The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus
Articles | Volume XLVIII-2/W7-2024
13 Dec 2024
 | 13 Dec 2024

Real-time 3D inspection of large civil structures using a stereoscopic camera system equipped UAV

Devrim Akca, Cagin Torkut, Gerhard Kemper, Noah Kunz, Doga Caner, and Armin Gruen

Keywords: Real-time photogrammetry, REALTIME3D, inspection, UAV, stereo camera rig, mixed reality (MR)

Abstract. REALTIME3D is an innovative Mixed-Reality (MR) photogrammetry system that integrates photogrammetry, UAV technology, and VR/AR solutions to enable real-time 3D infrastructure inspection. By combining these technologies, the system allows users to remotely access, visualize, and measure 3D stereoscopic models in real time. An operator on-site pilots a UAV equipped with the stereo cameras, while experts, utilizing VR headsets, can observe and analyze the object of interest from remote locations. This approach enhances cost efficiency and safety during inspections of large-scale, critical structures. The paper introduces the first prototype of the system, detailing its hardware and software components.