March 09, 2025
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Volume XL-5, 2014 – Keyword index
Volume XL-5
Volume XL-5
Volume XL-5, 2014 – Keyword index
360° Panoramas
Methods and tools to enjoy and to study inaccessible Heritage
, pages 137–144
3D Building Model Reconstruction
Evaluations of Three-Dimensional Building Model Reconstruction from LiDAR Point Clouds and Single-View Perspective Imagery
, pages 597–600
3D Modeling By Consolidation Of Independent Geometries Extracted From Point Clouds – The Case Of The Modeling Of The Turckheim's Chapel (Alsace, France)
, pages 327–329
3D City Models
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
3D Database
Methods and tools to enjoy and to study inaccessible Heritage
, pages 137–144
3D Modeling
Methods and tools to enjoy and to study inaccessible Heritage
, pages 137–144
3D Modeling By Consolidation Of Independent Geometries Extracted From Point Clouds – The Case Of The Modeling Of The Turckheim's Chapel (Alsace, France)
, pages 327–329
3D Modelling
Indoor Modelling Benchmark for 3D Geometry Extraction
, pages 581–587
Methods and tools to enjoy and to study inaccessible Heritage
, pages 137–144
3D cataloguing
Image-based 3D modeling for the knowledge and the representation of archaeological dig and pottery: Sant'Omobono and Sarno project's strategies
, pages 243–250
3D data integration
Point cloud-based survey for cultural heritage – An experience of integrated use of range-based and image-based technology for the San Francesco convent in Monterubbiano
, pages 413–420
3D human tracking
A Quality Evaluation of Single and Multiple Camera Calibration Approaches for an Indoor Multi Camera Tracking System
, pages 9–15
3D imaging
A contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: performance evaluation with a new metric test object
, pages 277–284
3D laser scanner
Surveying and mapping a cave using 3d laser scanner: the open challenge with free and open source software
, pages 181–186
3D model
Modelling the appearance of heritage metallic surfaces
, pages 371–377
The sanctuary of Punta Stilo at Kaulonia-Monasterace (Rc, Italy): preliminary results of the close range photogrammetric surveys 2012-2013
, pages 559–563
3D modeling
Cultural Heritage: An example of graphical documentation with automated photogrammetric systems
, pages 251–255
3D modeling.
Cultural Heritage: An example of graphical documentation with automated photogrammetric systems
, pages 251–255
3D modelling
Door recognition in cluttered building interiors using imagery and lidar data
, pages 203–209
Kinect Fusion improvement using depth camera calibration
, pages 479–485
Processing lidar waveform data for 3D visual assessment of forest environments
, pages 493–499
3D point tracking
Congruence analysis of point clouds from unstable stereo image sequences
, pages 301–306
3D reconstructions, Multimedia guide
A new Gis-based map of villa Adriana, a multimedia guide for ancient paths
, pages 129–136
3d modelling Mithraea
Discovering hidden architectures of ancient time: 3d data survey to reveal the myth of mithra in Santa Maria Capua Vetere
, pages 121–128
A real-time photogrammetry system based on embedded architecture
, pages 633–638
Accuracy of cultural heritage 3D models by RPAS and terrestrial photogrammetry
, pages 113–119
A comparison of semiglobal and local dense matching algorithms for surface reconstruction
, pages 187–194
A Fast, Accurate and Easy to Implement Method for Pose Recognition of an Intramedullary Nail using a Tracked C-arm
, pages 217–223
Accuracy of typical photogrammetric networks in cultural heritage 3D modeling projects
, pages 465–472
Evaluation of DEM generation accuracy from UAS imagery
, pages 529–536
A comparison of multi-view 3D reconstruction of a rock wall using several cameras and a laser scanner
, pages 573–580
Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in urban area
, pages 77–81
A comparison of semiglobal and local dense matching algorithms for surface reconstruction
, pages 187–194
A New Framework For Interactive Segmentation of Point Clouds
, pages 357–362
Photogrammetric Analysis of a Heritage Ceiling
, pages 379–383
Sensitive Analysis of Observation Model for Human Tracking Using a Stochastic Process
, pages 445–450
Anthropometric measurements
Human Vision Pathology Diagnostics by Photogrammetrics Means
, pages 437–443
Archaeological record
The sanctuary of Punta Stilo at Kaulonia-Monasterace (Rc, Italy): preliminary results of the close range photogrammetric surveys 2012-2013
, pages 559–563
As-built data
Scaling up close-range surveys, a challenge for the generalization of as-built data in industrial applications
, pages 293–299
As-built model
Finding the next-best scanner position for as-built modeling of piping systems
, pages 313–320
Systems based on photogrammetry to evaluation of built heritage: tentative guidelines and control parameters
, pages 607–613
Augmented Reality
Development of a self-localization method using sensors on mobile devices
, pages 237–242
Evaluation of feature-based methods for automated network orientation
, pages 47–54
Water Surface and Velocity Measurement-River and Flume
, pages 151–156
3D Modelling of Interior Spaces: Learning the Language of Indoor Architecture
, pages 321–326
Object-based Multi-Image Semi-Global Matching – Concept and first results
, pages 93–100
Investigation on the Automatic Geo-Referencing of Archaeological UAV Photographs by Correlation with Pre-Existing Ortho-Photos
, pages 307–312
New knowledge in determining the astronomical orientation of Incas object in Ollantaytambo, Peru
, pages 273–276
Semi-automatic extraction of sectional view from point clouds – The case of Ottmarsheim's abbey-church
, pages 343–348
astronomical azimuth
New knowledge in determining the astronomical orientation of Incas object in Ollantaytambo, Peru
, pages 273–276
astronomical orientation
New knowledge in determining the astronomical orientation of Incas object in Ollantaytambo, Peru
, pages 273–276
Investigation on the Automatic Geo-Referencing of Archaeological UAV Photographs by Correlation with Pre-Existing Ortho-Photos
, pages 307–312
Semi-automatic extraction of sectional view from point clouds – The case of Ottmarsheim's abbey-church
, pages 343–348
Lidar-equipped uav for building information modelling
, pages 523–527
Indoor Modelling Benchmark for 3D Geometry Extraction
, pages 581–587
Big Data
Filtering of Point Clouds from Photogrammetric Surface Reconstruction
, pages 615–620
Face Pose Recognition Based on Monocular Digital Imagery and Stereo-Based Estimation of its Precision
, pages 257–263
Block adjustment
Robust Global Motion Estimation with Matrix Completion
, pages 63–70
Photogrammetric Deformation Monitoring of the Second Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul
, pages 71–76
Building Information Model (BIM)
3D Modelling of Interior Spaces: Learning the Language of Indoor Architecture
, pages 321–326
Bundle Adjustment
Smartphones Based Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 29–34
Bundle Adjustment
A feasibility study on the measurement of tree trunks in forests using multi-scale vertical images
, pages 87–92
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
Bundle Block Adjustment
A Quality Evaluation of Single and Multiple Camera Calibration Approaches for an Indoor Multi Camera Tracking System
, pages 9–15
Bundle adjustment
Aerial photogrammetry procedure optimized for micro uav
, pages 41–46
Bundle block adjustment
Accuracy of typical photogrammetric networks in cultural heritage 3D modeling projects
, pages 465–472
Photogrammetry applied to Problematic artefacts
, pages 451–456
Lidar-equipped uav for building information modelling
, pages 523–527
bundle adjustment
An Integrated Flexible Self-calibration Approach for 2D Laser Scanning Range Finders Applied to the Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW
, pages 385–393
A non-conventional procedure for the 3D modeling of WWI forts
, pages 457–464
CAD models
Scaling up close-range surveys, a challenge for the generalization of as-built data in industrial applications
, pages 293–299
A Quality Evaluation of Single and Multiple Camera Calibration Approaches for an Indoor Multi Camera Tracking System
, pages 9–15
Evaluation Of Mass Market Devices For The Documentation Of The Cultural Heritage
, pages 17–22
Evaluation of feature-based methods for automated network orientation
, pages 47–54
A Fast, Accurate and Easy to Implement Method for Pose Recognition of an Intramedullary Nail using a Tracked C-arm
, pages 217–223
An ISVD-based Euclidian structure from motion for smartphones
, pages 401–406
Kinect Fusion improvement using depth camera calibration
, pages 479–485
Method for Measuring Lens Distortion by Using Pinhole Lens
, pages 509–515
An ISVD-based Euclidian structure from motion for smartphones
, pages 401–406
Method for Measuring Lens Distortion by Using Pinhole Lens
, pages 509–515
Camera Comparison
A comparison of multi-view 3D reconstruction of a rock wall using several cameras and a laser scanner
, pages 573–580
Camera orientation
Robust Global Motion Estimation with Matrix Completion
, pages 63–70
A new Gis-based map of villa Adriana, a multimedia guide for ancient paths
, pages 129–136
Evaluation of DEM generation accuracy from UAS imagery
, pages 529–536
Surveying and mapping a cave using 3d laser scanner: the open challenge with free and open source software
, pages 181–186
Change Detection
Water Surface and Velocity Measurement-River and Flume
, pages 151–156
Circle Fitting
A feasibility study on the measurement of tree trunks in forests using multi-scale vertical images
, pages 87–92
Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in urban area
, pages 77–81
Close Range
Three-dimensional imaging of hold baggage for airport security
, pages 331–336
Photogrammetric Analysis of a Heritage Ceiling
, pages 379–383
Sensitive Analysis of Observation Model for Human Tracking Using a Stochastic Process
, pages 445–450
A comparison of multi-view 3D reconstruction of a rock wall using several cameras and a laser scanner
, pages 573–580
Close Range Photogrammetry
3D Case Studies of Monitoring Dynamic Structural Tests using Long Exposure Imagery
, pages 407–411
Close Range Photogrammetry based 3D model
Image based 3D city modeling : Comparative study
, pages 537–546
Close range and aerial photogrammetry
A multi-range approach for Cultural Heritage survey: a case study in Mantua Unesco site
, pages 157–164
Close-range imaging and research priorities in Europe
, pages 487–492
Close-range Photogrammetry
Human Vision Pathology Diagnostics by Photogrammetrics Means
, pages 437–443
Evaluations of Three-Dimensional Building Model Reconstruction from LiDAR Point Clouds and Single-View Perspective Imagery
, pages 597–600
Closed Range Photogrammetry
Smartphones Based Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 29–34
3D painting documentation: evaluation of conservation conditions with 3D imaging and ranging techniques
, pages 1–8
A comparison of semiglobal and local dense matching algorithms for surface reconstruction
, pages 187–194
Radiometric Calibration of dual Sensor Camera System, a Comparison of classical and low cost Calibration
, pages 421–424
Evaluation of DEM generation accuracy from UAS imagery
, pages 529–536
Computer Vision based 3D model
Image based 3D city modeling : Comparative study
, pages 537–546
Photogrammetric Analysis of a Heritage Ceiling
, pages 379–383
Accuracy of typical photogrammetric networks in cultural heritage 3D modeling projects
, pages 465–472
Method for Measuring Lens Distortion by Using Pinhole Lens
, pages 509–515
Radiometric Calibration of dual Sensor Camera System, a Comparison of classical and low cost Calibration
, pages 421–424
Evaluation Of Mass Market Devices For The Documentation Of The Cultural Heritage
, pages 17–22
Cultural Heritage
3D painting documentation: evaluation of conservation conditions with 3D imaging and ranging techniques
, pages 1–8
Discovering hidden architectures of ancient time: 3d data survey to reveal the myth of mithra in Santa Maria Capua Vetere
, pages 121–128
A new Gis-based map of villa Adriana, a multimedia guide for ancient paths
, pages 129–136
Methods and tools to enjoy and to study inaccessible Heritage
, pages 137–144
A multi-range approach for Cultural Heritage survey: a case study in Mantua Unesco site
, pages 157–164
Impact Assessment of the Renewable Energies in the Cultural Heritage: the Case of the Way of St. James in Spain
, pages 165–171
3D models mapping optimization through an integrated parameterization approach: cases studies from Ravenna
, pages 173–180
Image-based 3D modeling for the knowledge and the representation of archaeological dig and pottery: Sant'Omobono and Sarno project's strategies
, pages 243–250
Cultural Heritage: An example of graphical documentation with automated photogrammetric systems
, pages 251–255
Modelling the appearance of heritage metallic surfaces
, pages 371–377
Photogrammetric Analysis of a Heritage Ceiling
, pages 379–383
A non-conventional procedure for the 3D modeling of WWI forts
, pages 457–464
Accuracy of typical photogrammetric networks in cultural heritage 3D modeling projects
, pages 465–472
Cultural heritage
Evaluation Of Mass Market Devices For The Documentation Of The Cultural Heritage
, pages 17–22
Semi-automatic extraction of sectional view from point clouds – The case of Ottmarsheim's abbey-church
, pages 343–348
An Integrated Flexible Self-calibration Approach for 2D Laser Scanning Range Finders Applied to the Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW
, pages 385–393
camera calibration
Multispectral calibration to enhance the metrology performance of C-mount camera systems
, pages 517–521
Photogrammetry applied to Problematic artefacts
, pages 451–456
chromatic aberration
Multispectral calibration to enhance the metrology performance of C-mount camera systems
, pages 517–521
circular target
Eccentricity in Images of Circular and Spherical Targets and its Impact to 3D Object Reconstruction
, pages 363–370
close range
A contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: performance evaluation with a new metric test object
, pages 277–284
close range photogrammetry
The sanctuary of Punta Stilo at Kaulonia-Monasterace (Rc, Italy): preliminary results of the close range photogrammetric surveys 2012-2013
, pages 559–563
Cultural Heritage: An example of graphical documentation with automated photogrammetric systems
, pages 251–255
close-range photogrammetry
Evaluating the geometric shape of a flying paraglider
, pages 265–272
Application of SFM and laser scanning technology to the description of mosaics piece by piece
, pages 23–28
A contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: performance evaluation with a new metric test object
, pages 277–284
congruence analysis
Congruence analysis of point clouds from unstable stereo image sequences
, pages 301–306
Analysis and correction of the dependency between laser scanner intensity values and range
, pages 107–112
Investigation on the Automatic Geo-Referencing of Archaeological UAV Photographs by Correlation with Pre-Existing Ortho-Photos
, pages 307–312
cultural heritage
A contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: performance evaluation with a new metric test object
, pages 277–284
3D Modeling By Consolidation Of Independent Geometries Extracted From Point Clouds – The Case Of The Modeling Of The Turckheim's Chapel (Alsace, France)
, pages 327–329
Photogrammetry applied to Problematic artefacts
, pages 451–456
Close-range imaging and research priorities in Europe
, pages 487–492
DEM generation
UAV-based photogrammetry: monitoring of a building zone
, pages 601–606
Impact Assessment of the Renewable Energies in the Cultural Heritage: the Case of the Way of St. James in Spain
, pages 165–171
Evaluation of DEM generation accuracy from UAS imagery
, pages 529–536
Aerial photogrammetry procedure optimized for micro uav
, pages 41–46
A comparison of semiglobal and local dense matching algorithms for surface reconstruction
, pages 187–194
Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in urban area
, pages 77–81
Airborne Laser Scanning and Image Processing Techniques for Archaeological Prospection
, pages 231–235
Databases System
Discovering hidden architectures of ancient time: 3d data survey to reveal the myth of mithra in Santa Maria Capua Vetere
, pages 121–128
Photogrammetric Deformation Monitoring of the Second Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul
, pages 71–76
Depth Map
Kinect Fusion improvement using depth camera calibration
, pages 479–485
3D models mapping optimization through an integrated parameterization approach: cases studies from Ravenna
, pages 173–180
Digital Close Range Photogrammetry
Deformation monitoring with off-the-shelf digital cameras for civil engineering fatigue testing
, pages 195–202
Digital Model
Accuracy of cultural heritage 3D models by RPAS and terrestrial photogrammetry
, pages 113–119
Digital terrain model
Airborne Laser Scanning and Image Processing Techniques for Archaeological Prospection
, pages 231–235
A new Gis-based map of villa Adriana, a multimedia guide for ancient paths
, pages 129–136
A non-conventional procedure for the 3D modeling of WWI forts
, pages 457–464
Method for Measuring Lens Distortion by Using Pinhole Lens
, pages 509–515
Dynamic Test
Deformation monitoring with off-the-shelf digital cameras for civil engineering fatigue testing
, pages 195–202
data acquisition in flight
Evaluating the geometric shape of a flying paraglider
, pages 265–272
deformation monitoring
Extracting Rail Track Geometry from Static Terrestrial Laser Scans for Monitoring Purposes
, pages 553–557
dense image matching
Terrestrial scanning or digital images in inventory of monumental objects? – case study
, pages 395–400
drift compensation
A novel high accuracy 3D scanning device for rock-art sites
, pages 285–291
Close-range imaging and research priorities in Europe
, pages 487–492
Embedded architecture
A real-time photogrammetry system based on embedded architecture
, pages 633–638
3D Case Studies of Monitoring Dynamic Structural Tests using Long Exposure Imagery
, pages 407–411
Engineering Application
A comparison of multi-view 3D reconstruction of a rock wall using several cameras and a laser scanner
, pages 573–580
Epipolar Geometry
Smartphones Based Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 29–34
Epipolar geometry
Robust Global Motion Estimation with Matrix Completion
, pages 63–70
Eccentricity in Images of Circular and Spherical Targets and its Impact to 3D Object Reconstruction
, pages 363–370
empirical investigation
UAV-based photogrammetry: monitoring of a building zone
, pages 601–606
environmental monitoring
An autonomous image based approach for detecting glacial lake outburst floods
, pages 337–342
error model
An Integrated Flexible Self-calibration Approach for 2D Laser Scanning Range Finders Applied to the Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW
, pages 385–393
Semi-automatic extraction of sectional view from point clouds – The case of Ottmarsheim's abbey-church
, pages 343–348
Extracting Rail Track Geometry from Static Terrestrial Laser Scans for Monitoring Purposes
, pages 553–557
A real-time photogrammetry system based on embedded architecture
, pages 633–638
Feature extraction
Evaluation of feature-based methods for automated network orientation
, pages 47–54
Filtering of Point Clouds from Photogrammetric Surface Reconstruction
, pages 615–620
A feasibility study on the measurement of tree trunks in forests using multi-scale vertical images
, pages 87–92
Five Point Algorithm
Quasi-five point algorithm with non-linear minimization
, pages 473–478
Interactive Trunk Extraction from Forest Point Cloud
, pages 433–436
Processing lidar waveform data for 3D visual assessment of forest environments
, pages 493–499
Full Waveform Lidar
Processing lidar waveform data for 3D visual assessment of forest environments
, pages 493–499
Fusion Libraries
Kinect Fusion improvement using depth camera calibration
, pages 479–485
face 3D reconstruction
Face Pose Recognition Based on Monocular Digital Imagery and Stereo-Based Estimation of its Precision
, pages 257–263
facial imagery analysis
Face Pose Recognition Based on Monocular Digital Imagery and Stereo-Based Estimation of its Precision
