March 09, 2025
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Volume XL-3, 2014 – Keyword index
Volume XL-3
Volume XL-3
Volume XL-3, 2014 – Keyword index
2-manifold surface
Reconstruction and simplification of urban scene models based on oblique images
, pages 197–204
3D Point Clouds
Efficient point cloud collision detection and analysis in a tunnel environment using kinematic laser scanning and K-D Tree search
, pages 289–295
3D object recognition
A Fast Recognition Algorithm for Detection of Foreign 3D Objects on a Runway
, pages 151–156
3D point cloud
Geometric processing workflow for vertical and oblique hyperspectral frame images collected using UAV
, pages 205–210
3D reconstruction
WebGL Visualisation of 3D Environmental Models Based on Finnish Open Geospatial Data Sets
, pages 163–169
Structure-from-motion for MAV image sequence analysis with photogrammetric applications
, pages 305–312
3D visualization
WebGL Visualisation of 3D Environmental Models Based on Finnish Open Geospatial Data Sets
, pages 163–169
4-D point cloud
Reconstructing 2-D/3-D Building Shapes from Spaceborne Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
, pages 313–320
SAR Image Segmentation Using Morphological Attribute Profiles
, pages 39–44
Benchmarking High Density Image Matching for Oblique Airborne Imagery
, pages 45–52
Photogrammetric Technique for Timber Stack Volume Contol
, pages 157–162
Oscillation of the Measurement Accuracy of the Center Location of an Ellipse on a Digital Image
, pages 211–218
Learning image descriptors for matching based on Haar features
, pages 61–66
Benchmarking High Density Image Matching for Oblique Airborne Imagery
, pages 45–52
Aerial images
A supervised method for object-based 3D building change detection on aerial stereo images
, pages 259–264
Benchmarking High Density Image Matching for Oblique Airborne Imagery
, pages 45–52
Ant Colony Optimization
Non-Incremental Derivation of Scale and Pose from a Network of Relative Orientations
, pages 53–59
Automatic Building Detection
Automatic Building Detection based on Supervised Classification using High Resolution Google Earth Images
, pages 101–106
Automated mapping of building facades by machine learning
, pages 127–132
attenuation correction
Correcting attenuation effects caused by interactions in the forest canopy in full-waveform airborne laser scanner data
, pages 273–280
Background model
Fast Moving Objects Detection Using iLBP Background Model
, pages 347–350
Bayesian Integration
Statistical Model For Pseudo-Moving Objects Recognition In Video Surveillance Systems
, pages 351–356
Influence of blur on feature matching and a geometric approach for photogrammetric deblurring
, pages 321–326
Automated mapping of building facades by machine learning
, pages 127–132
Identification of Errors in 3D Building Models by a Robust Camera Pose Estimation
, pages 133–137
Morphological operation based dense houses extraction from DSM
, pages 183–189
Bundle Adjustment
Quality Assessment of Self-Calibration with Distortion Estimation for Grid Point Images
, pages 95–99
Automatic Building Extraction From LIDAR Data Covering Complex Urban Scenes
, pages 25–32
building detection
LiDAR Segmentation using Suitable Seed Points for 3D Building Extraction
, pages 1–8
True orthophoto generation using multi-view aerial images
, pages 67–71
building model
Comparision of photogrammetric point clouds with BIM building elements for construction progress monitoring
, pages 341–345
building reconstruction
Reconstructing 2-D/3-D Building Shapes from Spaceborne Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
, pages 313–320
bundle adjustment
A global approach for image orientation using Lie algebraic rotation averaging and convex
, pages 265–272
bundle block adjustment
Integrated Georeferencing of LiDAR and Camera Data Acquired from a Moving Platform
, pages 191–196
Sensors integration for smartphone navigation: performances and future challenges
, pages 9–16
Towards people detection from fused time-of-flight and thermal infrared images
, pages 121–126
Photogrammetric Technique for Timber Stack Volume Contol
, pages 157–162
A novel camera calibration method for fish-eye lenses using line features
, pages 327–332
A novel camera calibration method for fish-eye lenses using line features
, pages 327–332
Change detection
A supervised method for object-based 3D building change detection on aerial stereo images
, pages 259–264
Automated mapping of building facades by machine learning
