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Volume XL-8, 2014 – Keyword index
Volume XL-8
Volume XL-8
Volume XL-8, 2014 – Keyword index
10+2 syllabi
Capacity Building through Geospatial Education in Planning and School Curricula
, pages 1253–1259
Evaluation of TRMM Precipitation Products over Indian Subcontinent
, pages 355–358
Evaluation of TRMM Precipitation Products over Indian Subcontinent
, pages 355–358
3D Urban Models
Climate Change for Agriculture, Forest Cover and 3d Urban Models
, pages 787–791
3D city model
Generation of 3D Model for Urban area using Ikonos and Cartosat-1 Satellite Imageries with RS and GIS Techniques
, pages 899–906
<i>Ceropegia bulbosa</i>
Ecological Niche Modelling using satellite data for assessing distribution of threatened species Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb.
, pages 597–603
Evaluation of NOAA Carbon Tracker Global Carbon Dioxide Products
, pages 287–290
DEM Construction using DInSAR
, pages 817–820
Diurnal Difference Vegetation Water Content (ddVWC) of Advance Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) for assessment of crop water stress at regional level
, pages 21–26
Assessing Wheat Yellow Rust Disease through Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
, pages 1413–1416
Comparative Analysis of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data for Mapping Snow Cover and Snow Grain Size
, pages 499–504
Estimation of aerosol optical depth over Dehradun (India) using simple model for atmospheric radiative transfer in multiple scattering approximation
, pages 271–276
Retrieval of Surface Reflectance using SACRS2: a Scheme for Atmospheric Correction of ResourceSat-2 AWiFS data
, pages 865–868
Automated Burned Area Delineation Using IRS AWiFS satellite data
, pages 1429–1432
AWiFS and LISS III sensors Data
Emulation of LISS III images for high temporal resolution at larger swath
, pages 1193–1200
Abnormal Leaf Fall
Satellite based remote sensing technique as a tool for real time monitoring of leaf retention in natural rubber plantations affected by abnormal leaf fall disease
, pages 885–889
Above ground biomass
Forest above ground biomass estimation and forest/non-forest classification for Odisha, India, using L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data
, pages 651–658
Absorption Feature
Hydat-A Hyperspectral Data Processing Tool for Field Spectroradiometer Data
, pages 481–484
Landscape Heterogeneity mapping for Access to Tribal health care in Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu, India
, pages 177–183
Accident Prone site
Road Traffic Accident Analysis of Ajmer City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technology
, pages 1455–1462
Assessment of coastal erosion along Indian coast on 1 : 25, 000 scaleusing satellite data
, pages 119–125
Airborne LIDAR and high resolution satellite data for rapid 3D feature extraction
, pages 573–580
Geometric Quality Assessment of Bundle Block Adjusted Mulit- Sensor Satellite Imageries
, pages 1115–1120
Cadastral Resurvey using High Resolution Satellite Ortho Image - challenges: A case study in Odisha, India
, pages 1165–1170
An experimental case study to estimate Pre-harvest Wheat Acreage/Production in Hilly and Plain region of Uttarakhand state: Challenges and solutions of problems by using satellite data
, pages 983–986
Active Remote Sensing
Radar backscattering measurement of bare soil and vegetation covered soil using X-band and full polarization
, pages 733–736
Active fire
Automated Burned Area Delineation Using IRS AWiFS satellite data
, pages 1429–1432
Aerial Photogrammetry
Landform monitoring in active volcano by UAV and SfM-MVS technique
, pages 71–75
Aerial Photographs
The role of national and international geospatial data sources in the management of natural disasters
, pages 47–51
Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD)
Spatial Correlation Analysis between Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) Hazard and Respiratory Diseases in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand
, pages 185–191
Operational Retrieval of aerosol optical depth over Indian subcontinent and Indian Ocean using INSAT-3D/Imager product validation
, pages 277–282
Operationalizing crop monitoring system for informed decision making related to food security in Nepal
, pages 1325–1330
Agricultural Drought
Integrating effective drought index (EDI) and remote sensing derived parameters for agricultural drought assessment and prediction in Bundelkhand region of India
, pages 89–100
Agricultural drought
Analysing agricultural drought vulnerability at sub-district level through exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity based composite index
, pages 65–70
Agricultural mechanization
Influence of Agricultural Developments on Net Primary Productivity (NPP) in the Semi-arid Region of India: A Study using GloPEM Model
, pages 725–732
Agricultural net primary productivity
Influence of Agricultural Developments on Net Primary Productivity (NPP) in the Semi-arid Region of India: A Study using GloPEM Model
, pages 725–732
Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability in India using NDVI Data Products
, pages 39–46
Automated system for generation of soil moisture products for agricultural drought assessment
, pages 111–117
Deriving crop calendar using NDVI time-series
, pages 869–873
Monitoring land use with reference to aquaculture in Chinna Cherukuru village of Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh, India – A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Approach
, pages 927–931
Agroclimatic regions
Energy Balance of Rural Ecosystems In India
, pages 411–417
Air Quality Index
Geomatics Approach for Assessment of respiratory disease Mapping
, pages 205–211
Air Temperature
Estimation of Net Radiation using satellite based data inputs
, pages 307–313
Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer(AVIRIS)
Comparative Analysis of Haar and Daubechies Wavelet for Hyper Spectral Image Classification
, pages 937–941
Alpha Residual
Potential of thermal emissivity for mapping of greenstone rocks and associated granitoids of Hutti Maski Schist belt, Karnataka
