The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XXXVIII-5/W12
03 Sep 2012
 | 03 Sep 2012


M. Weinmann and B. Jutzi

Keywords: Laser Scanning, TLS, point cloud, registration, image-based, graph-based, automation

Abstract. The estimation of the transformation parameters between different point clouds is still a crucial task as it is usually followed by scene reconstruction, object detection or object recognition. Therefore, the estimates should be as accurate as possible. Recent developments show that it is feasible to utilize both the measured range information and the reflectance information sampled as image, as 2D imagery provides additional information. In this paper, an image-based registration approach for TLS data is presented which consists of two major steps. In the first step, the order of the scans is calculated by checking the similarity of the respective reflectance images via the total number of SIFT correspondences between them. Subsequently, in the second step, for each SIFT correspondence the respective SIFT features are filtered with respect to their reliability concerning the range information and projected to 3D space. Combining the 3D points with 2D observations on a virtual plane yields 3D-to-2D correspondences from which the coarse transformation parameters can be estimated via a RANSAC-based registration scheme including the EPnP algorithm. After this coarse registration, the 3D points are again checked for consistency by using constraints based on the 3D distance, and, finally, the remaining 3D points are used for an ICP-based fine registration. Thus, the proposed methodology provides a fast, reliable, accurate and fully automatic image-based approach for the registration of unorganized point clouds without the need of a priori information about the order of the scans, the presence of regular surfaces or human interaction.