February 12, 2025
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Volume XLVIII-4-2024, 2024 – Keyword index
Volume XLVIII-4-2024
Volume XLVIII-4-2024
Volume XLVIII-4-2024, 2024 – Keyword index
Surface Deformation Analysis
Surface Deformation Analysis by Fusion of Multi-temporal and Multi-source Data under Disaster Emergency Conditions
, pages 417–422
2SFCA method
An Approach for Measuring Spatial Accessibility to Services/Facilities by Urban Community Aged Population
, pages 45–50
A 3D X-tree optimized for Complex Indoor Building Models
, pages 353–357
3D Building Models
Reviewing Open Data Semantic 3D City Models to Develop Novel 3D Reconstruction Methods
, pages 493–500
3D City Models
Development of 3D UDTs for Traffic Monitoring in Unreal 5 Game Engine
, pages 131–138
A Geodatabase Design for the Development of a Digital Twin for Urban Environments: A Case Study from Turin, Italy
, pages 525–532
3D Model
A Data Model for Unrecognised Historical Neighbourhood (Case study: Telukbetung, Indonesia)
, pages 247–254
3D Modeling
A 3D Spatial Model to integrate Stormwater Drainage Design into Public Space
, pages 255–262
3D Modelling
Low-Cost Thermal Point Clouds of Indoor Environments
, pages 99–105
Control Analysis of Building Under Construction from Indoor Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 213–220
Open-Source Solutions for Real-Time 3D Geospatial Web Integration
, pages 289–295
Assessing Photo-Voltaic Potential in Urban Environments: A Comparative Study between Aerial Photogrammetry and LiDAR Technologies
, pages 533–539
3D Motion
Voxel Size Performance in 3D Indoor Model Creation for 3D Evacuation Simulations
, pages 501–508
3D Static Environment
Unsupervised Clustering-based 3D Static Scene Construction Using LiDAR Channel and Azimuth Angle
, pages 381–387
3D Thematic Representation
Augmented Reality for Air Quality Monitoring: Case Study in the Marche Region (Italy)
, pages 389–395
3D buildings
City-wide Solar Radiation Potential Analysis by Coupling Physical Modelling and Machine Learning
, pages 119–124
3D model
Voxel Size Performance in 3D Indoor Model Creation for 3D Evacuation Simulations
, pages 501–508
Development of 3D UDTs for Traffic Monitoring in Unreal 5 Game Engine
, pages 131–138
3d Realistic Geospatial Landscape Model
A Spatiotemporal Empowerment Framework for China’s National 3D Mapping Program 3dRGLM
, pages 205–212
Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Assessment of Air Quality and its Impact on Public Health from Geospatial perspective over Haryana, India
, pages 409–415
AI upscaling Supporting Image Alignment in Photogrammetric Reconstruction
, pages 337–343
Counting Cattle in Argentina with AI and Satellite Images
, pages 459–464
Academic Heritage
Digital Archives for Academic Heritage: Tools and Processing Environments for the Museum Metaverse and Scientific Dissemination
, pages 85–92
Academic Museum
Digital Archives for Academic Heritage: Tools and Processing Environments for the Museum Metaverse and Scientific Dissemination
, pages 85–92
An Approach for Measuring Spatial Accessibility to Services/Facilities by Urban Community Aged Population
, pages 45–50
Accessibility Analysis
Geospatial Data Enrichment through Address Geocoding: Challenges and Solutions
, pages 239–245
Construction and Application of Place Name and Address Management System Based on Elasticsearch
, pages 571–576
Address Geocoding
Geospatial Data Enrichment through Address Geocoding: Challenges and Solutions
, pages 239–245
Aerial LiDAR
Assessing Photo-Voltaic Potential in Urban Environments: A Comparative Study between Aerial Photogrammetry and LiDAR Technologies
, pages 533–539
Aerial Photo-grammetry
Evaluating the Potential of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Solar Energy in Urban Built Environments with Aerial Photogrammetry Dataset
, pages 65–72
Aerial Photogrammetry
Assessing Photo-Voltaic Potential in Urban Environments: A Comparative Study between Aerial Photogrammetry and LiDAR Technologies
, pages 533–539
Aged population
An Approach for Measuring Spatial Accessibility to Services/Facilities by Urban Community Aged Population
, pages 45–50
Aggregation Degree Function
Research on Spatial Data Aggregation Based on Aggregation Degree Function
, pages 557–562
Air Pollution
Augmented Reality for Air Quality Monitoring: Case Study in the Marche Region (Italy)
, pages 389–395
Air Quality
Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Assessment of Air Quality and its Impact on Public Health from Geospatial perspective over Haryana, India
, pages 409–415
Back to the Future: Revisiting Barometric Levelling
, pages 403–408
Apple Smart Devices
Low-Cost Thermal Point Clouds of Indoor Environments
, pages 99–105
Application System
Database Construction and Application of Large-scale Geospatial Data
, pages 563–569
National Land Use Zoning Dashboard – Harnessing Geo-informatics Technology for Seamless Land Management and Conflict Resolution
, pages 453–458
Artificial Intelligence
Deep Earth System Data Laboratory (DeepESDL)
, pages 13–18
Systematic Review on Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence for Vector-Borne Diseases
, pages 397–402
Augmented Reality (AR)
Augmented Reality for Air Quality Monitoring: Case Study in the Marche Region (Italy)
, pages 389–395
Automatic Mapping
An Automatic Mapping Method of Navigation Map for Outdoor Road Scenes
, pages 221–226
Automatic mapping
A Database-based Automatic Cartography Method
, pages 585–590
Operational Google-Earth-Engine Workflow to Monitor Irrigated Areas in a Semi-Arid Climate
, pages 465–471
LUOJIA Explorer: An Auto-UAV for Unexposed Space Exploration
, pages 689–695
Autonomous Vehicles
3D Voxel-based Path Planning for AVs in Dynamic Complex Environments
, pages 311–316
Unsupervised Clustering-based 3D Static Scene Construction Using LiDAR Channel and Azimuth Angle
, pages 381–387
Smart Building Digital Twin for Interior Water Distribution System Management
, pages 373–379
Voxel Size Performance in 3D Indoor Model Creation for 3D Evacuation Simulations
, pages 501–508
BG-LoA: A Benchmarking Framework for BIM/GIS Data Integration Based on Meta-Modelling Theory
, pages 591–597
Background Activity Noise
Event Camera Denoising Using Asynchronous Spatio-Temporal Event Denoising Neural Network
, pages 717–724
Barometric Levelling
Back to the Future: Revisiting Barometric Levelling
, pages 403–408
Reviewing Open Data Semantic 3D City Models to Develop Novel 3D Reconstruction Methods
, pages 493–500
BG-LoA: A Benchmarking Framework for BIM/GIS Data Integration Based on Meta-Modelling Theory
, pages 591–597
Bicycle Sharing System (BSS)
Analysis of Behaviour Pattern of Bicycle-sharing Users Based on Complex Network: a Case Study of Beijing Downtown Area
, pages 437–444
Building Information Modelling
Developing a Workflow for Transforming BIM Models into Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences
, pages 485–492
Built Environment
Developing a Workflow for Transforming BIM Models into Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences
, pages 485–492
Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Assessment of Air Quality and its Impact on Public Health from Geospatial perspective over Haryana, India
, pages 409–415
A Novel Platform and Workflow for Underwater Photogrammetry Surveys
, pages 345–352
A fast and stable calibration method for VLP system without any geometric measurement
, pages 639–644
Casualty Prediction
Analyzing the seismic hazard of Jishishan earthquake based on multi-source data
, pages 731–736
Cell Complexes
Building a 4D Cell Complex Topology Through the Extrusion Process
, pages 93–98
Cellular automata
A Coupled CA Urban Development Model (UDM) and Urban Fabric Generator (UFG) for the Assessment of Climate Hazards on Future Urban Development
, pages 51–58
Channel State Information (CSI)
Indoor Localization in Commercial 5G Environment with Single BS
, pages 619–625
Citizen Science
Systematic Review on Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence for Vector-Borne Diseases
, pages 397–402
City GML
A Data Model for Unrecognised Historical Neighbourhood (Case study: Telukbetung, Indonesia)
, pages 247–254
Conceptual Model of Graph-based Individual Tree and Its Utilization in Digital Twin and Metaverse of Urban Forest
, pages 7–12
Reviewing Open Data Semantic 3D City Models to Develop Novel 3D Reconstruction Methods
, pages 493–500
Reviewing Open Data Semantic 3D City Models to Develop Novel 3D Reconstruction Methods
, pages 493–500
Classification and Regression Trees