, pages 423–430
Supplementing Oscat winds with Saral Altika observations for cyclone studies
, pages 1059–1064
Estimation of currents using SARAL/AltiKa in the coastal regions of India
, pages 1365–1367
Altimeter range corrections
Inland Water Bodies Monitoring using Satellite Altimetry over Indian Region
, pages 1035–1041
Dynamics of surface melting over Amery and Ross ice shelf in Antarctic using OSCAT data
, pages 505–509
Single Space Born Image Based Anaglyph Generation
, pages 803–807
Deriving crop calendar using NDVI time-series
, pages 869–873
Remote Sensing Based Analysis of the Role of Land Use/Land Cover on Surface Temperature and Temporal Changes in Temperature; a Case Study of Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1447–1454
Analytic hierarchy process model
Site Suitability Analysis of Water Harvesting Structures Using Remote Sensing and GIS – A Case Study of Pisangan Watershed, Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1471–1482
Analytical Hierarchy Process
Geospatial Approach on Landslide Hazard Zonation Mapping Using Multicriteria Decision Analysis: A Study on Coonoor and Ooty, Part of Kallar Watershed, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu
, pages 1417–1422
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Analytical Hierarchy Process modeling for malaria risk zones in Vadodara district, Gujarat
, pages 171–176
Groundwater suitability recharge zones modelling – A GIS application
, pages 347–353
Integrating GIS with AHP and Fuzzy Logic to generate hand, foot and mouth disease hazard zonation (HFMD-HZ) model in Thailand
, pages 1369–1382
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)
Geospatial Modelling Approach for Interlinking of Rivers: A Case Study of Vamsadhara and Nagavali River Systems in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
, pages 127–132
Annual Parasitic Index (API) Vadodara
Analytical Hierarchy Process modeling for malaria risk zones in Vadodara district, Gujarat
, pages 171–176
Antarctic ice shelf
Dynamics of surface melting over Amery and Ross ice shelf in Antarctic using OSCAT data
, pages 505–509
Anthropogenic energy flows
Energy Balance of Rural Ecosystems In India
, pages 411–417
Automated system for generation of soil moisture products for agricultural drought assessment
, pages 111–117
Monitoring land use with reference to aquaculture in Chinna Cherukuru village of Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh, India – A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Approach
, pages 927–931
Aquatic macrophytes
Integration of multispectral satellite and hyperspectral field data for aquatic macrophyte studies
, pages 581–588
Constructing a Comprehensive Tool for Deriving Drainage Network using Semi-Open Source Tools and Comparision on Different DEM Data Sources
, pages 1129–1132
Climatology Of Thin Cirrus Clouds at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) Using Ground Based Lidar And Satellite Based Measurements
, pages 283–286
Absolute Vicarious Calibration of recently launched Indian Meteorological Satellite: INSAT-3D imager
, pages 291–298
Inter Comparison of Atmospheric Correction Models - SACRS2, FLAASH and 6SV Using Resourcesat-2 AWiFS Data
, pages 881–884
Atmospheric Correction
Retrieval of Surface Reflectance using SACRS2: a Scheme for Atmospheric Correction of ResourceSat-2 AWiFS data
, pages 865–868
Atmospheric Phase Delay
Estimating the atmospheric phase delay for quantifying co-seismic deformation using repeat pass Differential SAR Interferometry: Observations from 20th April 2013 Lushan (China) Earthquake
, pages 57–64
Automatic Extraction
Shadow Analysis Technique for Extraction of Building Height using High Resolution Satellite Single Image and Accuracy Assessment
, pages 1185–1192
Automatic Image Registration
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Automatic digitization
Reduction of livelihood risk for river bank erosion affected villagers
, pages 1433–1436
Automated system for generation of soil moisture products for agricultural drought assessment
, pages 111–117
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
A comparative analysis of Resourcesat-2 LISS-3 and Landast-8 OLI imagery
, pages 987–989
accuracy assessment
Sub pixel location identification using super resolved multilooking CHRIS data
, pages 463–468
aerosol optical depth
Estimation of aerosol optical depth over Dehradun (India) using simple model for atmospheric radiative transfer in multiple scattering approximation
, pages 271–276
and Geo-processing
Geospatial data sharing, online spatial analysis and processing of Indian Biodiversity data in Internet GIS domain – A case study for raster based online geo-processing
, pages 1133–1137
and Interlinking of Rivers
Geospatial Modelling Approach for Interlinking of Rivers: A Case Study of Vamsadhara and Nagavali River Systems in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
, pages 127–132
and NDVI
Web based geoprocessing tool for coverage data handling
, pages 1139–1143
Spatial and seasonal characterization of terrestrial biospheric carbon flux over India using GOSAT data
, pages 617–621
attitude exploitation
Automated Registration of Images from Multiple Bands of Resourcesat-2 Liss-4 camera
, pages 1177–1183
POLINSAR Coherence-Based Regression Analysis of Forest Biomass Using RADARSAT-2 Datasets
, pages 631–635
Band Math
Coastal Sediment Monitoring by Spectral Analysis
, pages 1055–1057
Band Ratio
Coastal Sediment Monitoring by Spectral Analysis
, pages 1055–1057
Band reduction
Improved Classification of Mangroves Health Status Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
, pages 667–670
Assessment of HICO data for Coastal Studies
, pages 1423–1427
Oil Spill Map for Indian Sea Region based on Bhuvan- Geographic Information System using Satellite Images
, pages 1085–1090
Forest climate change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment in Himalayas
, pages 1291–1294
Bioclimatic variables
Comparison of Bioclimatic, NDVI and Elevation variables in assessing extent of Commiphora wightii (Arnt.) Bhand.