, pages 127–132
A Dynamic Bayes Network for visual Pedestrian Tracking
, pages 145–150
Close Range
Integration of prior knowledge into dense image matching for video surveillance
, pages 227–230
Close range
A novel camera calibration method for fish-eye lenses using line features
, pages 327–332
Close-range Photogrammetry
Photogrammetric Technique for Timber Stack Volume Contol
, pages 157–162
Building Roof Component Extraction from Panchromatic Satellite Images Using a Clustering-Based Method
, pages 247–252
Extraction of fluvial networks in lidar data using marked point processes
, pages 297–304
Collision Detection
Efficient point cloud collision detection and analysis in a tunnel environment using kinematic laser scanning and K-D Tree search
, pages 289–295
A real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision
, pages 171–175
Benchmarking High Density Image Matching for Oblique Airborne Imagery
, pages 45–52
Influence of blur on feature matching and a geometric approach for photogrammetric deblurring
, pages 321–326
Conditional Random Fields
A two-layer Conditional Random Field model for simultaneous classification of land cover and land use
, pages 17–24
Contextual classification
A two-layer Conditional Random Field model for simultaneous classification of land cover and land use
, pages 17–24
Crowd-Sourced Training Labels
Global-scale object detection using satellite imagery
, pages 107–113
change detection
WebGL Visualisation of 3D Environmental Models Based on Finnish Open Geospatial Data Sets
, pages 163–169
Structure-from-motion for MAV image sequence analysis with photogrammetric applications
, pages 305–312
Reconstructing 2-D/3-D Building Shapes from Spaceborne Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
, pages 313–320
Towards people detection from fused time-of-flight and thermal infrared images
, pages 121–126
construction site
Comparision of photogrammetric point clouds with BIM building elements for construction progress monitoring
, pages 341–345
convex optimisation
A global approach for image orientation using Lie algebraic rotation averaging and convex
, pages 265–272
A Distance-Weighted Graph-Cut Method for the Segmentation of Laser Point Clouds
, pages 81–88
SAR Image Segmentation Using Morphological Attribute Profiles
, pages 39–44
Morphological operation based dense houses extraction from DSM
, pages 183–189
Photogrammetric DSM denoising
, pages 231–238
Building Roof Component Extraction from Panchromatic Satellite Images Using a Clustering-Based Method
, pages 247–252
Data-driven modeling
A general data-driven algorithm for façade structure modeling using ground based laser data
, pages 381–386
Decision Support
Automated mapping of building facades by machine learning
, pages 127–132
Density histogram
A general data-driven algorithm for façade structure modeling using ground based laser data
, pages 381–386
Descriptor Learning
Learning image descriptors for matching based on Haar features
, pages 61–66
Automatic modelling of building façade objects via primitive shapes
, pages 115–120
A real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision
, pages 171–175
Morphological operation based dense houses extraction from DSM
, pages 183–189
Differential Attribute Profiles
SAR Image Segmentation Using Morphological Attribute Profiles
, pages 39–44
Diffusion Maps
Shape-Based Image Matching Using Heat Kernels and Diffusion Maps
, pages 357–364
Oscillation of the Measurement Accuracy of the Center Location of an Ellipse on a Digital Image
, pages 211–218
Digital Surface Models
A supervised method for object-based 3D building change detection on aerial stereo images
, pages 259–264
Disparity Space Image
Scan line optimization for Tri stereo planetary images
, pages 33–37
data integration
Automatic urban 3D building reconstruction from multi-ray photogrammetry
, pages 219–226
Automatic Building Extraction From LIDAR Data Covering Complex Urban Scenes
, pages 25–32
digital surface model
True orthophoto generation using multi-view aerial images
, pages 67–71
Error Propagation
ESA ExoMars: Pre-launch PanCam Geometric Modeling and Accuracy Assessment
, pages 177–182
Identification of Errors in 3D Building Models by a Robust Camera Pose Estimation
, pages 133–137
Morphological operation based dense houses extraction from DSM
, pages 183–189
Oscillation of the Measurement Accuracy of the Center Location of an Ellipse on a Digital Image
, pages 211–218