Accuracy Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Classification Using Machine Learning Classifiers in Google Earth Engine; A Case Study of Jammu District
, pages 263–268
Clean transportation
Comparison of Urban Environment Factors for Solar-Powered Vehicles
, pages 283–288
Climate Change
Explaining Environmental Distribution of
Aedes albopictus
using Machine Learning
, pages 431–436
Climate impacts
A Coupled CA Urban Development Model (UDM) and Urban Fabric Generator (UFG) for the Assessment of Climate Hazards on Future Urban Development
, pages 51–58
Cloud Computing
EarthCODE – ESA’s Earth Science Collaborative Open Development Environment
, pages 19–25
Leveraging cloud compute and open source software to generate 3D models from drone photography
, pages 73–78
The Fuse Platform: Integrating data from IoT and other Sensors into an Industrial Spatial Digital Twin
, pages 79–84
Rapid Development of A Spatial Digital Twins Using Open-source Solutions
, pages 297–302
Operational Google-Earth-Engine Workflow to Monitor Irrigated Areas in a Semi-Arid Climate
, pages 465–471
Privacy-preserving Indoor Localization in Cloud Environments Based on Ranging Transformation and Inner Product Encryption
, pages 711–716
Cluster Aggregation
Research on Spatial Data Aggregation Based on Aggregation Degree Function
, pages 557–562
Co-design Tool
Real-Time Visibility Assessment in an Interactive Immersive Virtual Reality Application for Urban Public Space Design
, pages 139–145
Coastal Mapping
Dynamic Coastal Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data Through Digital Earth Africa
, pages 325–330
Complex Network Theory
Identification and Analysis of Peak Population Migration Patterns in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on Complex Network Theory
, pages 473–478
Comprehensive Survey
A Preliminary Study on the Construction of a Natural Resource Comprehensive Survey System
, pages 37–43
Conceptual Model
Conceptual Model of Graph-based Individual Tree and Its Utilization in Digital Twin and Metaverse of Urban Forest
, pages 7–12
Construction Monitoring
Control Analysis of Building Under Construction from Indoor Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 213–220
Construction Safety
Perspective Transform-based Depth Estimation of Monocular Camera for Electrocution Threat Determination of Construction Machinery
, pages 725–730
Construction Waste Pile Bodies
High-precision 3D Modeling of Construction Waste Pile Bodies by Integrating Multi-source Data
, pages 423–429
Contour Extraction
Research on Spatial Data Aggregation Based on Aggregation Degree Function
, pages 557–562
Correlated Laplace Mechanism
Bivariate Correlation-Based Attack: A Challenge for Privacy Preservation of Location Sequence Data
, pages 673–679
Correlation-based Attack
Bivariate Correlation-Based Attack: A Challenge for Privacy Preservation of Location Sequence Data
, pages 673–679
Counting Cattle
Counting Cattle in Argentina with AI and Satellite Images
, pages 459–464
Cropland Change Detection
Incorporating Phenological Patterns and Multi-source Remote Sensing Imagesfor Cropland Change Detection
, pages 113–118
Crowd Uncertainty
Pedestrian Path Choice in Crowded Indoor Environments
, pages 665–671
Crowded Indoor Environments
Pedestrian Path Choice in Crowded Indoor Environments
, pages 665–671
Cultivated land
Cultivated Land Information Extraction and Spatial Pattern Analysis in Beijing Based on Deep Learning
, pages 549–556
Cultural Narratives
Integration of Digital Repositories and Spatial Design within the Metaverse: the Evaluation of Features and Narratives to set Learning Environments on Cultural Heritage
, pages 147–154
complex indoor building
A 3D X-tree optimized for Complex Indoor Building Models
, pages 353–357
Unsupervised Clustering-based 3D Static Scene Construction Using LiDAR Channel and Azimuth Angle
, pages 381–387
Asynchronous Visual-Inertial Odometry for Event Cameras
, pages 651–657
National Land Use Zoning Dashboard – Harnessing Geo-informatics Technology for Seamless Land Management and Conflict Resolution
, pages 453–458
Data Circulation
Research on New Spatial Data Infrastructure Supports the Circulation of Geographic Information Data Elements
, pages 303–309
Data Elements
Research on New Spatial Data Infrastructure Supports the Circulation of Geographic Information Data Elements
, pages 303–309
Data Encryption
Security Protection of Video-GIS Data Based on Data Encryption and Digital Watermarking
, pages 681–688
Data Fusion
Surface Deformation Analysis by Fusion of Multi-temporal and Multi-source Data under Disaster Emergency Conditions
, pages 417–422
High-precision 3D Modeling of Construction Waste Pile Bodies by Integrating Multi-source Data
, pages 423–429
Data Management
Database Construction and Application of Large-scale Geospatial Data
, pages 563–569
Data Model
A Data Model for Unrecognised Historical Neighbourhood (Case study: Telukbetung, Indonesia)
, pages 247–254
A Review of Existing Sources for the Design of an Archaeological Underwater Cultural Heritage Database of Puglia Region (Italy)
, pages 445–452
Data Structures
Building a 4D Cell Complex Topology Through the Extrusion Process
, pages 93–98
Data management
Construction and Application of Place Name and Address Management System Based on Elasticsearch
, pages 571–576
Data preprocessing
A Database-based Automatic Cartography Method
, pages 585–590
Database Construction
Database Construction and Application of Large-scale Geospatial Data
, pages 563–569
A Database-based Automatic Cartography Method
, pages 585–590
Decision tree
A Machine Learning Approach for Modeling the Spatial-temporal Propagation Pattern of COVID-19
, pages 183–190
Deep Learning
Reviewing Open Data Semantic 3D City Models to Develop Novel 3D Reconstruction Methods
, pages 493–500
Study on the Applicability of Deterioration Detection Techniques for Sandstone Heritage in Multi Environment using MLP-Attention Model
, pages 541–547
A Lightweight Blind Obstacle Detection Network for Mobile Side
, pages 577–584
Deep Reinforcement Learning
3D Voxel-based Path Planning for AVs in Dynamic Complex Environments
, pages 311–316
Deep learning
Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Pedestrian Deep-Inertial Odometry
, pages 607–612
Degeneration Environment
A LiDAR SLAM Algorithm Considering Dynamic Extraction of Feature Points in Underground Coal Mine
, pages 659–664
Degradation Detection
Study on the Applicability of Deterioration Detection Techniques for Sandstone Heritage in Multi Environment using MLP-Attention Model
, pages 541–547
Degraded Scene
A Tracking and Mapping Method for Visually-degraded Environment
, pages 633–638
Event Camera Denoising Using Asynchronous Spatio-Temporal Event Denoising Neural Network
, pages 717–724
Depth Estimation
Perspective Transform-based Depth Estimation of Monocular Camera for Electrocution Threat Determination of Construction Machinery
, pages 725–730
Differential Privacy
Bivariate Correlation-Based Attack: A Challenge for Privacy Preservation of Location Sequence Data
, pages 673–679
Digital China
Research on New Spatial Data Infrastructure Supports the Circulation of Geographic Information Data Elements
, pages 303–309
Digital Earth Africa
Dynamic Coastal Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data Through Digital Earth Africa
, pages 325–330
Digital Heritage
Integration of Digital Repositories and Spatial Design within the Metaverse: the Evaluation of Features and Narratives to set Learning Environments on Cultural Heritage
, pages 147–154
Digital Twin
Conceptual Model of Graph-based Individual Tree and Its Utilization in Digital Twin and Metaverse of Urban Forest
, pages 7–12
Efficient Rendering of Digital Twins Consisting of Both Static And Dynamic Data
, pages 27–35
Leveraging cloud compute and open source software to generate 3D models from drone photography
, pages 73–78
The Fuse Platform: Integrating data from IoT and other Sensors into an Industrial Spatial Digital Twin
, pages 79–84
Digital Archives for Academic Heritage: Tools and Processing Environments for the Museum Metaverse and Scientific Dissemination
, pages 85–92
UAV 2D Path Planning Considering Ground Suitability for Flying Safety in Digital Twin
, pages 269–274
Open-Source Solutions for Real-Time 3D Geospatial Web Integration
, pages 289–295
Digital Twins
Control Analysis of Building Under Construction from Indoor Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 213–220
Digital government
Construction and Application of Place Name and Address Management System Based on Elasticsearch
, pages 571–576
Distributed Systems
Rapid Development of A Spatial Digital Twins Using Open-source Solutions