, pages 257–263
facial imagery modelling
Face Pose Recognition Based on Monocular Digital Imagery and Stereo-Based Estimation of its Precision
, pages 257–263
feature extraction
Door recognition in cluttered building interiors using imagery and lidar data
, pages 203–209
A new Gis-based map of villa Adriana, a multimedia guide for ancient paths
, pages 129–136
Impact Assessment of the Renewable Energies in the Cultural Heritage: the Case of the Way of St. James in Spain
, pages 165–171
Lidar-equipped uav for building information modelling
, pages 523–527
Investigation on the Automatic Geo-Referencing of Archaeological UAV Photographs by Correlation with Pre-Existing Ortho-Photos
, pages 307–312
A comparison of multi-view 3D reconstruction of a rock wall using several cameras and a laser scanner
, pages 573–580
Geometric Modelling
Geometric Modelling of Octagonal Lamp Poles
, pages 145–150
A new Gis-based map of villa Adriana, a multimedia guide for ancient paths
, pages 129–136
An ISVD-based Euclidian structure from motion for smartphones
, pages 401–406
Groundwater resources
Paleovalleys mapping using remote sensing
, pages 83–86
geometric consolidation
3D Modeling By Consolidation Of Independent Geometries Extracted From Point Clouds – The Case Of The Modeling Of The Turckheim's Chapel (Alsace, France)
, pages 327–329
geometric shape
Evaluating the geometric shape of a flying paraglider
, pages 265–272
Extracting Rail Track Geometry from Static Terrestrial Laser Scans for Monitoring Purposes
, pages 553–557
glacier lake outburst flood
An autonomous image based approach for detecting glacial lake outburst floods
, pages 337–342
grape berries
Potentials of small, lightweight and low cost Multi-Echo Laser Scanners for detecting Grape Berries
, pages 211–216
Horizon 2020
Close-range imaging and research priorities in Europe
, pages 487–492
Human vision pathology
Human Vision Pathology Diagnostics by Photogrammetrics Means
, pages 437–443
Water Surface and Velocity Measurement-River and Flume
, pages 151–156
A New Approach for Documentation, Conservation and Preservation of the Monolithic Statues in San Agustín as Pilot for Outdoor Cultural Heritage Documentation in Colombia
, pages 225–229
A Quality Evaluation of Single and Multiple Camera Calibration Approaches for an Indoor Multi Camera Tracking System
, pages 9–15
Three-dimensional imaging of hold baggage for airport security
, pages 331–336
Photogrammetric Analysis of a Heritage Ceiling
, pages 379–383
Sensitive Analysis of Observation Model for Human Tracking Using a Stochastic Process
, pages 445–450
Image Based Modeling
Cultural Heritage: An example of graphical documentation with automated photogrammetric systems
, pages 251–255
Image Processing
3D Case Studies of Monitoring Dynamic Structural Tests using Long Exposure Imagery
, pages 407–411
Image matching
Object-based Multi-Image Semi-Global Matching – Concept and first results
, pages 93–100
Image sequence
An autonomous image based approach for detecting glacial lake outburst floods
, pages 337–342
Image-based Reconstruction
Evaluations of Three-Dimensional Building Model Reconstruction from LiDAR Point Clouds and Single-View Perspective Imagery
, pages 597–600
Modelling the appearance of heritage metallic surfaces
, pages 371–377
Impact Analysis
Impact Assessment of the Renewable Energies in the Cultural Heritage: the Case of the Way of St. James in Spain
, pages 165–171
Indoor Modelling Benchmark for 3D Geometry Extraction
, pages 581–587
Indoor Measurement
Pile volume measurement by range imaging camera in indoor environment
, pages 35–39
Indoor modelling
3D Modelling of Interior Spaces: Learning the Language of Indoor Architecture
, pages 321–326
Radiometric Calibration of dual Sensor Camera System, a Comparison of classical and low cost Calibration
, pages 421–424
Infrastructure Monitoring
Deformation monitoring with off-the-shelf digital cameras for civil engineering fatigue testing
, pages 195–202
Paleovalleys mapping using remote sensing
, pages 83–86
Iterative Closest Points (ICP)
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
image matching
Investigation on the Automatic Geo-Referencing of Archaeological UAV Photographs by Correlation with Pre-Existing Ortho-Photos
, pages 307–312
image-based 3D modeling
Image-based 3D modeling for the knowledge and the representation of archaeological dig and pottery: Sant'Omobono and Sarno project's strategies
, pages 243–250
Door recognition in cluttered building interiors using imagery and lidar data
, pages 203–209
Close-range imaging and research priorities in Europe
, pages 487–492
industrial applications
Scaling up close-range surveys, a challenge for the generalization of as-built data in industrial applications
, pages 293–299
A contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: performance evaluation with a new metric test object
, pages 277–284
Analysis and correction of the dependency between laser scanner intensity values and range
, pages 107–112
Kinect Fusion improvement using depth camera calibration
, pages 479–485
Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in urban area
, pages 77–81
An Integrated Flexible Self-calibration Approach for 2D Laser Scanning Range Finders Applied to the Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW
, pages 385–393
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
Monitoring marginal erosion in hydroelectric reservoirs with terrestrial mobile laser scanner
, pages 589–596
Impact Assessment of the Renewable Energies in the Cultural Heritage: the Case of the Way of St. James in Spain
, pages 165–171
Laser Scanning
A multi-range approach for Cultural Heritage survey: a case study in Mantua Unesco site
, pages 157–164
Image-based 3D modeling for the knowledge and the representation of archaeological dig and pottery: Sant'Omobono and Sarno project's strategies
, pages 243–250
A non-conventional procedure for the 3D modeling of WWI forts
, pages 457–464
Filtering of Point Clouds from Photogrammetric Surface Reconstruction
, pages 615–620
Laser intensity
Generation of effective orthophotos for road surfaces using MMS
, pages 621–628
Laser scanner
Discovering hidden architectures of ancient time: 3d data survey to reveal the myth of mithra in Santa Maria Capua Vetere
, pages 121–128
Laser scanning
Methods and tools to enjoy and to study inaccessible Heritage
, pages 137–144
Potentials of small, lightweight and low cost Multi-Echo Laser Scanners for detecting Grape Berries
, pages 211–216
Scan registration using planar features
, pages 501–508
Segmentation of planar surfaces in LiDAR point clouds of an electrical substation by exploring the structure of points neighbourhood
, pages 55–62
Geometric Modelling of Octagonal Lamp Poles
, pages 145–150