, pages 589–595
Geospatial data sharing, online spatial analysis and processing of Indian Biodiversity data in Internet GIS domain – A case study for raster based online geo-processing
, pages 1133–1137
Block adjustment
Value Addition to Cartosat-I Imagery
, pages 1261–1264
Breast Cancer
Multinomial Logistic Regression Predicted Probability Map To Visualize The Influence Of Socio-Economic Factors On Breast Cancer Occurrence in Southern Karnataka
, pages 193–196
Brightness Temperature
Radiometric Quality Evaluation of INSAT-3D Imager Data
, pages 299–305
Building Reconstruction
Semantic labelling of urban point cloud data
, pages 907–911
Bundle block adjustment
Geometric Quality Assessment of Bundle Block Adjusted Mulit- Sensor Satellite Imageries
, pages 1115–1120
Burnt Area
Automated Burned Area Delineation Using IRS AWiFS satellite data
, pages 1429–1432
backscatter coefficient
Forest above ground biomass estimation and forest/non-forest classification for Odisha, India, using L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data
, pages 651–658
band remapping
Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Data for Enhancement of Spectral and Spatial Resolution
, pages 1099–1103
Spatial and seasonal characterization of terrestrial biospheric carbon flux over India using GOSAT data
, pages 617–621
boundary integration
A Merging Approach for Urban Boundary Correction Acquired By Remote Sensing Images
, pages 1011–1015
Assessment of net primary productivity over India using Indian geostationary satellite (INSAT-3A) data
, pages 561–568
Relationship between AWiFS derived Spectral Vegetation Indices with Simulated Wheat Yield Attributes in Sirsa district of Haryana
, pages 689–694
CHRIS multiviewing hyperspectral images
Sub pixel location identification using super resolved multilooking CHRIS data
, pages 463–468
CMIP5 models
Precipitation Trend Analysis over Eastern Region of India Using Cmip5 Based Climatic Models
, pages 1437–1442
Geo-Environmental Appraisal For Studying Urban Environment And Its Associated Biophysical Parameters Using Remote Sensing And GIS Technique
, pages 717–724
Comparative analysis of RISAT-1 and simulated RADARSAT-2 hybrid polarimetric SAR data for different land features
, pages 799–802
Extraction of aqueous minerals on Mars using CRISM based Targeted Reduced Data Records
, pages 431–436
Mineralogical characterization of Juventae Chasma, Mars: evidences from MRO-CRISM
, pages 477–479
GIS based Cadastral level Forest Information System using World View-II data in Bir Hisar (Haryana)
, pages 605–612
Cadastral maps
Reduction of livelihood risk for river bank erosion affected villagers
, pages 1433–1436
Absolute Vicarious Calibration of recently launched Indian Meteorological Satellite: INSAT-3D imager
, pages 291–298
Canopy Height Model (CHM)
Airborne LIDAR and high resolution satellite data for rapid 3D feature extraction
, pages 573–580
Capacity Building
Capacity Building for collecting primary data through Crowdsourcing - An Example of Disaster affected Uttarakhand State (India)
, pages 1249–1252
Prioritising Carbon Sequestration Areas in Southern Queensland using Time Series MODIS Net Primary Productivity (NPP) Imagery
, pages 549–553
Spatial and seasonal characterization of terrestrial biospheric carbon flux over India using GOSAT data
, pages 617–621
Carbon Tracker
Spatial and seasonal characterization of terrestrial biospheric carbon flux over India using GOSAT data
, pages 617–621
Carbon dioxide
Evaluation of NOAA Carbon Tracker Global Carbon Dioxide Products
, pages 287–290
Mineralogical characterization of Juventae Chasma, Mars: evidences from MRO-CRISM
, pages 477–479
Monitoring land use with reference to aquaculture in Chinna Cherukuru village of Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh, India – A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Approach
, pages 927–931
Synergetic merging of Cartosat-1 and RAMP to generate improved digital elevation model of Schirmacher oasis, east Antarctica
, pages 517–524
Geometric Quality Assessment of Bundle Block Adjusted Mulit- Sensor Satellite Imageries
, pages 1115–1120
Cartosat-1 stereo
Epipolar Rectification for CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Images Using SIFT and RANSAC
, pages 1095–1098
Single Space Born Image Based Anaglyph Generation
, pages 803–807
Value Addition to Cartosat-I Imagery
, pages 1261–1264
Cellular Automata,Markov Chain,Transition Probability,Multi-criteria Evaluation
Geo-information Based Spatio-temporal Modeling of Urban Land Use and Land Cover Change in Butwal Municipality, Nepal
, pages 809–815
Prioritising Carbon Sequestration Areas in Southern Queensland using Time Series MODIS Net Primary Productivity (NPP) Imagery
, pages 549–553