, pages 297–302
Driving Forces
Analysis of the Spatial Pattern and Driving Forces of Linpan in Western Sichuan
, pages 169–176
Dynamic Threshold
A LiDAR SLAM Algorithm Considering Dynamic Extraction of Feature Points in Underground Coal Mine
, pages 659–664
An Entropy-based Method to Evaluate the Appropriate Spatial Resolution
, pages 227–232
Earth Observation
Deep Earth System Data Laboratory (DeepESDL)
, pages 13–18
EarthCODE – ESA’s Earth Science Collaborative Open Development Environment
, pages 19–25
Earth System Science
Deep Earth System Data Laboratory (DeepESDL)
, pages 13–18
EarthCODE – ESA’s Earth Science Collaborative Open Development Environment
, pages 19–25
Construction and Application of Place Name and Address Management System Based on Elasticsearch
, pages 571–576
Emergency Surveying & Mapping
Surface Deformation Analysis by Fusion of Multi-temporal and Multi-source Data under Disaster Emergency Conditions
, pages 417–422
An Entropy-based Method to Evaluate the Appropriate Spatial Resolution
, pages 227–232
Event Camera
How Many Events are Needed for One Reconstructed Image Using an Event Camera?
, pages 645–650
Asynchronous Visual-Inertial Odometry for Event Cameras
, pages 651–657
Event Camera Denoising Using Asynchronous Spatio-Temporal Event Denoising Neural Network
, pages 717–724
Event Feature
Asynchronous Visual-Inertial Odometry for Event Cameras
, pages 651–657
Event Visual-inertial Odometry
Asynchronous Visual-Inertial Odometry for Event Cameras
, pages 651–657
Event-based Vision
How Many Events are Needed for One Reconstructed Image Using an Event Camera?
, pages 645–650
Research on the Method of Managing Personal Massive Photos Using Geodatabase
, pages 125–130
LUOJIA Explorer: An Auto-UAV for Unexposed Space Exploration
, pages 689–695
Extended Reality
Developing a Workflow for Transforming BIM Models into Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences
, pages 485–492
EarthCODE – ESA’s Earth Science Collaborative Open Development Environment
, pages 19–25
Factor Graph
Ground Constrained 3D Lidar SLAM Design and Implementation
, pages 697–704
Famous ancient Port-city
Explore to Mantai, the Ancient Port-city and the International Trade-hub of Maritime Silk Road in Northern Coast of Sri Lanka
, pages 479–484
Feature Extraction
A LiDAR SLAM Algorithm Considering Dynamic Extraction of Feature Points in Underground Coal Mine
, pages 659–664
Field of View
Real-Time Visibility Assessment in an Interactive Immersive Virtual Reality Application for Urban Public Space Design
, pages 139–145
Fifth Generation (5G)
Indoor Localization in Commercial 5G Environment with Single BS
, pages 619–625
Fine Three-dimensional Reconstruction
High-precision 3D Modeling of Construction Waste Pile Bodies by Integrating Multi-source Data
, pages 423–429
Flight Path Planning
High-Precision Monitoring during the Installation of Large Steel Structures by UAV Nap-of-the-Object Photogrammetry
, pages 317–323
Flying Safety
UAV 2D Path Planning Considering Ground Suitability for Flying Safety in Digital Twin
, pages 269–274
Cultivated Land Information Extraction and Spatial Pattern Analysis in Beijing Based on Deep Learning
, pages 549–556
Design and Implementation of a Geographic Scenario Computation System Based on Knowledge Base
, pages 177–182
Rapid Development of A Spatial Digital Twins Using Open-source Solutions
, pages 297–302
Smart Building Digital Twin for Interior Water Distribution System Management
, pages 373–379
Augmented Reality for Air Quality Monitoring: Case Study in the Marche Region (Italy)
, pages 389–395
A Review of Existing Sources for the Design of an Archaeological Underwater Cultural Heritage Database of Puglia Region (Italy)
, pages 445–452
BG-LoA: A Benchmarking Framework for BIM/GIS Data Integration Based on Meta-Modelling Theory
, pages 591–597
GIS-BIM Data Integration
Open-Source Solutions for Real-Time 3D Geospatial Web Integration
, pages 289–295
A Novel Platform and Workflow for Underwater Photogrammetry Surveys
, pages 345–352
Efficient Rendering of Digital Twins Consisting of Both Static And Dynamic Data
, pages 27–35
Game Engines
Development of 3D UDTs for Traffic Monitoring in Unreal 5 Game Engine
, pages 131–138
Bivariate Correlation-Based Attack: A Challenge for Privacy Preservation of Location Sequence Data
, pages 673–679
The Framework of GeoSOT-3D Grid Modeling for Spatial Artificial Intelligence
, pages 233–238
Geocomputation System
Design and Implementation of a Geographic Scenario Computation System Based on Knowledge Base
, pages 177–182
Research on the Method of Managing Personal Massive Photos Using Geodatabase
, pages 125–130
A Review of Existing Sources for the Design of an Archaeological Underwater Cultural Heritage Database of Puglia Region (Italy)
, pages 445–452
A Geodatabase Design for the Development of a Digital Twin for Urban Environments: A Case Study from Turin, Italy
, pages 525–532
Geographic Information
Research on the Method of Managing Personal Massive Photos Using Geodatabase
, pages 125–130
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Comparison of Urban Environment Factors for Solar-Powered Vehicles
, pages 283–288
Geographic Scenarios
Design and Implementation of a Geographic Scenario Computation System Based on Knowledge Base
, pages 177–182
Explaining Environmental Distribution of
Aedes albopictus
using Machine Learning
, pages 431–436
Geospatial Data
Research on New Spatial Data Infrastructure Supports the Circulation of Geographic Information Data Elements
, pages 303–309
Database Construction and Application of Large-scale Geospatial Data
, pages 563–569
Geospatial Data Enrichment
Geospatial Data Enrichment through Address Geocoding: Challenges and Solutions
, pages 239–245
Geospatial Entity
A Spatiotemporal Empowerment Framework for China’s National 3D Mapping Program 3dRGLM
, pages 205–212
Developing a Workflow for Transforming BIM Models into Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences
, pages 485–492
Google Earth Engine
Precision Agriculture: A Web-GIS Framework for Health and Stress Assessment Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
, pages 59–64
Spatial Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Dynamics in the Madurai District Using Sentinel-2 Data and Supervised Learning Algorithms
, pages 367–372
Gradient Boosted Trees
Accuracy Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Classification Using Machine Learning Classifiers in Google Earth Engine; A Case Study of Jammu District
, pages 263–268
Gradient Tree Boost
Spatial Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Dynamics in the Madurai District Using Sentinel-2 Data and Supervised Learning Algorithms
, pages 367–372
Graph Database
The Fuse Platform: Integrating data from IoT and other Sensors into an Industrial Spatial Digital Twin
, pages 79–84
Graphical User Interface
sensorHUB – a Novel, Open-source Software Stack for Enhanced Accessibility and Secure Interoperability in IoT Project Management
, pages 197–204
Green View Index
Analysis of Influencing Factors of Green View Index Based on Street View Segmentation
, pages 517–524
The Framework of GeoSOT-3D Grid Modeling for Spatial Artificial Intelligence
, pages 233–238
Ground Feature Extraction
Ground Constrained 3D Lidar SLAM Design and Implementation
, pages 697–704
Ground Suitability
UAV 2D Path Planning Considering Ground Suitability for Flying Safety in Digital Twin
, pages 269–274
Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Assessment of Air Quality and its Impact on Public Health from Geospatial perspective over Haryana, India
, pages 409–415
Cultivated Land Information Extraction and Spatial Pattern Analysis in Beijing Based on Deep Learning
, pages 549–556
Health Risk Perception
Augmented Reality for Air Quality Monitoring: Case Study in the Marche Region (Italy)
, pages 389–395
A Machine Learning Approach for Modeling the Spatial-temporal Propagation Pattern of COVID-19
, pages 183–190
Explaining Environmental Distribution of
Aedes albopictus
using Machine Learning
, pages 431–436
Comparison of Urban Environment Factors for Solar-Powered Vehicles
, pages 283–288
Smart Building Digital Twin for Interior Water Distribution System Management
, pages 373–379
ISPRS Technical Commission IV Mid-term Symposium 2024
ISPRS Technical Commission IV Mid-term Symposium 2024: Preface
, pages 1–5
Image Classification
Dynamic Coastal Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data Through Digital Earth Africa
, pages 325–330
Image Reconstruction
How Many Events are Needed for One Reconstructed Image Using an Event Camera?