Airborne Laser Scanning and Image Processing Techniques for Archaeological Prospection
, pages 231–235
Evaluations of Three-Dimensional Building Model Reconstruction from LiDAR Point Clouds and Single-View Perspective Imagery
, pages 597–600
Lidar-equipped uav for building information modelling
, pages 523–527
Long Exposure Imagery
3D Case Studies of Monitoring Dynamic Structural Tests using Long Exposure Imagery
, pages 407–411
Low-cost sensors
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
large scale scanning surveys
Scaling up close-range surveys, a challenge for the generalization of as-built data in industrial applications
, pages 293–299
laser range finder
An Integrated Flexible Self-calibration Approach for 2D Laser Scanning Range Finders Applied to the Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW
, pages 385–393
laser scanning
Application of SFM and laser scanning technology to the description of mosaics piece by piece
, pages 23–28
A contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: performance evaluation with a new metric test object
, pages 277–284
Potentials of small, lightweight and low cost Multi-Echo Laser Scanners for detecting Grape Berries
, pages 211–216
Potentials of small, lightweight and low cost Multi-Echo Laser Scanners for detecting Grape Berries
, pages 211–216
Smartphones Based Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 29–34
A New Approach for Documentation, Conservation and Preservation of the Monolithic Statues in San Agustín as Pilot for Outdoor Cultural Heritage Documentation in Colombia
, pages 225–229
Mass-market sensors
Evaluation Of Mass Market Devices For The Documentation Of The Cultural Heritage
, pages 17–22
A feasibility study on the measurement of tree trunks in forests using multi-scale vertical images
, pages 87–92
A comparison of semiglobal and local dense matching algorithms for surface reconstruction
, pages 187–194
A Fast, Accurate and Easy to Implement Method for Pose Recognition of an Intramedullary Nail using a Tracked C-arm
, pages 217–223
Surveying and mapping a cave using 3d laser scanner: the open challenge with free and open source software
, pages 181–186
A Fast, Accurate and Easy to Implement Method for Pose Recognition of an Intramedullary Nail using a Tracked C-arm
, pages 217–223
Method for Measuring Lens Distortion by Using Pinhole Lens
, pages 509–515
Multispectral calibration to enhance the metrology performance of C-mount camera systems
, pages 517–521
Mobile Devices
Development of a self-localization method using sensors on mobile devices
, pages 237–242
Mobile LiDAR
Automated Extraction of 3D Trees from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
, pages 629–632
Mobile Mapping System
Smartphones Based Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 29–34
Generation of effective orthophotos for road surfaces using MMS
, pages 621–628
Mobile mapping
Localization using RGB-D cameras orthoimages
, pages 425–432
Mobile terrestrial laser scanner
Monitoring marginal erosion in hydroelectric reservoirs with terrestrial mobile laser scanner
, pages 589–596
A non-conventional procedure for the 3D modeling of WWI forts
, pages 457–464
3D models mapping optimization through an integrated parameterization approach: cases studies from Ravenna
, pages 173–180
Sensitive Analysis of Observation Model for Human Tracking Using a Stochastic Process
, pages 445–450
3D painting documentation: evaluation of conservation conditions with 3D imaging and ranging techniques
, pages 1–8
Photogrammetric Deformation Monitoring of the Second Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul
, pages 71–76
Photogrammetric Analysis of a Heritage Ceiling
, pages 379–383
3D Case Studies of Monitoring Dynamic Structural Tests using Long Exposure Imagery
, pages 407–411
Monitoring marginal erosion in hydroelectric reservoirs with terrestrial mobile laser scanner
, pages 589–596
Systems based on photogrammetry to evaluation of built heritage: tentative guidelines and control parameters
, pages 607–613
Monolithic Statues
A New Approach for Documentation, Conservation and Preservation of the Monolithic Statues in San Agustín as Pilot for Outdoor Cultural Heritage Documentation in Colombia
, pages 225–229
Multi Camera System
A Quality Evaluation of Single and Multiple Camera Calibration Approaches for an Indoor Multi Camera Tracking System
, pages 9–15
Multi-image photogrammetry
Accuracy of cultural heritage 3D models by RPAS and terrestrial photogrammetry
, pages 113–119
Multi-view Photogrammetry
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
Water Surface and Velocity Measurement-River and Flume
, pages 151–156
Multiview Stereo
Photogrammetric Analysis of a Heritage Ceiling
, pages 379–383
map accuracy
UAV Data Processing for Large Scale Topographical Mapping
, pages 565–572
mapping update
The sanctuary of Punta Stilo at Kaulonia-Monasterace (Rc, Italy): preliminary results of the close range photogrammetric surveys 2012-2013
, pages 559–563
Photogrammetry applied to Problematic artefacts
, pages 451–456
Close-range imaging and research priorities in Europe
, pages 487–492
monumental objects
Terrestrial scanning or digital images in inventory of monumental objects? – case study
, pages 395–400
Application of SFM and laser scanning technology to the description of mosaics piece by piece
, pages 23–28
Potentials of small, lightweight and low cost Multi-Echo Laser Scanners for detecting Grape Berries
, pages 211–216
multi-image matching
Object-based Multi-Image Semi-Global Matching – Concept and first results
, pages 93–100
multispectral imaging
Multispectral calibration to enhance the metrology performance of C-mount camera systems
, pages 517–521
museum documentation
A contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: performance evaluation with a new metric test object
, pages 277–284
Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in urban area
, pages 77–81
Development of a self-localization method using sensors on mobile devices
, pages 237–242
Accuracy of typical photogrammetric networks in cultural heritage 3D modeling projects
, pages 465–472
Next best view problem
Finding the next-best scanner position for as-built modeling of piping systems
, pages 313–320
non-invasive archaeology
Airborne Laser Scanning and Image Processing Techniques for Archaeological Prospection
, pages 231–235
Sensitive Analysis of Observation Model for Human Tracking Using a Stochastic Process
, pages 445–450
Finding the next-best scanner position for as-built modeling of piping systems
, pages 313–320
Octagonal Pole
Geometric Modelling of Octagonal Lamp Poles
, pages 145–150
New knowledge in determining the astronomical orientation of Incas object in Ollantaytambo, Peru
, pages 273–276
On-line processing