Change Detection
Enhanced Urban Landcover Classification for Operational Change Detection Study Using Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Data
, pages 773–779
Using logit model to identify the drivers of landuse landcover change in the Lower Gangetic Basin, India
, pages 853–859
New Change Detection Techniques to monitor land cover dynamics in mine environment
, pages 875–879
Monitoring Land Use/Land Cover Changes in a River Basin due to Urbanization using Remote Sensing and GIS Approach
, pages 949–953
Change detection
Decadal forest cover loss analysis over Indian forests using MODIS 250m imagery
, pages 645–649
Change detection technique
Investigation of coastline changes in three provinces of Thailand using remote sensing
, pages 1079–1083
An ensemble classification approach for improved Land use/cover change detection
, pages 695–701
The role of national and international geospatial data sources in the management of natural disasters
, pages 47–51
Check points
Quality Metrics of Semi Automatic DTM from Large Format Digital Camera
, pages 1159–1163
Chemical elements
Study Relating to the Spatial Distribution of Ground Water Quality for Different Elements using Legacy Data of RWS&S, Andhra Pradesh, India
, pages 383–390
Chlorophyll- a concentration
, pages 1017–1026
Cirrus Clouds
Lidar Studies on The Optical Characteristics of High Altitude Cirrus Clouds at A Low Latitiude Station, Gadanki (13.5°N , 79.2°E ) India
, pages 253–256
Cirrus clouds
Climatology Of Thin Cirrus Clouds at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) Using Ground Based Lidar And Satellite Based Measurements
, pages 283–286
An ensemble classification approach for improved Land use/cover change detection
, pages 695–701
Texture Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
, pages 793–798
Comparative Analysis of Haar and Daubechies Wavelet for Hyper Spectral Image Classification
, pages 937–941
Quality Metrics Evaluation of Hyperspectral Images
, pages 1221–1226
Classification Techniques
Road Detection from Remote Sensing Images using Impervious Surface Characteristics: Review and Implication
, pages 955–959
Clay minerals
Spectral stratigraphy and clay minerals analysis in parts of Hellas Planitia, Mars
, pages 419–422
Hyperspectral analysis of clay minerals
, pages 443–446
Clear-sky Probability
Synergistic use of Imager Window observations for Cloud Clearing of Sounder Observation for INSAT-3D
, pages 315–320
Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability in India using NDVI Data Products
, pages 39–46
Climate Change
Dynamic Land Use and Coastline Changes in active Estuarine Regions – A Study of Sundarban Delta
, pages 133–139
Precipitation Trend Analysis over Eastern Region of India Using Cmip5 Based Climatic Models
, pages 1437–1442
Climate change
Forest climate change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment in Himalayas
, pages 1291–1294
Climatic warming
Forest climate change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment in Himalayas
, pages 1291–1294
Synergistic use of Imager Window observations for Cloud Clearing of Sounder Observation for INSAT-3D
, pages 315–320
Hyperspectral remote sensing of paddy crop using insitu measurement and clustering technique
, pages 845–851
Hot spot detection and spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue in Queensland, Australia
, pages 197–204
Automated Registration of Images from Multiple Bands of Resourcesat-2 Liss-4 camera
, pages 1177–1183
Co-seismic deformation
Estimating the atmospheric phase delay for quantifying co-seismic deformation using repeat pass Differential SAR Interferometry: Observations from 20th April 2013 Lushan (China) Earthquake
, pages 57–64
Coastal Circulations
Assessment of OSCAT winds for coastal circulation on the north western continental shelf of India
, pages 1073–1077
Coastal Erosion
Assessment of coastal erosion along Indian coast on 1 : 25, 000 scaleusing satellite data
, pages 119–125
Coastal Protection
Assessment of coastal erosion along Indian coast on 1 : 25, 000 scaleusing satellite data
, pages 119–125
Coastal Waters
Seasonal variability of phytoplankton blooms in the coastal waters along the East coast of India
, pages 1065–1071
Coastal current
Estimation of currents using SARAL/AltiKa in the coastal regions of India
, pages 1365–1367
Coastline changes
Investigation of coastline changes in three provinces of Thailand using remote sensing
, pages 1079–1083
DEM Construction using DInSAR
, pages 817–820
Columnar CO
MOPITT total column CO over the Indian Subcontinent: Spatial variability and long term trend
, pages 323–327
Commiphora wightii
Comparison of Bioclimatic, NDVI and Elevation variables in assessing extent of Commiphora wightii (Arnt.) Bhand.