, pages 645–650
Image Segmentation
Comparative Analysis of Water Body Extraction Accuracy Based on Thresholding Method
, pages 331–336
Immersive Virtual Reality
Real-Time Visibility Assessment in an Interactive Immersive Virtual Reality Application for Urban Public Space Design
, pages 139–145
Indoor Localization
Indoor Localization in Commercial 5G Environment with Single BS
, pages 619–625
Indoor Mapping
Efficient Multi-floor Indoor Mapping with A Versatile Rotating LiDAR System
, pages 613–618
Indoor Mobile Mapping
Control Analysis of Building Under Construction from Indoor Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 213–220
Indoor Navigation
Voxel Size Performance in 3D Indoor Model Creation for 3D Evacuation Simulations
, pages 501–508
Indoor Positioning
Indoor Scene Intelligent Identification System Based on Spatial Topological Relationship Constraints
, pages 509–515
Privacy-preserving Indoor Localization in Cloud Environments Based on Ranging Transformation and Inner Product Encryption
, pages 711–716
Indoor Scene Identification
Indoor Scene Intelligent Identification System Based on Spatial Topological Relationship Constraints
, pages 509–515
Industry Foundation Classes
BG-LoA: A Benchmarking Framework for BIM/GIS Data Integration Based on Meta-Modelling Theory
, pages 591–597
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
A Novel Nonlinear Stochastic-Resonance-Enhanced Acceleration Data Processing Approach
, pages 627–632
Inertial odometry
Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Pedestrian Deep-Inertial Odometry
, pages 607–612
Information extraction
Cultivated Land Information Extraction and Spatial Pattern Analysis in Beijing Based on Deep Learning
, pages 549–556
Infrastructure resilience
A Coupled CA Urban Development Model (UDM) and Urban Fabric Generator (UFG) for the Assessment of Climate Hazards on Future Urban Development
, pages 51–58
Inner Product Encryption
Privacy-preserving Indoor Localization in Cloud Environments Based on Ranging Transformation and Inner Product Encryption
, pages 711–716
BG-LoA: A Benchmarking Framework for BIM/GIS Data Integration Based on Meta-Modelling Theory
, pages 591–597
Intelligent System
Indoor Scene Intelligent Identification System Based on Spatial Topological Relationship Constraints
, pages 509–515
Internet of Things
sensorHUB – a Novel, Open-source Software Stack for Enhanced Accessibility and Secure Interoperability in IoT Project Management
, pages 197–204
Profiling Standards to Improve Practical Interoperability
, pages 359–366
Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering
Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Pedestrian Deep-Inertial Odometry
, pages 607–612
The Fuse Platform: Integrating data from IoT and other Sensors into an Industrial Spatial Digital Twin
, pages 79–84
Irrigated Areas
Operational Google-Earth-Engine Workflow to Monitor Irrigated Areas in a Semi-Arid Climate
, pages 465–471
Iterative Closest Point
Modified ICP based Framework for 3D Localization and Mapping in GNSS-denied Environments using LiDAR
, pages 275–282
iPad Pro
Low-Cost Thermal Point Clouds of Indoor Environments
, pages 99–105
iPhone Pro
Low-Cost Thermal Point Clouds of Indoor Environments
, pages 99–105
Open-Source Solutions for Real-Time 3D Geospatial Web Integration
, pages 289–295
Jishishan Earthquake
Analyzing the seismic hazard of Jishishan earthquake based on multi-source data
, pages 731–736
K-nearest neighbor
A Machine Learning Approach for Modeling the Spatial-temporal Propagation Pattern of COVID-19
, pages 183–190
Analysis of Machine Learning-Based NLOS Signal Identification Algorithm for UWB Indoor Localization Using CIR Waveform Features
, pages 705–710
Knowledge Graph
The Fuse Platform: Integrating data from IoT and other Sensors into an Industrial Spatial Digital Twin
, pages 79–84
Knowledge rule
A Database-based Automatic Cartography Method
, pages 585–590
Accuracy Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Classification Using Machine Learning Classifiers in Google Earth Engine; A Case Study of Jammu District
, pages 263–268
Lambert model
A fast and stable calibration method for VLP system without any geometric measurement
, pages 639–644
Land Use Conflict
National Land Use Zoning Dashboard – Harnessing Geo-informatics Technology for Seamless Land Management and Conflict Resolution
, pages 453–458
Operational Google-Earth-Engine Workflow to Monitor Irrigated Areas in a Semi-Arid Climate
, pages 465–471
Landscape Pattern
Analysis of the Spatial Pattern and Driving Forces of Linpan in Western Sichuan
, pages 169–176
An Automatic Mapping Method of Navigation Map for Outdoor Road Scenes
, pages 221–226
Large Scale
Database Construction and Application of Large-scale Geospatial Data
, pages 563–569
Laser Channel
Unsupervised Clustering-based 3D Static Scene Construction Using LiDAR Channel and Azimuth Angle
, pages 381–387
Learning Environments
Integration of Digital Repositories and Spatial Design within the Metaverse: the Evaluation of Features and Narratives to set Learning Environments on Cultural Heritage
, pages 147–154
Level of Detail Model
Research on Spatial Data Aggregation Based on Aggregation Degree Function
, pages 557–562
Levelling Techniques
Back to the Future: Revisiting Barometric Levelling
, pages 403–408
Modified ICP based Framework for 3D Localization and Mapping in GNSS-denied Environments using LiDAR
, pages 275–282
A LiDAR SLAM Algorithm Considering Dynamic Extraction of Feature Points in Underground Coal Mine
, pages 659–664
Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)
Unsupervised Clustering-based 3D Static Scene Construction Using LiDAR Channel and Azimuth Angle
, pages 381–387
A Lightweight Blind Obstacle Detection Network for Mobile Side
, pages 577–584
Lightweight Map
An Automatic Mapping Method of Navigation Map for Outdoor Road Scenes
, pages 221–226
Analysis of the Spatial Pattern and Driving Forces of Linpan in Western Sichuan
, pages 169–176
Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA)
An Entropy-based Method to Evaluate the Appropriate Spatial Resolution
, pages 227–232
Localization in MR-based Indoor Navigation System using point cloud registration
, pages 107–112
A Novel Nonlinear Stochastic-Resonance-Enhanced Acceleration Data Processing Approach
, pages 627–632
Location Optimization
Energy Consumption-Driven UAV Dock Deployment Planning for Power Inspection
, pages 191–196
Location Privacy Preservation
Bivariate Correlation-Based Attack: A Challenge for Privacy Preservation of Location Sequence Data
, pages 673–679
Low Impact Development
A 3D Spatial Model to integrate Stormwater Drainage Design into Public Space
, pages 255–262
Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Pedestrian Deep-Inertial Odometry
, pages 607–612
Low-cost Survey
Digital Archives for Academic Heritage: Tools and Processing Environments for the Museum Metaverse and Scientific Dissemination
, pages 85–92
Analysis of Machine Learning-Based NLOS Signal Identification Algorithm for UWB Indoor Localization Using CIR Waveform Features
, pages 705–710
Comparative Analysis of Water Body Extraction Accuracy Based on Thresholding Method
, pages 331–336
Machine Learning
Accuracy Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Classification Using Machine Learning Classifiers in Google Earth Engine; A Case Study of Jammu District
, pages 263–268
Systematic Review on Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence for Vector-Borne Diseases