A real-time photogrammetry system based on embedded architecture
, pages 633–638
Open source software
Surveying and mapping a cave using 3d laser scanner: the open challenge with free and open source software
, pages 181–186
Ore-controlling structure
Paleovalleys mapping using remote sensing
, pages 83–86
Evaluation of feature-based methods for automated network orientation
, pages 47–54
A feasibility study on the measurement of tree trunks in forests using multi-scale vertical images
, pages 87–92
Application of SFM and laser scanning technology to the description of mosaics piece by piece
, pages 23–28
Outdoor Heritage
A New Approach for Documentation, Conservation and Preservation of the Monolithic Statues in San Agustín as Pilot for Outdoor Cultural Heritage Documentation in Colombia
, pages 225–229
Localization using RGB-D cameras orthoimages
, pages 425–432
Terrestrial scanning or digital images in inventory of monumental objects? – case study
, pages 395–400
Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in urban area
, pages 77–81
Paleovalleys mapping using remote sensing
, pages 83–86
Evaluating the geometric shape of a flying paraglider
, pages 265–272
Performance of parameter-domain and spatial-domain pole-like feature segmentation using single and multiple terrestrial laser scans
, pages 349–355
Pathology diagnosis
Human Vision Pathology Diagnostics by Photogrammetrics Means
, pages 437–443
New knowledge in determining the astronomical orientation of Incas object in Ollantaytambo, Peru
, pages 273–276
3D models mapping optimization through an integrated parameterization approach: cases studies from Ravenna
, pages 173–180
Cultural Heritage: An example of graphical documentation with automated photogrammetric systems
, pages 251–255
3D painting documentation: evaluation of conservation conditions with 3D imaging and ranging techniques
, pages 1–8
Evaluation Of Mass Market Devices For The Documentation Of The Cultural Heritage
, pages 17–22
Aerial photogrammetry procedure optimized for micro uav
, pages 41–46
Photogrammetric Deformation Monitoring of the Second Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul
, pages 71–76
A feasibility study on the measurement of tree trunks in forests using multi-scale vertical images
, pages 87–92
A new Gis-based map of villa Adriana, a multimedia guide for ancient paths
, pages 129–136
3D models mapping optimization through an integrated parameterization approach: cases studies from Ravenna
, pages 173–180
Image-based 3D modeling for the knowledge and the representation of archaeological dig and pottery: Sant'Omobono and Sarno project's strategies
, pages 243–250
Three-dimensional imaging of hold baggage for airport security
, pages 331–336
Modelling the appearance of heritage metallic surfaces
, pages 371–377
An ISVD-based Euclidian structure from motion for smartphones
, pages 401–406
Photogrammetry applied to Problematic artefacts
, pages 451–456
A non-conventional procedure for the 3D modeling of WWI forts
, pages 457–464
Accuracy of typical photogrammetric networks in cultural heritage 3D modeling projects
, pages 465–472
Evaluation of DEM generation accuracy from UAS imagery
, pages 529–536
A comparison of multi-view 3D reconstruction of a rock wall using several cameras and a laser scanner
, pages 573–580
Systems based on photogrammetry to evaluation of built heritage: tentative guidelines and control parameters
, pages 607–613
Filtering of Point Clouds from Photogrammetric Surface Reconstruction
, pages 615–620
Photometric stereo
Modelling the appearance of heritage metallic surfaces
, pages 371–377
Method for Measuring Lens Distortion by Using Pinhole Lens
, pages 509–515
Piping system
Finding the next-best scanner position for as-built modeling of piping systems
, pages 313–320
Segmentation of planar surfaces in LiDAR point clouds of an electrical substation by exploring the structure of points neighbourhood
, pages 55–62
Point Cloud
A voxel-based technique to estimate the volume of trees from terrestrial laser scanner data
, pages 101–106
A New Framework For Interactive Segmentation of Point Clouds
, pages 357–362
Monitoring marginal erosion in hydroelectric reservoirs with terrestrial mobile laser scanner
, pages 589–596
Automated Extraction of 3D Trees from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
, pages 629–632
Point Cloud Processing
Segmentation of planar surfaces in LiDAR point clouds of an electrical substation by exploring the structure of points neighbourhood
, pages 55–62
Point Clouds
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
Filtering of Point Clouds from Photogrammetric Surface Reconstruction
, pages 615–620
Point cloud
3D Modelling of Interior Spaces: Learning the Language of Indoor Architecture
, pages 321–326
Scan registration using planar features
, pages 501–508
Point clouds
Surveying and mapping a cave using 3d laser scanner: the open challenge with free and open source software
, pages 181–186
Geometric Modelling of Octagonal Lamp Poles
, pages 145–150
Post Processing
A New Approach for Documentation, Conservation and Preservation of the Monolithic Statues in San Agustín as Pilot for Outdoor Cultural Heritage Documentation in Colombia
, pages 225–229
Precise Threedimensional Reconstruction
Deformation monitoring with off-the-shelf digital cameras for civil engineering fatigue testing
, pages 195–202
Precision; Accuracy
Systems based on photogrammetry to evaluation of built heritage: tentative guidelines and control parameters
, pages 607–613
Procedural grammar based 3D model
Image based 3D city modeling : Comparative study
, pages 537–546
Deformation monitoring with off-the-shelf digital cameras for civil engineering fatigue testing
, pages 195–202
Pyramids <i>Pacaritanpu</i>
New knowledge in determining the astronomical orientation of Incas object in Ollantaytambo, Peru
, pages 273–276
panoramic images
Scaling up close-range surveys, a challenge for the generalization of as-built data in industrial applications
, pages 293–299
Multispectral calibration to enhance the metrology performance of C-mount camera systems
, pages 517–521
point clouds
Lidar-equipped uav for building information modelling
, pages 523–527
Accuracy of cultural heritage 3D models by RPAS and terrestrial photogrammetry
, pages 113–119
A Fast, Accurate and Easy to Implement Method for Pose Recognition of an Intramedullary Nail using a Tracked C-arm
, pages 217–223
Radiometric Camera Calibration
Radiometric Calibration of dual Sensor Camera System, a Comparison of classical and low cost Calibration
, pages 421–424
Radiometric Calibration of dual Sensor Camera System, a Comparison of classical and low cost Calibration
, pages 421–424
Range Imaging Camera
Pile volume measurement by range imaging camera in indoor environment