, pages 589–595
Community participation
Participatory GIS in action, a public health initiative from Kerala, India
, pages 233–237
Remote Sensing Based Analysis of the Role of Land Use/Land Cover on Surface Temperature and Temporal Changes in Temperature; a Case Study of Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1447–1454
Complex coherence
POLINSAR Coherence-Based Regression Analysis of Forest Biomass Using RADARSAT-2 Datasets
, pages 631–635
Compositional stratigraphy
Spectral stratigraphy and clay minerals analysis in parts of Hellas Planitia, Mars
, pages 419–422
Spatial dynamics of deforestation and forest fragmentation (1930–2013) in Eastern Ghats, India
, pages 637–644
Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM)
Target detection algorithm for airborne thermal hyperspectral data
, pages 827–832
Inter Comparison of Atmospheric Correction Models - SACRS2, FLAASH and 6SV Using Resourcesat-2 AWiFS Data
, pages 881–884
Measurement of glacier velocity at Pik Lenin, Tajikistan, by feature tracking
, pages 531–536
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Remote Sensing Based Analysis of the Role of Land Use/Land Cover on Surface Temperature and Temporal Changes in Temperature; a Case Study of Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1447–1454
Coupling hot spots
Mapping of coupling hot spots of satellite derived latent heat flux in indian agro-climatic regions
, pages 339–345
Critical Infrastructure Interdependency
Hierarchical Coloured Petrinet Based Healthcare Infrastructure Interdependency Model
, pages 85–88
Crop Condition Assessment
In-Season Assessment of Rabi Crop Progression and Condition from Multi Source Data
, pages 919–926
Crop Progression
In-Season Assessment of Rabi Crop Progression and Condition from Multi Source Data
, pages 919–926
Crop Simulation Model
In-Season Assessment of Rabi Crop Progression and Condition from Multi Source Data
, pages 919–926
Crop simulation model
Relationship between AWiFS derived Spectral Vegetation Indices with Simulated Wheat Yield Attributes in Sirsa district of Haryana
, pages 689–694
Crop water stress
Diurnal Difference Vegetation Water Content (ddVWC) of Advance Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) for assessment of crop water stress at regional level
, pages 21–26
Capacity Building for collecting primary data through Crowdsourcing - An Example of Disaster affected Uttarakhand State (India)
, pages 1249–1252
Spatio-temporal assessment of ecological disturbance and its intensity in the Mangrove forest using MODIS derived disturbance index
, pages 555–559
Supplementing Oscat winds with Saral Altika observations for cyclone studies
, pages 1059–1064
capacity building
Capacity Building through Geospatial Education in Planning and School Curricula
, pages 1253–1259
carbon sequestration
Analysis of carbon and nutrient storage of dry tropical forest of chhattisgarh using satellite data
, pages 659–665
change detection
Ice calving and deformation from Antarctic Ice margins using RISAT-1 circular polarization SAR data
, pages 525–529
Application of remote sensing and GIS in land use/land cover mapping and change detection in Shasha forest reserve, Nigeria
, pages 613–616
circular /linear polarization
Role of Polarimetric SAR data for discrimination/biophysical parameters of crops based on canopy architecture
, pages 737–744
Sub pixel location identification using super resolved multilooking CHRIS data
, pages 463–468
Improved Classification of Mangroves Health Status Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
, pages 667–670
Entropy based determination of optimal principal components of Airborne Prism Experiment (APEX) imaging spectrometer data for improved land cover classification
, pages 781–786
Graph – Based High Resolution Satellite Image Segmentation for Object Recognition
, pages 913–917
A comparative analysis of Resourcesat-2 LISS-3 and Landast-8 OLI imagery
, pages 987–989
Jeffries Matusita-Spectral Angle Mapper (JM-SAM) spectral matching for species level mapping at Bhitarkanika, Muthupet and Pichavaram mangroves
, pages 1403–1411
classification accuracy
Object oriented classification of high resolution data for inventory of horticultural crops
, pages 745–749
community forests
Monitoring the performance of community forestry to achieve REDD+ goals through geospatial methods