, pages 397–402
Explaining Environmental Distribution of
Aedes albopictus
using Machine Learning
, pages 431–436
Machine learning
City-wide Solar Radiation Potential Analysis by Coupling Physical Modelling and Machine Learning
, pages 119–124
Explaining Environmental Distribution of
Aedes albopictus
using Machine Learning
, pages 431–436
Manning Equation
A 3D Spatial Model to integrate Stormwater Drainage Design into Public Space
, pages 255–262
Map Tile
An Approach to Checking Map Tiles by Annotation Recognition
, pages 155–160
Maritime Silk Road
Explore to Mantai, the Ancient Port-city and the International Trade-hub of Maritime Silk Road in Northern Coast of Sri Lanka
, pages 479–484
Maximum Entropy
Explaining Environmental Distribution of
Aedes albopictus
using Machine Learning
, pages 431–436
Memory Management
Efficient Rendering of Digital Twins Consisting of Both Static And Dynamic Data
, pages 27–35
Conceptual Model of Graph-based Individual Tree and Its Utilization in Digital Twin and Metaverse of Urban Forest
, pages 7–12
Integration of Digital Repositories and Spatial Design within the Metaverse: the Evaluation of Features and Narratives to set Learning Environments on Cultural Heritage
, pages 147–154
Developing a Workflow for Transforming BIM Models into Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences
, pages 485–492
Migration Patterns
Identification and Analysis of Peak Population Migration Patterns in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on Complex Network Theory
, pages 473–478
Mixed Reality
Localization in MR-based Indoor Navigation System using point cloud registration
, pages 107–112
Mobile Mapping
Digital Archives for Academic Heritage: Tools and Processing Environments for the Museum Metaverse and Scientific Dissemination
, pages 85–92
Low-Cost Thermal Point Clouds of Indoor Environments
, pages 99–105
Mobile Side
A Lightweight Blind Obstacle Detection Network for Mobile Side
, pages 577–584
Model-Driven Engineering
BG-LoA: A Benchmarking Framework for BIM/GIS Data Integration Based on Meta-Modelling Theory
, pages 591–597
Monitoring Systems
Establishing Natural Resources Monitoring Systems in China: Situation, Problem and Suggestion
, pages 599–606
Monocular Imagery
Perspective Transform-based Depth Estimation of Monocular Camera for Electrocution Threat Determination of Construction Machinery
, pages 725–730
Multi-level address model
Construction and Application of Place Name and Address Management System Based on Elasticsearch
, pages 571–576
Multi-line LiDAR
Ground Constrained 3D Lidar SLAM Design and Implementation
, pages 697–704
Multi-source Data
Analyzing the seismic hazard of Jishishan earthquake based on multi-source data
, pages 731–736
Multi-source Remote Sensing
Incorporating Phenological Patterns and Multi-source Remote Sensing Imagesfor Cropland Change Detection
, pages 113–118
Multi-source Remote Sensing Data
Surface Deformation Analysis by Fusion of Multi-temporal and Multi-source Data under Disaster Emergency Conditions
, pages 417–422
Multi-temporal Data
Surface Deformation Analysis by Fusion of Multi-temporal and Multi-source Data under Disaster Emergency Conditions
, pages 417–422
Indoor Localization in Commercial 5G Environment with Single BS
, pages 619–625
Multidimensional Modelling
Building a 4D Cell Complex Topology Through the Extrusion Process
, pages 93–98
Multitier Architecture
Rapid Development of A Spatial Digital Twins Using Open-source Solutions
, pages 297–302
Multivariate analysis
Deep Earth System Data Laboratory (DeepESDL)
, pages 13–18
A 3D X-tree optimized for Complex Indoor Building Models
, pages 353–357
Analysis of Machine Learning-Based NLOS Signal Identification Algorithm for UWB Indoor Localization Using CIR Waveform Features
, pages 705–710
Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Assessment of Air Quality and its Impact on Public Health from Geospatial perspective over Haryana, India
, pages 409–415
Nap-of-the-Object Photogrammetry
High-Precision Monitoring during the Installation of Large Steel Structures by UAV Nap-of-the-Object Photogrammetry
, pages 317–323
National Land Use Zoning
National Land Use Zoning Dashboard – Harnessing Geo-informatics Technology for Seamless Land Management and Conflict Resolution
, pages 453–458
Natural Resource Management
Establishing Natural Resources Monitoring Systems in China: Situation, Problem and Suggestion
, pages 599–606
Natural Resources
A Preliminary Study on the Construction of a Natural Resource Comprehensive Survey System
, pages 37–43
Establishing Natural Resources Monitoring Systems in China: Situation, Problem and Suggestion
, pages 599–606
Counting Cattle in Argentina with AI and Satellite Images
, pages 459–464
Nature Based Solutions (NBS)
Evaluating the Potential of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Solar Energy in Urban Built Environments with Aerial Photogrammetry Dataset
, pages 65–72
UAV 2D Path Planning Considering Ground Suitability for Flying Safety in Digital Twin
, pages 269–274
Neighborhood Embedding
The Framework of GeoSOT-3D Grid Modeling for Spatial Artificial Intelligence
, pages 233–238
Network Analysis
Smart Building Digital Twin for Interior Water Distribution System Management
, pages 373–379
Obstacle Detection
A Lightweight Blind Obstacle Detection Network for Mobile Side
, pages 577–584
Modified ICP based Framework for 3D Localization and Mapping in GNSS-denied Environments using LiDAR
, pages 275–282
Open Science
Deep Earth System Data Laboratory (DeepESDL)
, pages 13–18
EarthCODE – ESA’s Earth Science Collaborative Open Development Environment
, pages 19–25
Open Source
Deep Earth System Data Laboratory (DeepESDL)
, pages 13–18
Open Source Software
Leveraging cloud compute and open source software to generate 3D models from drone photography
, pages 73–78
Open-Source Software Stack
sensorHUB – a Novel, Open-source Software Stack for Enhanced Accessibility and Secure Interoperability in IoT Project Management
, pages 197–204
Rapid Development of A Spatial Digital Twins Using Open-source Solutions
, pages 297–302
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
An Approach to Checking Map Tiles by Annotation Recognition
, pages 155–160
PSAT-Net Model
Analysis of Influencing Factors of Green View Index Based on Street View Segmentation
, pages 517–524
PSO-BiLSTM-Attention Model
Analyzing the seismic hazard of Jishishan earthquake based on multi-source data
, pages 731–736
Path Planning
UAV 2D Path Planning Considering Ground Suitability for Flying Safety in Digital Twin
, pages 269–274
3D Voxel-based Path Planning for AVs in Dynamic Complex Environments
, pages 311–316
Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR)
A Novel Nonlinear Stochastic-Resonance-Enhanced Acceleration Data Processing Approach
, pages 627–632
Pedestrian Evacuation
Voxel Size Performance in 3D Indoor Model Creation for 3D Evacuation Simulations
, pages 501–508
Pedestrian Motion
Voxel Size Performance in 3D Indoor Model Creation for 3D Evacuation Simulations
, pages 501–508
Pedestrian Path Choice
Pedestrian Path Choice in Crowded Indoor Environments
, pages 665–671
Pedestrian localization
Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Pedestrian Deep-Inertial Odometry
, pages 607–612
Perspective Projection
Perspective Transform-based Depth Estimation of Monocular Camera for Electrocution Threat Determination of Construction Machinery
, pages 725–730