Identification of Errors in 3D Building Models by a Robust Camera Pose Estimation
, pages 133–137
Automated mapping of building facades by machine learning
, pages 127–132
Automatic Building Extraction From LIDAR Data Covering Complex Urban Scenes
, pages 25–32
Influence of blur on feature matching and a geometric approach for photogrammetric deblurring
, pages 321–326
Feature extraction
Automatic urban 3D building reconstruction from multi-ray photogrammetry
, pages 219–226
Full-waveform airborne laser scanning
Correcting attenuation effects caused by interactions in the forest canopy in full-waveform airborne laser scanner data
, pages 273–280
Generating Oriented Pointsets From Redundant Depth Maps Using Restricted Quadtrees
, pages 281–287
Stereo Model Selection and Point Cloud Filtering using an Out-of-Core Octree
, pages 373–380
foreign object detection systems
A Fast Recognition Algorithm for Detection of Foreign 3D Objects on a Runway
, pages 151–156
A novel camera calibration method for fish-eye lenses using line features
, pages 327–332
Geometric Feature
Automatic modelling of building façade objects via primitive shapes
, pages 115–120
Google Earth Imagery
Automatic Building Detection based on Supervised Classification using High Resolution Google Earth Images
, pages 101–106
A Distance-Weighted Graph-Cut Method for the Segmentation of Laser Point Clouds
, pages 81–88
Gröbner basis
Quality Assessment of Self-Calibration with Distortion Estimation for Grid Point Images
, pages 95–99
Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstruction from Large 3D Point Clouds Acquired by Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 73–80
Photogrammetric DSM denoising
, pages 231–238
Haar Features
Learning image descriptors for matching based on Haar features
, pages 61–66
High-Dimensional Image Codes
Global-scale object detection using satellite imagery
, pages 107–113
Geometric processing workflow for vertical and oblique hyperspectral frame images collected using UAV
, pages 205–210
Illumination Angle Change
Phase Correlation based Local Illumination-invariant Method for Multi-Tempro Remote Sensing Image Matching
, pages 365–372
Benchmarking High Density Image Matching for Oblique Airborne Imagery
, pages 45–52
Oscillation of the Measurement Accuracy of the Center Location of an Ellipse on a Digital Image
, pages 211–218
Image Descriptors
Learning image descriptors for matching based on Haar features
, pages 61–66
Image Distortion
Quality Assessment of Self-Calibration with Distortion Estimation for Grid Point Images
, pages 95–99
Image Matching
Learning image descriptors for matching based on Haar features
, pages 61–66
Photogrammetric DSM denoising
, pages 231–238
Shape-Based Image Matching Using Heat Kernels and Diffusion Maps
, pages 357–364
Image Orientation
Non-Incremental Derivation of Scale and Pose from a Network of Relative Orientations
, pages 53–59
Image orientation
A global approach for image orientation using Lie algebraic rotation averaging and convex
, pages 265–272
Image-based rendering
Visualization of Mobile Mapping Data via Parallax Scrolling
, pages 89–94
Inertial sensor
Sensors integration for smartphone navigation: performances and future challenges
, pages 9–16
Identification of Errors in 3D Building Models by a Robust Camera Pose Estimation
, pages 133–137
Stereo Model Selection and Point Cloud Filtering using an Out-of-Core Octree
, pages 373–380
iLBP descriptor
Fast Moving Objects Detection Using iLBP Background Model
, pages 347–350
image sequences
Structure-from-motion for MAV image sequence analysis with photogrammetric applications
, pages 305–312
Towards people detection from fused time-of-flight and thermal infrared images
, pages 121–126
K-D Tree
Efficient point cloud collision detection and analysis in a tunnel environment using kinematic laser scanning and K-D Tree search
, pages 289–295
Kinematic Laser Scanning
Efficient point cloud collision detection and analysis in a tunnel environment using kinematic laser scanning and K-D Tree search
, pages 289–295
LBP descriptor
Fast Moving Objects Detection Using iLBP Background Model
, pages 347–350
Automatic Building Extraction From LIDAR Data Covering Complex Urban Scenes
, pages 25–32
Lab color space
Automatic Building Detection based on Supervised Classification using High Resolution Google Earth Images
, pages 101–106
Large-Scale Learning
Global-scale object detection using satellite imagery
, pages 107–113
Laser scanning
