The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XL-8
23 Dec 2014
 | 23 Dec 2014

Assessment of HICO data for Coastal Studies

R. B. Singh and P. Chauhan

Keywords: Hyperspectral, HICO, Bathymetry, Spectra, Optically Complex Water

Abstract. Coastal waters, in particular, are the regions of high productivity and biodiversity. Detailed investigations of the variability within them can aid in understanding many biogeochemical processes. With the advent of hyperspectral remote sensing having large number of closely spaced channels and highly improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the coastal applications are expected to increase and improve. In India, very less work is done in the field of coastal studies, let alone using hyperspectral remote sensing. HICO, onboard ISS, is the most recent addition to this family of instruments. So, a pilot study was conducted to assess HICO data for coastal studies especially in deriving the shallow water bathymetry estimates. The methodology for deriving bathymetry estimates is based on the different responses of shallow-water reflectance on depth and substrate type because with decreasing water depth in case 2 waters, the spectral contributions arriving from pure water reduce while from other OCAs increase. This variability is typically higher in the wavelength range 480 to 610 nm. Using this wavelength range, bathymetric estimates were made at pixel level. Bathymetry estimates were found to vary from 1 m to >12 m. Spectral variability is clearly observed in the continuum removed spectral plots from waters of different depths and is reported in this paper.