Phenological Patterns
Incorporating Phenological Patterns and Multi-source Remote Sensing Imagesfor Cropland Change Detection
, pages 113–118
Research on the Method of Managing Personal Massive Photos Using Geodatabase
, pages 125–130
Photo-detector (PD)
A fast and stable calibration method for VLP system without any geometric measurement
, pages 639–644
Leveraging cloud compute and open source software to generate 3D models from drone photography
, pages 73–78
AI upscaling Supporting Image Alignment in Photogrammetric Reconstruction
, pages 337–343
Explore to Mantai, the Ancient Port-city and the International Trade-hub of Maritime Silk Road in Northern Coast of Sri Lanka
, pages 479–484
Photovoltaic Potential
Assessing Photo-Voltaic Potential in Urban Environments: A Comparative Study between Aerial Photogrammetry and LiDAR Technologies
, pages 533–539
Pixel Size
An Entropy-based Method to Evaluate the Appropriate Spatial Resolution
, pages 227–232
Place name
Construction and Application of Place Name and Address Management System Based on Elasticsearch
, pages 571–576
LUOJIA Explorer: An Auto-UAV for Unexposed Space Exploration
, pages 689–695
Point Cloud
Localization in MR-based Indoor Navigation System using point cloud registration
, pages 107–112
Perspective Transform-based Depth Estimation of Monocular Camera for Electrocution Threat Determination of Construction Machinery
, pages 725–730
Point Clouds
A Geodatabase Design for the Development of a Digital Twin for Urban Environments: A Case Study from Turin, Italy
, pages 525–532
Assessing Photo-Voltaic Potential in Urban Environments: A Comparative Study between Aerial Photogrammetry and LiDAR Technologies
, pages 533–539
Point clouds
Evaluating the Potential of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Solar Energy in Urban Built Environments with Aerial Photogrammetry Dataset
, pages 65–72
Population Migration
Identification and Analysis of Peak Population Migration Patterns in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on Complex Network Theory
, pages 473–478
Positive Energy Districts (PED)
Evaluating the Potential of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Solar Energy in Urban Built Environments with Aerial Photogrammetry Dataset
, pages 65–72
Power Inspection
Energy Consumption-Driven UAV Dock Deployment Planning for Power Inspection
, pages 191–196
Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture: A Web-GIS Framework for Health and Stress Assessment Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
, pages 59–64
A Machine Learning Approach for Modeling the Spatial-temporal Propagation Pattern of COVID-19
, pages 183–190
ISPRS Technical Commission IV Mid-term Symposium 2024: Preface
, pages 1–5
Privacy Preserving
Privacy-preserving Indoor Localization in Cloud Environments Based on Ranging Transformation and Inner Product Encryption
, pages 711–716
Public Health
Systematic Review on Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence for Vector-Borne Diseases
, pages 397–402
Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Assessment of Air Quality and its Impact on Public Health from Geospatial perspective over Haryana, India
, pages 409–415
QGIS Platform
Geospatial Data Enrichment through Address Geocoding: Challenges and Solutions
, pages 239–245
Random Forest
A unique Ruleset for Saltmarsh and Mangrove monitoring using Sentinel-2
, pages 161–168
A Machine Learning Approach for Modeling the Spatial-temporal Propagation Pattern of COVID-19
, pages 183–190
Accuracy Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Classification Using Machine Learning Classifiers in Google Earth Engine; A Case Study of Jammu District
, pages 263–268
Spatial Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Dynamics in the Madurai District Using Sentinel-2 Data and Supervised Learning Algorithms
, pages 367–372
Received signal strength (RSS)
A fast and stable calibration method for VLP system without any geometric measurement
, pages 639–644
Redundancy Analysis
Analysis of the Spatial Pattern and Driving Forces of Linpan in Western Sichuan
, pages 169–176
Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP)
Indoor Localization in Commercial 5G Environment with Single BS
, pages 619–625
Refined 3D Model
High-Precision Monitoring during the Installation of Large Steel Structures by UAV Nap-of-the-Object Photogrammetry
, pages 317–323
Localization in MR-based Indoor Navigation System using point cloud registration
, pages 107–112
Modified ICP based Framework for 3D Localization and Mapping in GNSS-denied Environments using LiDAR
, pages 275–282
Remote Sensing
Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Assessment of Air Quality and its Impact on Public Health from Geospatial perspective over Haryana, India
, pages 409–415
Explore to Mantai, the Ancient Port-city and the International Trade-hub of Maritime Silk Road in Northern Coast of Sri Lanka
, pages 479–484
Efficient Rendering of Digital Twins Consisting of Both Static And Dynamic Data
, pages 27–35
Renewable Energy
Assessing Photo-Voltaic Potential in Urban Environments: A Comparative Study between Aerial Photogrammetry and LiDAR Technologies
, pages 533–539
EarthCODE – ESA’s Earth Science Collaborative Open Development Environment
, pages 19–25
AI upscaling Supporting Image Alignment in Photogrammetric Reconstruction
, pages 337–343
Responsive Digital Twin
Real-Time Visibility Assessment in an Interactive Immersive Virtual Reality Application for Urban Public Space Design
, pages 139–145
A Tracking and Mapping Method for Visually-degraded Environment
, pages 633–638
Rotating LiDAR
Efficient Multi-floor Indoor Mapping with A Versatile Rotating LiDAR System
, pages 613–618
SEM images
Study on the Applicability of Deterioration Detection Techniques for Sandstone Heritage in Multi Environment using MLP-Attention Model
, pages 541–547
An Automatic Mapping Method of Navigation Map for Outdoor Road Scenes
, pages 221–226
Efficient Multi-floor Indoor Mapping with A Versatile Rotating LiDAR System
, pages 613–618
A Tracking and Mapping Method for Visually-degraded Environment
, pages 633–638
Asynchronous Visual-Inertial Odometry for Event Cameras
, pages 651–657
LUOJIA Explorer: An Auto-UAV for Unexposed Space Exploration
, pages 689–695
Ground Constrained 3D Lidar SLAM Design and Implementation
, pages 697–704
Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Assessment of Air Quality and its Impact on Public Health from Geospatial perspective over Haryana, India
, pages 409–415
Comparative Analysis of Water Body Extraction Accuracy Based on Thresholding Method
, pages 331–336
Analysis of Machine Learning-Based NLOS Signal Identification Algorithm for UWB Indoor Localization Using CIR Waveform Features
, pages 705–710
Control Analysis of Building Under Construction from Indoor Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 213–220
Control Analysis of Building Under Construction from Indoor Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 213–220
Secure Interoperability
sensorHUB – a Novel, Open-source Software Stack for Enhanced Accessibility and Secure Interoperability in IoT Project Management
, pages 197–204
Security Protection
Security Protection of Video-GIS Data Based on Data Encryption and Digital Watermarking
, pages 681–688
Seismic Hazard
Analyzing the seismic hazard of Jishishan earthquake based on multi-source data
, pages 731–736
SemTUI Framework