Integrated Georeferencing of LiDAR and Camera Data Acquired from a Moving Platform
, pages 191–196
Automated mapping of building facades by machine learning
, pages 127–132
Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstruction from Large 3D Point Clouds Acquired by Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 73–80
WebGL Visualisation of 3D Environmental Models Based on Finnish Open Geospatial Data Sets
, pages 163–169
LiDAR data
LiDAR Segmentation using Suitable Seed Points for 3D Building Extraction
, pages 1–8
Extraction of fluvial networks in lidar data using marked point processes
, pages 297–304
Sensors integration for smartphone navigation: performances and future challenges
, pages 9–16
ESA ExoMars: Pre-launch PanCam Geometric Modeling and Accuracy Assessment
, pages 177–182
Logistic Regression
Statistical Model For Pseudo-Moving Objects Recognition In Video Surveillance Systems
, pages 351–356
land use classification
A two-layer Conditional Random Field model for simultaneous classification of land cover and land use
, pages 17–24
laser point cloud
A Distance-Weighted Graph-Cut Method for the Segmentation of Laser Point Clouds
, pages 81–88
Structure-from-motion for MAV image sequence analysis with photogrammetric applications
, pages 305–312
Structure-from-motion for MAV image sequence analysis with photogrammetric applications
, pages 305–312
Automated mapping of building facades by machine learning
, pages 127–132
ESA ExoMars: Pre-launch PanCam Geometric Modeling and Accuracy Assessment
, pages 177–182
Marked point processes
Extraction of fluvial networks in lidar data using marked point processes
, pages 297–304
Markov Random Field
Photogrammetric DSM denoising
, pages 231–238
Mask Refinement
Building Roof Component Extraction from Panchromatic Satellite Images Using a Clustering-Based Method
, pages 247–252
Benchmarking High Density Image Matching for Oblique Airborne Imagery
, pages 45–52
A real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision
, pages 171–175
Generating Oriented Pointsets From Redundant Depth Maps Using Restricted Quadtrees
, pages 281–287
Influence of blur on feature matching and a geometric approach for photogrammetric deblurring
, pages 321–326
Stereo Model Selection and Point Cloud Filtering using an Out-of-Core Octree
, pages 373–380
Mathematical Morphology
Shape-Based Image Matching Using Heat Kernels and Diffusion Maps
, pages 357–364
Mathematical Morphology, Attribute Profiles
SAR Image Segmentation Using Morphological Attribute Profiles
, pages 39–44
Morphological operation based dense houses extraction from DSM
, pages 183–189
Oscillation of the Measurement Accuracy of the Center Location of an Ellipse on a Digital Image
, pages 211–218
Mobile Laser Scanners
Automatic modelling of building façade objects via primitive shapes
, pages 115–120
Mobile Mapping
Visualization of Mobile Mapping Data via Parallax Scrolling
, pages 89–94
Terrestrial Mobile Mapping: photogrammetric simulator
, pages 333–339
Mobile Mapping Systems
User-assisted Object Detection by Segment Based Similarity Measures in Mobile Laser Scanner Data
, pages 239–246
Identification of Errors in 3D Building Models by a Robust Camera Pose Estimation
, pages 133–137
mobile mapping
Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstruction from Large 3D Point Clouds Acquired by Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 73–80
Comparision of photogrammetric point clouds with BIM building elements for construction progress monitoring
, pages 341–345
A two-layer Conditional Random Field model for simultaneous classification of land cover and land use
, pages 17–24
multi-ray photogrammetry
Automatic urban 3D building reconstruction from multi-ray photogrammetry
, pages 219–226
Sensors integration for smartphone navigation: performances and future challenges
, pages 9–16
Extraction of fluvial networks in lidar data using marked point processes
, pages 297–304
Non-contact measurements
Photogrammetric Technique for Timber Stack Volume Contol
, pages 157–162
Non-incremental Structure from Motion
Non-Incremental Derivation of Scale and Pose from a Network of Relative Orientations
, pages 53–59
SAR Image Segmentation Using Morphological Attribute Profiles
, pages 39–44
Object Detection
Global-scale object detection using satellite imagery
, pages 107–113
User-assisted Object Detection by Segment Based Similarity Measures in Mobile Laser Scanner Data
, pages 239–246
Object-Based Image Analysis
