraction. In this paper, we propose a novel object based approach for automatic and robust detection and extraction of building in high spatial resolution images. To achieve this goal, we use stable and variable features together. Stable features are derived from inherent characteristics of building phenomenon and variable features are extracted using SEparability and THresholds analysis tool. The proposed method has been applied on a QuickBird imagery of an urban area in Isfahan city and visual validation demonstrates that the proposed method provides promising results.