, pages 1295–1300
composite index
Analysing agricultural drought vulnerability at sub-district level through exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity based composite index
, pages 65–70
computer vision
Graph – Based High Resolution Satellite Image Segmentation for Object Recognition
, pages 913–917
correlation coefficient
A comparative analysis of Resourcesat-2 LISS-3 and Landast-8 OLI imagery
, pages 987–989
crop biomass
Role of Polarimetric SAR data for discrimination/biophysical parameters of crops based on canopy architecture
, pages 737–744
crop separability
Role of Polarimetric SAR data for discrimination/biophysical parameters of crops based on canopy architecture
, pages 737–744
DAQLB: Direct Archival and quick look browse
Modis data acquisition and utilization for forest fire management in india
, pages 1383–1387
Forest fire scenario and challenges of mitigation during fire season in North East India
, pages 27–33
Synergetic merging of Cartosat-1 and RAMP to generate improved digital elevation model of Schirmacher oasis, east Antarctica
, pages 517–524
DEM Construction using DInSAR
, pages 817–820
Constructing a Comprehensive Tool for Deriving Drainage Network using Semi-Open Source Tools and Comparision on Different DEM Data Sources
, pages 1129–1132
Study of the Effects of Target Geometry on Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Simulation Studies
, pages 1227–1231
DEM Construction using DInSAR
, pages 817–820
Hyperspectral analysis of clay minerals
, pages 443–446
Efficacy of StaMPS technique for monitoring surface deformation in L'Aquila, Italy
, pages 141–145
INSAT-3D Quality Analysis System (i3dQAS)
, pages 257–263
Radiometric Quality Evaluation of INSAT-3D Imager Data
, pages 299–305
Quality Metrics of Semi Automatic DTM from Large Format Digital Camera
, pages 1159–1163
Relationship between AWiFS derived Spectral Vegetation Indices with Simulated Wheat Yield Attributes in Sirsa district of Haryana
, pages 689–694
Quality Metrics of Semi Automatic DTM from Large Format Digital Camera
, pages 1159–1163
Dammed lake
Sunkoshi landslide in Nepal and its possible impact in India: A remote sensing based appraisal
, pages 1345–1351
Data Archival
Archiving and Managing Remote Sensing Data using State of the Art Storage Technologies
, pages 1153–1158
Data Management
Archiving and Managing Remote Sensing Data using State of the Art Storage Technologies
, pages 1153–1158
Data Processing Tool
Hydat-A Hyperspectral Data Processing Tool for Field Spectroradiometer Data
, pages 481–484
Data fusion
Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Data for Enhancement of Spectral and Spatial Resolution
, pages 1099–1103
Data mining
Geospatial Technology in Disease Mapping, E- Surveillance and Health Care for Rural Population in South India
, pages 221–225
Data sharing
Development of a web geoservices platform for School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India
, pages 1207–1212
Enabling heterogenous multi-scale database for emergency service functions through geoinformation technologies
, pages 7–14
Decadal change
Understanding Dynamics of Himalayan Glaciers: Scope and Challenges of Remote Sensing
, pages 1283–1289
Decentralized Planning
Space Based Information Support for Decentralised Planning (SIS-DP)-A case study in Balangir District,Odisha, India
, pages 1145–1148
Decision Support
Groundwater suitability recharge zones modelling – A GIS application
, pages 347–353
Decision support
Climate Change for Agriculture, Forest Cover and 3d Urban Models
, pages 787–791
DEM Construction using DInSAR
, pages 817–820
Decorrelation stretching
Potential of thermal emissivity for mapping of greenstone rocks and associated granitoids of Hutti Maski Schist belt, Karnataka
, pages 423–430
Spatial dynamics of deforestation and forest fragmentation (1930–2013) in Eastern Ghats, India
, pages 637–644
Assessment of slope stability using PS-InSAR technique
, pages 35–38
Characterization of the Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the Dengue Epidemic in Northern Sri Lanka
, pages 163–166
Hot spot detection and spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue in Queensland, Australia
, pages 197–204
Ecological Niche Modelling using satellite data for assessing distribution of threatened species Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb.