SAR Image Segmentation Using Morphological Attribute Profiles
, pages 39–44
Geometric processing workflow for vertical and oblique hyperspectral frame images collected using UAV
, pages 205–210
A Dynamic Bayes Network for visual Pedestrian Tracking
, pages 145–150
Identification of Errors in 3D Building Models by a Robust Camera Pose Estimation
, pages 133–137
Outlier Objects
Statistical Model For Pseudo-Moving Objects Recognition In Video Surveillance Systems
, pages 351–356
object detection
Fast Moving Objects Detection Using iLBP Background Model
, pages 347–350
oblique images
Reconstruction and simplification of urban scene models based on oblique images
, pages 197–204
occlusion detection
True orthophoto generation using multi-view aerial images
, pages 67–71
Palm plantation
Automatic Single Tree Detection in Plantations using UAV-based Photogrammetric Point clouds
, pages 139–144
Pan-chromatic image
Building Roof Component Extraction from Panchromatic Satellite Images Using a Clustering-Based Method
, pages 247–252
Parallax Scrolling
Visualization of Mobile Mapping Data via Parallax Scrolling
, pages 89–94
Path accuracies
Terrestrial Mobile Mapping: photogrammetric simulator
, pages 333–339
Performance Analysis
Quality Assessment of Self-Calibration with Distortion Estimation for Grid Point Images
, pages 95–99
Phase Correlation
Phase Correlation based Local Illumination-invariant Method for Multi-Tempro Remote Sensing Image Matching
, pages 365–372
Photogrammetric point clouds
Comparision of photogrammetric point clouds with BIM building elements for construction progress monitoring
, pages 341–345
ESA ExoMars: Pre-launch PanCam Geometric Modeling and Accuracy Assessment
, pages 177–182
Influence of blur on feature matching and a geometric approach for photogrammetric deblurring
, pages 321–326
A novel camera calibration method for fish-eye lenses using line features
, pages 327–332
Stereo Model Selection and Point Cloud Filtering using an Out-of-Core Octree
, pages 373–380
Planar Pattern
Quality Assessment of Self-Calibration with Distortion Estimation for Grid Point Images
, pages 95–99
Planning trajectory
Terrestrial Mobile Mapping: photogrammetric simulator
, pages 333–339
Point Cloud
Benchmarking High Density Image Matching for Oblique Airborne Imagery
, pages 45–52
Automated mapping of building facades by machine learning
, pages 127–132
Generating Oriented Pointsets From Redundant Depth Maps Using Restricted Quadtrees
, pages 281–287
Stereo Model Selection and Point Cloud Filtering using an Out-of-Core Octree
, pages 373–380
Point Clouds
Automatic Single Tree Detection in Plantations using UAV-based Photogrammetric Point clouds
, pages 139–144
Point cloud
A general data-driven algorithm for façade structure modeling using ground based laser data
, pages 381–386
Point clouds
Automatic modelling of building façade objects via primitive shapes
, pages 115–120
Visualization of Mobile Mapping Data via Parallax Scrolling
, pages 89–94
Pooling Configuration
Learning image descriptors for matching based on Haar features
, pages 61–66
Pose Estimation
Non-Incremental Derivation of Scale and Pose from a Network of Relative Orientations
, pages 53–59
Principal direction
Automatic modelling of building façade objects via primitive shapes
, pages 115–120
Stereo Model Selection and Point Cloud Filtering using an Out-of-Core Octree
, pages 373–380
Pseudomoving Objects
Statistical Model For Pseudo-Moving Objects Recognition In Video Surveillance Systems
, pages 351–356
WebGL Visualisation of 3D Environmental Models Based on Finnish Open Geospatial Data Sets
, pages 163–169
Automatic Building Extraction From LIDAR Data Covering Complex Urban Scenes
, pages 25–32
point cloud
Automatic Building Extraction From LIDAR Data Covering Complex Urban Scenes
, pages 25–32
Towards people detection from fused time-of-flight and thermal infrared images
, pages 121–126
point density
Reconstructing 2-D/3-D Building Shapes from Spaceborne Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
, pages 313–320
projective geometry
Integration of Image Data for Refining Building Boundaries Derived from Point Clouds
, pages 253–258
A general data-driven algorithm for façade structure modeling using ground based laser data
, pages 381–386
Extraction of fluvial networks in lidar data using marked point processes
, pages 297–304
A real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision
, pages 171–175
Real-time rendering
Visualization of Mobile Mapping Data via Parallax Scrolling