Geospatial Data Enrichment through Address Geocoding: Challenges and Solutions
, pages 239–245
Semantic Segmentation
An Automatic Mapping Method of Navigation Map for Outdoor Road Scenes
, pages 221–226
Analysis of Influencing Factors of Green View Index Based on Street View Segmentation
, pages 517–524
Semantic Technologies
Profiling Standards to Improve Practical Interoperability
, pages 359–366
Sensitive Information Recognition
Security Protection of Video-GIS Data Based on Data Encryption and Digital Watermarking
, pages 681–688
Sensor Fusion
Efficient Multi-floor Indoor Mapping with A Versatile Rotating LiDAR System
, pages 613–618
SensorThings API
sensorHUB – a Novel, Open-source Software Stack for Enhanced Accessibility and Secure Interoperability in IoT Project Management
, pages 197–204
Dynamic Coastal Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data Through Digital Earth Africa
, pages 325–330
A unique Ruleset for Saltmarsh and Mangrove monitoring using Sentinel-2
, pages 161–168
Dynamic Coastal Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data Through Digital Earth Africa
, pages 325–330
Spatial Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Dynamics in the Madurai District Using Sentinel-2 Data and Supervised Learning Algorithms
, pages 367–372
Operational Google-Earth-Engine Workflow to Monitor Irrigated Areas in a Semi-Arid Climate
, pages 465–471
Bivariate Correlation-Based Attack: A Challenge for Privacy Preservation of Location Sequence Data
, pages 673–679
An Approach for Measuring Spatial Accessibility to Services/Facilities by Urban Community Aged Population
, pages 45–50
Shadow analysis
Comparison of Urban Environment Factors for Solar-Powered Vehicles
, pages 283–288
AI upscaling Supporting Image Alignment in Photogrammetric Reconstruction
, pages 337–343
Simple Bayes
A Machine Learning Approach for Modeling the Spatial-temporal Propagation Pattern of COVID-19
, pages 183–190
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
Modified ICP based Framework for 3D Localization and Mapping in GNSS-denied Environments using LiDAR
, pages 275–282
A Tracking and Mapping Method for Visually-degraded Environment
, pages 633–638
Single Beam Echosounder
A Novel Platform and Workflow for Underwater Photogrammetry Surveys
, pages 345–352
Site Selection
Energy Consumption-Driven UAV Dock Deployment Planning for Power Inspection
, pages 191–196
Solar energy
City-wide Solar Radiation Potential Analysis by Coupling Physical Modelling and Machine Learning
, pages 119–124
Solar radiation potential
City-wide Solar Radiation Potential Analysis by Coupling Physical Modelling and Machine Learning
, pages 119–124
Solar-powered Vehicle (SPV)
Comparison of Urban Environment Factors for Solar-Powered Vehicles
, pages 283–288
Integration of Digital Repositories and Spatial Design within the Metaverse: the Evaluation of Features and Narratives to set Learning Environments on Cultural Heritage
, pages 147–154
Spatial AI
The Framework of GeoSOT-3D Grid Modeling for Spatial Artificial Intelligence
, pages 233–238
Spatial Analysis
National Land Use Zoning Dashboard – Harnessing Geo-informatics Technology for Seamless Land Management and Conflict Resolution
, pages 453–458
Spatial Data Infrastructure
Research on New Spatial Data Infrastructure Supports the Circulation of Geographic Information Data Elements
, pages 303–309
Spatial Digital Twin
Rapid Development of A Spatial Digital Twins Using Open-source Solutions
, pages 297–302
Spatial Information to Empower the Metaverse
ISPRS Technical Commission IV Mid-term Symposium 2024: Preface
, pages 1–5
Spatial Models
Building a 4D Cell Complex Topology Through the Extrusion Process
, pages 93–98
Spatial Representation
3D Voxel-based Path Planning for AVs in Dynamic Complex Environments
, pages 311–316
Spatial Resolution
An Entropy-based Method to Evaluate the Appropriate Spatial Resolution
, pages 227–232
Spatial Topology
Indoor Scene Intelligent Identification System Based on Spatial Topological Relationship Constraints
, pages 509–515
Spatial pattern
Cultivated Land Information Extraction and Spatial Pattern Analysis in Beijing Based on Deep Learning
, pages 549–556
Spatial planning
A Coupled CA Urban Development Model (UDM) and Urban Fabric Generator (UFG) for the Assessment of Climate Hazards on Future Urban Development
, pages 51–58
Spatial variation
An Approach for Measuring Spatial Accessibility to Services/Facilities by Urban Community Aged Population
, pages 45–50
Spatial-temporal Pattern
Analysis of Behaviour Pattern of Bicycle-sharing Users Based on Complex Network: a Case Study of Beijing Downtown Area
, pages 437–444
Spatio-temporal Reasoning
The Framework of GeoSOT-3D Grid Modeling for Spatial Artificial Intelligence
, pages 233–238
Spatiotemporal Attention Embedding
Event Camera Denoising Using Asynchronous Spatio-Temporal Event Denoising Neural Network
, pages 717–724
Spatiotemporal Computing
A Spatiotemporal Empowerment Framework for China’s National 3D Mapping Program 3dRGLM
, pages 205–212
Spatiotemporal Connection
A Spatiotemporal Empowerment Framework for China’s National 3D Mapping Program 3dRGLM
, pages 205–212
Spatiotemporal Intelligence
A Spatiotemporal Empowerment Framework for China’s National 3D Mapping Program 3dRGLM
, pages 205–212
Spatiotemporal Perception
A Spatiotemporal Empowerment Framework for China’s National 3D Mapping Program 3dRGLM
, pages 205–212
Standard Data Models
Profiling Standards to Improve Practical Interoperability
, pages 359–366
Standard Profiles
Profiling Standards to Improve Practical Interoperability
, pages 359–366
State estimation
Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Pedestrian Deep-Inertial Odometry
, pages 607–612
Static Roadside LiDAR
Unsupervised Clustering-based 3D Static Scene Construction Using LiDAR Channel and Azimuth Angle
, pages 381–387
Steel Structures
High-Precision Monitoring during the Installation of Large Steel Structures by UAV Nap-of-the-Object Photogrammetry
, pages 317–323
Stochastic Resonance (SR)
A Novel Nonlinear Stochastic-Resonance-Enhanced Acceleration Data Processing Approach
, pages 627–632
Stone Cultural Heritage
Study on the Applicability of Deterioration Detection Techniques for Sandstone Heritage in Multi Environment using MLP-Attention Model
, pages 541–547
Street View Image
Analysis of Influencing Factors of Green View Index Based on Street View Segmentation
, pages 517–524
Support Vector Machine
Accuracy Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Classification Using Machine Learning Classifiers in Google Earth Engine; A Case Study of Jammu District
, pages 263–268
Spatial Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Dynamics in the Madurai District Using Sentinel-2 Data and Supervised Learning Algorithms
, pages 367–372
AI upscaling Supporting Image Alignment in Photogrammetric Reconstruction
, pages 337–343
Sustainable Development
Precision Agriculture: A Web-GIS Framework for Health and Stress Assessment Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
, pages 59–64
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Evaluating the Potential of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Solar Energy in Urban Built Environments with Aerial Photogrammetry Dataset
, pages 65–72
Synchronized Positioning
Ground Constrained 3D Lidar SLAM Design and Implementation
, pages 697–704
System Construction
A Preliminary Study on the Construction of a Natural Resource Comprehensive Survey System
, pages 37–43