, pages 597–603
Lidar Studies on The Optical Characteristics of High Altitude Cirrus Clouds at A Low Latitiude Station, Gadanki (13.5°N , 79.2°E ) India
, pages 253–256
Depolarization ratio
Climatology Of Thin Cirrus Clouds at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) Using Ground Based Lidar And Satellite Based Measurements
, pages 283–286
Desertification Change Analysis in Siwalik Hills of Haryana Using Geo-informatics
, pages 677–681
Deriving crop calendar using NDVI time-series
, pages 869–873
Developing Countries
Geomatics Education: Need Assessment
, pages 1265–1267
Differential Absorption Lidar
Design of Laser Based Monitoring Systems for Compliance Management of Odorous and Hazardous Air Pollutants in Selected Chemical Industrial Estates at Hyderabad, India
, pages 1467–1470
Differential SAR Interferometry
Estimating the atmospheric phase delay for quantifying co-seismic deformation using repeat pass Differential SAR Interferometry: Observations from 20th April 2013 Lushan (China) Earthquake
, pages 57–64
Digital Elevation Model
Evaluation of Time Series TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Models
, pages 437–441
Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Landform monitoring in active volcano by UAV and SfM-MVS technique
, pages 71–75
Semi-automated Technique to Extract Boundary of Valley/mountain Glaciers using Glacio-morphological Information from Digital Elevation Model
, pages 511–516
Generation of 3D Model for Urban area using Ikonos and Cartosat-1 Satellite Imageries with RS and GIS Techniques
, pages 899–906
Dimensionality Reduction
A Unified Framework for Dimensionality Reduction and Classification of Hyperspectral Data
, pages 447–453
A Spatio-temporal disaggregation method to derive time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Land Surface Temperature at fine spatial resolution
, pages 1397–1401
Automated system for generation of soil moisture products for agricultural drought assessment
, pages 111–117
Retrospective Analysis of Recent Flood Events With Persistent High Surface Runoff From Hydrological Modelling
, pages 359–365
Multi scale Disaster Risk Reduction Systems Space and Community based Experiences over HKH Region
, pages 1301–1307
Disaster Management
Capacity Building for collecting primary data through Crowdsourcing - An Example of Disaster affected Uttarakhand State (India)
, pages 1249–1252
Disaster risk reduction
Multi scale Disaster Risk Reduction Systems Space and Community based Experiences over HKH Region
, pages 1301–1307
Regional Water Security in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region: Role of Geospatial Science and Tools
, pages 1331–1340
International Charter Support during Major Flood Disasters in India
, pages 1501–1505
Disease Severity Score
Assessing Wheat Yellow Rust Disease through Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
, pages 1413–1416
Distance Learning
Reach the Unreached -IIRS Outreach program for enhanced learning to all
, pages 1243–1247
Diurnal Difference
Diurnal Difference Vegetation Water Content (ddVWC) of Advance Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) for assessment of crop water stress at regional level
, pages 21–26
Doctoral Degree
A study on state of Geospatial courses in Indian Universities
, pages 1443–1446
Drainage network
Constructing a Comprehensive Tool for Deriving Drainage Network using Semi-Open Source Tools and Comparision on Different DEM Data Sources
, pages 1129–1132
Dual Polarimetric
Classification of various land features using RISAT-1 dual polarimetric data
, pages 833–837
Dummy variable
Geomorphic determinanats of landuse intensity
, pages 703–707
Prioritising Carbon Sequestration Areas in Southern Queensland using Time Series MODIS Net Primary Productivity (NPP) Imagery
, pages 549–553
data acquisition system
Payload Configurations for Efficient Image Acquisition – Indian Perspective
, pages 1201–1206
decision support system (DSS)
GIS and Remote Sensing for Malaria Risk Mapping, Ethiopia
, pages 155–161
Study of Oil spill in Norwegian area using Decomposition Techniques on RISAT-1 Hybrid Polarimetric Data.
, pages 1043–1048
distance education
E-learning based distance education programme on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science – An initiative of IIRS
, pages 1237–1241
Reach the Unreached -IIRS Outreach program for enhanced learning to all
, pages 1243–1247
, pages 1017–1026
Study of Discrimination Between Plantation and Dense Scrub Based on Backscattering Behavior of C Band SAR Data
, pages 755–760
Early Warning System
Retrospective Analysis of Recent Flood Events With Persistent High Surface Runoff From Hydrological Modelling
, pages 359–365
EarlyWarning and Response System (EWARS)
Mathematical Modeling of spatial disease variables by Spatial Fuzzy Logic for Spatial Decision Support Systems
, pages 213–220
Earth observation
SERVIR HIMALYA: Enabling Improved Environmental Management and Livelihoods in the HKH
, pages 1277–1281
The role of national and international geospatial data sources in the management of natural disasters
, pages 47–51
Eastern Ghats
Spatial dynamics of deforestation and forest fragmentation (1930–2013) in Eastern Ghats, India
, pages 637–644
Climate Change for Agriculture, Forest Cover and 3d Urban Models
, pages 787–791
Ecological and socio-economic and demographic factors
Characterization of the Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the Dengue Epidemic in Northern Sri Lanka
, pages 163–166
Ecological disturbance
Spatio-temporal assessment of ecological disturbance and its intensity in the Mangrove forest using MODIS derived disturbance index
, pages 555–559
Prioritising Carbon Sequestration Areas in Southern Queensland using Time Series MODIS Net Primary Productivity (NPP) Imagery
, pages 549–553
Assessment of net primary productivity over India using Indian geostationary satellite (INSAT-3A) data
, pages 561–568
Geomatics Education: Need Assessment
, pages 1265–1267
Effective Drought Index
Integrating effective drought index (EDI) and remote sensing derived parameters for agricultural drought assessment and prediction in Bundelkhand region of India
, pages 89–100
Comparison of Bioclimatic, NDVI and Elevation variables in assessing extent of Commiphora wightii (Arnt.) Bhand.