, pages 89–94
A Dynamic Bayes Network for visual Pedestrian Tracking
, pages 145–150
Morphological operation based dense houses extraction from DSM
, pages 183–189
Reference Data
Benchmarking High Density Image Matching for Oblique Airborne Imagery
, pages 45–52
Integration of Image Data for Refining Building Boundaries Derived from Point Clouds
, pages 253–258
ESA ExoMars: Pre-launch PanCam Geometric Modeling and Accuracy Assessment
, pages 177–182
Roof Type Detection
Building Roof Component Extraction from Panchromatic Satellite Images Using a Clustering-Based Method
, pages 247–252
Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstruction from Large 3D Point Clouds Acquired by Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 73–80
regression model
Fast Moving Objects Detection Using iLBP Background Model
, pages 347–350
relative orientation
Towards people detection from fused time-of-flight and thermal infrared images
, pages 121–126
Automatic Building Extraction From LIDAR Data Covering Complex Urban Scenes
, pages 25–32
roof plane extraction
LiDAR Segmentation using Suitable Seed Points for 3D Building Extraction
, pages 1–8
roof topology graph
Integration of Image Data for Refining Building Boundaries Derived from Point Clouds
, pages 253–258
rotation averaging
A global approach for image orientation using Lie algebraic rotation averaging and convex
, pages 265–272
runway detection system
A Fast Recognition Algorithm for Detection of Foreign 3D Objects on a Runway
, pages 151–156
SAR Image Segmentation Using Morphological Attribute Profiles
, pages 39–44
SAR tomography
Reconstructing 2-D/3-D Building Shapes from Spaceborne Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
, pages 313–320
Sensors integration for smartphone navigation: performances and future challenges
, pages 9–16
Stereo Model Selection and Point Cloud Filtering using an Out-of-Core Octree
, pages 373–380
Segment based Classification
User-assisted Object Detection by Segment Based Similarity Measures in Mobile Laser Scanner Data
, pages 239–246
Automatic Single Tree Detection in Plantations using UAV-based Photogrammetric Point clouds
, pages 139–144
User-assisted Object Detection by Segment Based Similarity Measures in Mobile Laser Scanner Data
, pages 239–246
Self-Adaptive Patch
Reconstruction and simplification of urban scene models based on oblique images
, pages 197–204
Quality Assessment of Self-Calibration with Distortion Estimation for Grid Point Images
, pages 95–99
User-assisted Object Detection by Segment Based Similarity Measures in Mobile Laser Scanner Data
, pages 239–246
A real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision
, pages 171–175
A novel camera calibration method for fish-eye lenses using line features
, pages 327–332
Identification of Errors in 3D Building Models by a Robust Camera Pose Estimation
, pages 133–137
Shadow detection
Automatic Building Detection based on Supervised Classification using High Resolution Google Earth Images
, pages 101–106
Terrestrial Mobile Mapping: photogrammetric simulator
, pages 333–339
Single Tree Detection
Automatic Single Tree Detection in Plantations using UAV-based Photogrammetric Point clouds
, pages 139–144
Sensors integration for smartphone navigation: performances and future challenges
, pages 9–16
Statistical Criteria
Statistical Model For Pseudo-Moving Objects Recognition In Video Surveillance Systems
, pages 351–356
Stereoscopic Image Matching
Integration of prior knowledge into dense image matching for video surveillance
, pages 227–230
Structure From Motion
Automatic Single Tree Detection in Plantations using UAV-based Photogrammetric Point clouds
, pages 139–144
Geometric processing workflow for vertical and oblique hyperspectral frame images collected using UAV
, pages 205–210
Structure-from-motion for MAV image sequence analysis with photogrammetric applications
, pages 305–312
Supervised classification
Automatic Building Detection based on Supervised Classification using High Resolution Google Earth Images
, pages 101–106
Support Vector Machine
A supervised method for object-based 3D building change detection on aerial stereo images
, pages 259–264
Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstruction from Large 3D Point Clouds Acquired by Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 73–80
Generating Oriented Pointsets From Redundant Depth Maps Using Restricted Quadtrees
, pages 281–287
Surface Reconstruction