Low-Cost Thermal Point Clouds of Indoor Environments
, pages 99–105
The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
Identification and Analysis of Peak Population Migration Patterns in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on Complex Network Theory
, pages 473–478
Three-dimensional Displays
A Tracking and Mapping Method for Visually-degraded Environment
, pages 633–638
Thresholding Method
Comparative Analysis of Water Body Extraction Accuracy Based on Thresholding Method
, pages 331–336
Tiles Inspection
An Approach to Checking Map Tiles by Annotation Recognition
, pages 155–160
Building a 4D Cell Complex Topology Through the Extrusion Process
, pages 93–98
A Review of Existing Sources for the Design of an Archaeological Underwater Cultural Heritage Database of Puglia Region (Italy)
, pages 445–452
Transport Simulations
Development of 3D UDTs for Traffic Monitoring in Unreal 5 Game Engine
, pages 131–138
Tree Modeling
Conceptual Model of Graph-based Individual Tree and Its Utilization in Digital Twin and Metaverse of Urban Forest
, pages 7–12
Two-Level Spatial Model
Pedestrian Path Choice in Crowded Indoor Environments
, pages 665–671
UAV 2D Path Planning Considering Ground Suitability for Flying Safety in Digital Twin
, pages 269–274
LUOJIA Explorer: An Auto-UAV for Unexposed Space Exploration
, pages 689–695
UAV Dock
Energy Consumption-Driven UAV Dock Deployment Planning for Power Inspection
, pages 191–196
Development of 3D UDTs for Traffic Monitoring in Unreal 5 Game Engine
, pages 131–138
A Data Model for Unrecognised Historical Neighbourhood (Case study: Telukbetung, Indonesia)
, pages 247–254
UNESCO Cultural Heritage
A Data Model for Unrecognised Historical Neighbourhood (Case study: Telukbetung, Indonesia)
, pages 247–254
Establishing Natural Resources Monitoring Systems in China: Situation, Problem and Suggestion
, pages 599–606
Analysis of Machine Learning-Based NLOS Signal Identification Algorithm for UWB Indoor Localization Using CIR Waveform Features
, pages 705–710
Underground Coal Mine
A LiDAR SLAM Algorithm Considering Dynamic Extraction of Feature Points in Underground Coal Mine
, pages 659–664
Underwater Cultural Heritage
A Review of Existing Sources for the Design of an Archaeological Underwater Cultural Heritage Database of Puglia Region (Italy)
, pages 445–452
Underwater Photogrammetry
A Novel Platform and Workflow for Underwater Photogrammetry Surveys
, pages 345–352
Unexposed Space
LUOJIA Explorer: An Auto-UAV for Unexposed Space Exploration
, pages 689–695
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
High-Precision Monitoring during the Installation of Large Steel Structures by UAV Nap-of-the-Object Photogrammetry
, pages 317–323
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Oblique Photography; Laser Point Cloud
High-precision 3D Modeling of Construction Waste Pile Bodies by Integrating Multi-source Data
, pages 423–429
Unmanned Ariel Vehicles
Precision Agriculture: A Web-GIS Framework for Health and Stress Assessment Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
, pages 59–64
Unrecognised Historical Place
A Data Model for Unrecognised Historical Neighbourhood (Case study: Telukbetung, Indonesia)
, pages 247–254
AI upscaling Supporting Image Alignment in Photogrammetric Reconstruction
, pages 337–343
Urban Digital Twins
A Geodatabase Design for the Development of a Digital Twin for Urban Environments: A Case Study from Turin, Italy
, pages 525–532
Urban Forest
Conceptual Model of Graph-based Individual Tree and Its Utilization in Digital Twin and Metaverse of Urban Forest
, pages 7–12
Urban Morphology
Efficient Rendering of Digital Twins Consisting of Both Static And Dynamic Data
, pages 27–35
Urban Planning
Identification and Analysis of Peak Population Migration Patterns in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on Complex Network Theory
, pages 473–478
A Geodatabase Design for the Development of a Digital Twin for Urban Environments: A Case Study from Turin, Italy
, pages 525–532
Urban Sensing
Augmented Reality for Air Quality Monitoring: Case Study in the Marche Region (Italy)
, pages 389–395
Urban Shadow
Comparison of Urban Environment Factors for Solar-Powered Vehicles
, pages 283–288
Urban development
A Coupled CA Urban Development Model (UDM) and Urban Fabric Generator (UFG) for the Assessment of Climate Hazards on Future Urban Development
, pages 51–58
User Behaviour
Analysis of Behaviour Pattern of Bicycle-sharing Users Based on Complex Network: a Case Study of Beijing Downtown Area
, pages 437–444
VHR Satellite Images
Counting Cattle in Argentina with AI and Satellite Images
, pages 459–464
Variable Selection
A unique Ruleset for Saltmarsh and Mangrove monitoring using Sentinel-2
, pages 161–168
Vector Navigation Map
An Automatic Mapping Method of Navigation Map for Outdoor Road Scenes
, pages 221–226
Vector-Borne Diseases
Systematic Review on Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence for Vector-Borne Diseases
, pages 397–402
Efficient Rendering of Digital Twins Consisting of Both Static And Dynamic Data
, pages 27–35
Video-GIS Data
Security Protection of Video-GIS Data Based on Data Encryption and Digital Watermarking
, pages 681–688
Viewpoint Factor
Research on Spatial Data Aggregation Based on Aggregation Degree Function
, pages 557–562
Virtual Museum
Digital Archives for Academic Heritage: Tools and Processing Environments for the Museum Metaverse and Scientific Dissemination
, pages 85–92
Virtual Repositories
Integration of Digital Repositories and Spatial Design within the Metaverse: the Evaluation of Features and Narratives to set Learning Environments on Cultural Heritage
, pages 147–154
Visibility Assessment
Real-Time Visibility Assessment in an Interactive Immersive Virtual Reality Application for Urban Public Space Design
, pages 139–145
Visible light positioning (VLP)
A fast and stable calibration method for VLP system without any geometric measurement
, pages 639–644
Water Body Extraction
Comparative Analysis of Water Body Extraction Accuracy Based on Thresholding Method
, pages 331–336
Water Resources
Operational Google-Earth-Engine Workflow to Monitor Irrigated Areas in a Semi-Arid Climate
, pages 465–471
Water Sensitive Urban Design
A 3D Spatial Model to integrate Stormwater Drainage Design into Public Space
, pages 255–262
Wayfinding Simulation
Pedestrian Path Choice in Crowded Indoor Environments
, pages 665–671
Web Map Tile Service
An Approach to Checking Map Tiles by Annotation Recognition
, pages 155–160
Precision Agriculture: A Web-GIS Framework for Health and Stress Assessment Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
, pages 59–64
Open-Source Solutions for Real-Time 3D Geospatial Web Integration
, pages 289–295
A Review of Existing Sources for the Design of an Archaeological Underwater Cultural Heritage Database of Puglia Region (Italy)
, pages 445–452
Wireframe Reconstruction
Reviewing Open Data Semantic 3D City Models to Develop Novel 3D Reconstruction Methods
, pages 493–500
A unique Ruleset for Saltmarsh and Mangrove monitoring using Sentinel-2
, pages 161–168
A unique Ruleset for Saltmarsh and Mangrove monitoring using Sentinel-2
, pages 161–168
Analysis of Machine Learning-Based NLOS Signal Identification Algorithm for UWB Indoor Localization Using CIR Waveform Features
, pages 705–710
A 3D X-tree optimized for Complex Indoor Building Models
, pages 353–357
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