, pages 35–39
An ISVD-based Euclidian structure from motion for smartphones
, pages 401–406
Real-time Photogrammetry
A real-time photogrammetry system based on embedded architecture
, pages 633–638
A comparison of semiglobal and local dense matching algorithms for surface reconstruction
, pages 187–194
An ISVD-based Euclidian structure from motion for smartphones
, pages 401–406
Indoor Modelling Benchmark for 3D Geometry Extraction
, pages 581–587
A non-conventional procedure for the 3D modeling of WWI forts
, pages 457–464
Performance of parameter-domain and spatial-domain pole-like feature segmentation using single and multiple terrestrial laser scans
, pages 349–355
Scan registration using planar features
, pages 501–508
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
Relative Orientation
Quasi-five point algorithm with non-linear minimization
, pages 473–478
3D models mapping optimization through an integrated parameterization approach: cases studies from Ravenna
, pages 173–180
Modelling the appearance of heritage metallic surfaces
, pages 371–377
Renewable Energies
Impact Assessment of the Renewable Energies in the Cultural Heritage: the Case of the Way of St. James in Spain
, pages 165–171
Road surface orthophoto
Generation of effective orthophotos for road surfaces using MMS
, pages 621–628
Aerial photogrammetry procedure optimized for micro uav
, pages 41–46
rail track
Extracting Rail Track Geometry from Static Terrestrial Laser Scans for Monitoring Purposes
, pages 553–557
Analysis and correction of the dependency between laser scanner intensity values and range
, pages 107–112
range imaging camera
Localization using RGB-D cameras orthoimages
, pages 425–432
Semi-automatic extraction of sectional view from point clouds – The case of Ottmarsheim's abbey-church
, pages 343–348
Photogrammetry applied to Problematic artefacts
, pages 451–456
Close-range imaging and research priorities in Europe
, pages 487–492
Point cloud-based survey for cultural heritage – An experience of integrated use of range-based and image-based technology for the San Francesco convent in Monterubbiano
, pages 413–420
SFM (Structure from Motion)
Application of SFM and laser scanning technology to the description of mosaics piece by piece
, pages 23–28
Deformation monitoring with off-the-shelf digital cameras for civil engineering fatigue testing
, pages 195–202
San Agustín
A New Approach for Documentation, Conservation and Preservation of the Monolithic Statues in San Agustín as Pilot for Outdoor Cultural Heritage Documentation in Colombia
, pages 225–229
Segmentation of planar surfaces in LiDAR point clouds of an electrical substation by exploring the structure of points neighbourhood
, pages 55–62
Performance of parameter-domain and spatial-domain pole-like feature segmentation using single and multiple terrestrial laser scans
, pages 349–355
A New Framework For Interactive Segmentation of Point Clouds
, pages 357–362
Scan registration using planar features
, pages 501–508
Indoor Modelling Benchmark for 3D Geometry Extraction
, pages 581–587
Automated Extraction of 3D Trees from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
, pages 629–632
Development of a self-localization method using sensors on mobile devices
, pages 237–242
3D Modelling of Interior Spaces: Learning the Language of Indoor Architecture
, pages 321–326
Sensor Fusion
Development of a self-localization method using sensors on mobile devices
, pages 237–242
Water Surface and Velocity Measurement-River and Flume
, pages 151–156
Shadow removal
Generation of effective orthophotos for road surfaces using MMS
, pages 621–628
Shape Context
Automated Extraction of 3D Trees from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
, pages 629–632
Shape grammar
3D Modelling of Interior Spaces: Learning the Language of Indoor Architecture
, pages 321–326
Single Camera Orientation
A Quality Evaluation of Single and Multiple Camera Calibration Approaches for an Indoor Multi Camera Tracking System
, pages 9–15
Single View Reconstruction
Evaluations of Three-Dimensional Building Model Reconstruction from LiDAR Point Clouds and Single-View Perspective Imagery
, pages 597–600
Sketch based 3D model
Image based 3D city modeling : Comparative study
, pages 537–546
Evaluation Of Mass Market Devices For The Documentation Of The Cultural Heritage
, pages 17–22
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
Smartphones Based Mobile Mapping Systems
, pages 29–34
Space image
Paleovalleys mapping using remote sensing
, pages 83–86
Spanish Way of St. James
Impact Assessment of the Renewable Energies in the Cultural Heritage: the Case of the Way of St. James in Spain
, pages 165–171
Performance of parameter-domain and spatial-domain pole-like feature segmentation using single and multiple terrestrial laser scans
, pages 349–355
Modelling the appearance of heritage metallic surfaces
, pages 371–377
Spherical target
Eccentricity in Images of Circular and Spherical Targets and its Impact to 3D Object Reconstruction
, pages 363–370
A novel high accuracy 3D scanning device for rock-art sites
, pages 285–291
Stereo image matching
Congruence analysis of point clouds from unstable stereo image sequences
, pages 301–306
Structure from Motion
Accuracy of cultural heritage 3D models by RPAS and terrestrial photogrammetry
, pages 113–119
A novel high accuracy 3D scanning device for rock-art sites
, pages 285–291
Structure from Motion (SfM)
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
Structure from motion
Robust Global Motion Estimation with Matrix Completion
, pages 63–70
Structured light sensor
3D painting documentation: evaluation of conservation conditions with 3D imaging and ranging techniques
, pages 1–8
Surface Reconstruction
Filtering of Point Clouds from Photogrammetric Surface Reconstruction
, pages 615–620
Surveying and mapping a cave using 3d laser scanner: the open challenge with free and open source software
, pages 181–186
Potentials of small, lightweight and low cost Multi-Echo Laser Scanners for detecting Grape Berries
, pages 211–216
semi-global matching
Object-based Multi-Image Semi-Global Matching – Concept and first results
, pages 93–100
sensor orientation
UAV-based photogrammetry: monitoring of a building zone
, pages 601–606
shaded relief
Airborne Laser Scanning and Image Processing Techniques for Archaeological Prospection
, pages 231–235
Eccentricity in Images of Circular and Spherical Targets and its Impact to 3D Object Reconstruction
, pages 363–370
software comparison
UAV-based photogrammetry: monitoring of a building zone
, pages 601–606
spatial intersection
Eccentricity in Images of Circular and Spherical Targets and its Impact to 3D Object Reconstruction
, pages 363–370
Eccentricity in Images of Circular and Spherical Targets and its Impact to 3D Object Reconstruction