Integration of prior knowledge into dense image matching for video surveillance
, pages 227–230
Synthetic Aperture Radar
SAR Image Segmentation Using Morphological Attribute Profiles
, pages 39–44
A real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision
, pages 171–175
seed point
LiDAR Segmentation using Suitable Seed Points for 3D Building Extraction
, pages 1–8
LiDAR Segmentation using Suitable Seed Points for 3D Building Extraction
, pages 1–8
Automatic Building Extraction From LIDAR Data Covering Complex Urban Scenes
, pages 25–32
SAR Image Segmentation Using Morphological Attribute Profiles
, pages 39–44
A Distance-Weighted Graph-Cut Method for the Segmentation of Laser Point Clouds
, pages 81–88
Towards people detection from fused time-of-flight and thermal infrared images
, pages 121–126
Reconstructing 2-D/3-D Building Shapes from Spaceborne Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
, pages 313–320
shortest cycles
Integration of Image Data for Refining Building Boundaries Derived from Point Clouds
, pages 253–258
Reconstruction and simplification of urban scene models based on oblique images
, pages 197–204
Photogrammetric DSM denoising
, pages 231–238
Oscillation of the Measurement Accuracy of the Center Location of an Ellipse on a Digital Image
, pages 211–218
SAR Image Segmentation Using Morphological Attribute Profiles
, pages 39–44
Reconstructing 2-D/3-D Building Shapes from Spaceborne Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
, pages 313–320
Terrain Image Matching
Phase Correlation based Local Illumination-invariant Method for Multi-Tempro Remote Sensing Image Matching
, pages 365–372
Terrain Models
Automatic Single Tree Detection in Plantations using UAV-based Photogrammetric Point clouds
, pages 139–144
Terrestrial laser data
A general data-driven algorithm for façade structure modeling using ground based laser data
, pages 381–386
Terrestrial navigation
Terrestrial Mobile Mapping: photogrammetric simulator
, pages 333–339
Identification of Errors in 3D Building Models by a Robust Camera Pose Estimation
, pages 133–137
Generating Oriented Pointsets From Redundant Depth Maps Using Restricted Quadtrees
, pages 281–287
A Dynamic Bayes Network for visual Pedestrian Tracking
, pages 145–150
Morphological operation based dense houses extraction from DSM
, pages 183–189
Scan line optimization for Tri stereo planetary images
, pages 33–37
ESA ExoMars: Pre-launch PanCam Geometric Modeling and Accuracy Assessment
, pages 177–182
Generating Oriented Pointsets From Redundant Depth Maps Using Restricted Quadtrees
, pages 281–287
True orthophoto
True orthophoto generation using multi-view aerial images
, pages 67–71
Towards people detection from fused time-of-flight and thermal infrared images
, pages 121–126
Integrated Georeferencing of LiDAR and Camera Data Acquired from a Moving Platform
, pages 191–196
tree removal
LiDAR Segmentation using Suitable Seed Points for 3D Building Extraction
, pages 1–8
Automatic Single Tree Detection in Plantations using UAV-based Photogrammetric Point clouds
, pages 139–144
Geometric processing workflow for vertical and oblique hyperspectral frame images collected using UAV
, pages 205–210
Influence of blur on feature matching and a geometric approach for photogrammetric deblurring
, pages 321–326
Urban Trees
Automatic modelling of building façade objects via primitive shapes
, pages 115–120
Urban scene models
Reconstruction and simplification of urban scene models based on oblique images
, pages 197–204
Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstruction from Large 3D Point Clouds Acquired by Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 73–80
A Dynamic Bayes Network for visual Pedestrian Tracking
, pages 145–150
A real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision
, pages 171–175
Influence of blur on feature matching and a geometric approach for photogrammetric deblurring
, pages 321–326
Visualization of Mobile Mapping Data via Parallax Scrolling
, pages 89–94
A real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision
, pages 171–175
video surveillance
Fast Moving Objects Detection Using iLBP Background Model
, pages 347–350
Woodworking industry
Photogrammetric Technique for Timber Stack Volume Contol
, pages 157–162
waveform history analysis
Correcting attenuation effects caused by interactions in the forest canopy in full-waveform airborne laser scanner data
, pages 273–280
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