Keywords: Digital Elevation Model, UAV, SGM algorithm, Dense Matching, Dense Cloud, Multiray Photogrammetry, Expected Accuracy of Dense DEM
Abstract. Currently, digital elevation models (DEM) created by photogrammetric method based on unmanned aerial survey data are becoming an increasingly popular product. They are used in various areas of human activity related to modelling and analysis of terrain, namely: topography, engineering and geodetic surveys, surveying, archaeology, geomorphology, etc. The accuracy of digital surface and terrain models obtained by the photogrammetric method depends on the accuracy of aerial triangulation and dense point cloud from a number of overlapping images. In turn, the accuracy of the aerial triangulation is determined by the accuracy of the measurements of the tie points, GCP's / check points and the intersection geometry. When constructing a dense cloud using the SGM algorithm, the quality of the surface/terrain model depends not only on the accuracy of point identification, but also on filtering outliers and rejecting unreliable measurements. This article presents the results of evaluating the accuracy of creating a digital elevation model obtained by various unmanned aerial survey systems on a single test area.