, pages 363–370
Extracting Rail Track Geometry from Static Terrestrial Laser Scans for Monitoring Purposes
, pages 553–557
structure from motion
The sanctuary of Punta Stilo at Kaulonia-Monasterace (Rc, Italy): preliminary results of the close range photogrammetric surveys 2012-2013
, pages 559–563
Localization using RGB-D cameras orthoimages
, pages 425–432
TOF laser scanning
Point cloud-based survey for cultural heritage – An experience of integrated use of range-based and image-based technology for the San Francesco convent in Monterubbiano
, pages 413–420
Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)
Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images
, pages 547–552
Terrestrial Laser Scanning
A voxel-based technique to estimate the volume of trees from terrestrial laser scanner data
, pages 101–106
Performance of parameter-domain and spatial-domain pole-like feature segmentation using single and multiple terrestrial laser scans
, pages 349–355
Interactive Trunk Extraction from Forest Point Cloud
, pages 433–436
Indoor Modelling Benchmark for 3D Geometry Extraction
, pages 581–587
Terrestrial laser scanner
Finding the next-best scanner position for as-built modeling of piping systems
, pages 313–320
Terrestrial laser scanning
Analysis and correction of the dependency between laser scanner intensity values and range
, pages 107–112
Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS)
Extracting Rail Track Geometry from Static Terrestrial Laser Scans for Monitoring Purposes
, pages 553–557
Terrestrial scanning
Terrestrial scanning or digital images in inventory of monumental objects? – case study
, pages 395–400
3D models mapping optimization through an integrated parameterization approach: cases studies from Ravenna
, pages 173–180
3D models mapping optimization through an integrated parameterization approach: cases studies from Ravenna
, pages 173–180
Three-dimensional imaging of hold baggage for airport security
, pages 331–336
Three-dimensional Modelling
A comparison of multi-view 3D reconstruction of a rock wall using several cameras and a laser scanner
, pages 573–580
Topographic mapping
UAV Data Processing for Large Scale Topographical Mapping
, pages 565–572
Aerial photogrammetry procedure optimized for micro uav
, pages 41–46
Sensitive Analysis of Observation Model for Human Tracking Using a Stochastic Process
, pages 445–450
A Fast, Accurate and Easy to Implement Method for Pose Recognition of an Intramedullary Nail using a Tracked C-arm
, pages 217–223
A voxel-based technique to estimate the volume of trees from terrestrial laser scanner data
, pages 101–106
Tree Extraction
Automated Extraction of 3D Trees from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
, pages 629–632
A novel high accuracy 3D scanning device for rock-art sites
, pages 285–291
terrestrial laser scanner
Scaling up close-range surveys, a challenge for the generalization of as-built data in industrial applications
, pages 293–299
terrestrial laser scanning
Door recognition in cluttered building interiors using imagery and lidar data
, pages 203–209
Semi-automatic extraction of sectional view from point clouds – The case of Ottmarsheim's abbey-church
, pages 343–348
An Integrated Flexible Self-calibration Approach for 2D Laser Scanning Range Finders Applied to the Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW
, pages 385–393
Evaluation of DEM generation accuracy from UAS imagery
, pages 529–536
Aerial photogrammetry procedure optimized for micro uav
, pages 41–46
A multi-range approach for Cultural Heritage survey: a case study in Mantua Unesco site
, pages 157–164
Point cloud-based survey for cultural heritage – An experience of integrated use of range-based and image-based technology for the San Francesco convent in Monterubbiano
, pages 413–420
Quasi-five point algorithm with non-linear minimization
, pages 473–478
Lidar-equipped uav for building information modelling
, pages 523–527
The sanctuary of Punta Stilo at Kaulonia-Monasterace (Rc, Italy): preliminary results of the close range photogrammetric surveys 2012-2013
, pages 559–563
UAV Data Processing for Large Scale Topographical Mapping
, pages 565–572
UAV-based photogrammetry: monitoring of a building zone
, pages 601–606
Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in urban area
, pages 77–81
A New Framework For Interactive Segmentation of Point Clouds
, pages 357–362
Interactive Trunk Extraction from Forest Point Cloud
, pages 433–436
unmanned aerial vehicle
Investigation on the Automatic Geo-Referencing of Archaeological UAV Photographs by Correlation with Pre-Existing Ortho-Photos
, pages 307–312
urban environment
Localization using RGB-D cameras orthoimages
, pages 425–432
Automatic Classification of coarse density LiDAR data in urban area
, pages 77–81
3D Case Studies of Monitoring Dynamic Structural Tests using Long Exposure Imagery
, pages 407–411
View planning
Finding the next-best scanner position for as-built modeling of piping systems
, pages 313–320
Virtual 3D city model
Image based 3D city modeling : Comparative study
, pages 537–546
Virtual Archaeology
Discovering hidden architectures of ancient time: 3d data survey to reveal the myth of mithra in Santa Maria Capua Vetere
, pages 121–128
Method for Measuring Lens Distortion by Using Pinhole Lens
, pages 509–515
Visual representation
Processing lidar waveform data for 3D visual assessment of forest environments
, pages 493–499
Development of a self-localization method using sensors on mobile devices
, pages 237–242
A New Framework For Interactive Segmentation of Point Clouds
, pages 357–362
A non-conventional procedure for the 3D modeling of WWI forts
, pages 457–464
Volume Computation
Pile volume measurement by range imaging camera in indoor environment
, pages 35–39
Volume Estimation
A voxel-based technique to estimate the volume of trees from terrestrial laser scanner data
, pages 101–106
A voxel-based technique to estimate the volume of trees from terrestrial laser scanner data
, pages 101–106
variance component estimation
An Integrated Flexible Self-calibration Approach for 2D Laser Scanning Range Finders Applied to the Hokuyo UTM-30LX-EW
, pages 385–393
water line detection
An autonomous image based approach for detecting glacial lake outburst floods
, pages 337–342
A Fast, Accurate and Easy to Implement Method for Pose Recognition of an Intramedullary Nail using a Tracked C-arm
, pages 217–223
Three-dimensional imaging of hold baggage for airport security
, pages 331–336
A New Approach for Documentation, Conservation and Preservation of the Monolithic Statues in San Agustín as Pilot for Outdoor Cultural Heritage Documentation in Colombia
, pages 225–229
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