, pages 589–595
Emergency Management
Enabling heterogenous multi-scale database for emergency service functions through geoinformation technologies
, pages 7–14
Integrated flood disaster management and spatial information: Case studies of Netherlands and India
, pages 147–154
Emergency Response
Enabling heterogenous multi-scale database for emergency service functions through geoinformation technologies
, pages 7–14
Emergency planning
Risk management support through India Remote Sensing Satellites
, pages 1–6
Estimation of Net Radiation using satellite based data inputs
, pages 307–313
Potential of thermal emissivity for mapping of greenstone rocks and associated granitoids of Hutti Maski Schist belt, Karnataka
, pages 423–430
Emissivity normalisation
Potential of thermal emissivity for mapping of greenstone rocks and associated granitoids of Hutti Maski Schist belt, Karnataka
, pages 423–430
Ecological Niche Modelling using satellite data for assessing distribution of threatened species Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb.
, pages 597–603
Energy balance; net radiation
Comparison of energy balance on Gangotri and Chhota Shigri Glaciers
, pages 537–542
Gaussian Kernel Based Classification Approach for Wheat Identification
, pages 671–676
Epi-polar rectification
Epipolar Rectification for CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Images Using SIFT and RANSAC
, pages 1095–1098
Evaluation of Partially Overlapping 3D Point Cloud's Registration by using ICP variant and CloudCompare.
, pages 891–897
Euclidean Norm (ED Norm)
Gaussian Kernel Based Classification Approach for Wheat Identification
, pages 671–676
Evaluation of Time Series TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Models
, pages 437–441
Quality Metrics Evaluation of Hyperspectral Images
, pages 1221–1226
Evaporative fraction
Mapping of coupling hot spots of satellite derived latent heat flux in indian agro-climatic regions
, pages 339–345
Mapping of coupling hot spots of satellite derived latent heat flux in indian agro-climatic regions
, pages 339–345
A Spatio-temporal disaggregation method to derive time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Land Surface Temperature at fine spatial resolution
, pages 1397–1401
Estimation of Trees Outside Forests using IRS High Resolution data by Object Based Image Analysis
, pages 623–629
E-learning based distance education programme on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science – An initiative of IIRS
, pages 1237–1241
ecological monitoring
Effective Management of Trans boundary Landscapes – Geospatial Applications
, pages 1309–1317
ecosystem services
Effective Management of Trans boundary Landscapes – Geospatial Applications
, pages 1309–1317
electro-optical payload
Payload Configurations for Efficient Image Acquisition – Indian Perspective
, pages 1201–1206
Role of Polarimetric SAR data for discrimination/biophysical parameters of crops based on canopy architecture
, pages 737–744
XSTREAM: A Highly Efficient High Speed Real-time Satellite Data Acquisition and Processing System using Heterogeneous Computing
, pages 1171–1176
Feature Extraction
Airborne LIDAR and high resolution satellite data for rapid 3D feature extraction
, pages 573–580
Feature Space Optimization
Land Cover Change Detection Using Object-Based Classification Technique: A Case Study Along The Kosi River, Bihar
, pages 839–843
Feature extraction
Sub-pixel mineral mapping using EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral data
, pages 455–461
Feature tracking
Measurement of glacier velocity at Pik Lenin, Tajikistan, by feature tracking
, pages 531–536
Study on Karst Rock Desertification by Human-Nature Interaction: A Case Study of Fengshan County of Guangxi, China
, pages 493–498
Fertilizer use
Influence of Agricultural Developments on Net Primary Productivity (NPP) in the Semi-arid Region of India: A Study using GloPEM Model
, pages 725–732
Field data
Energy Balance of Rural Ecosystems In India
, pages 411–417
Fire hazard map
Forest fire scenario and challenges of mitigation during fire season in North East India
, pages 27–33
Development of Flood Inundation Libraries using Historical Satellite Data and DEM for Part of Godavari Basin: An Approach Towards Better Flood Management
, pages 1463–1466
Integrated flood disaster management and spatial information: Case studies of Netherlands and India
, pages 147–154
Retrospective Analysis of Recent Flood Events With Persistent High Surface Runoff From Hydrological Modelling
, pages 359–365
International Charter Support during Major Flood Disasters in India
, pages 1501–1505
Foot and Mouth Disease Hazard Zonation model (HFMD-HZ model)
Integrating GIS with AHP and Fuzzy Logic to generate hand, foot and mouth disease hazard zonation (HFMD-HZ) model in Thailand
, pages 1369–1382
Forest Change
Climate Change for Agriculture, Forest Cover and 3d Urban Models
, pages 787–791
Forest biomass
POLINSAR Coherence-Based Regression Analysis of Forest Biomass Using RADARSAT-2 Datasets
, pages 631–635
Forest boundary
GIS based Cadastral level Forest Information System using World View-II data in Bir Hisar (Haryana)
, pages 605–612
Forest disturbance
Decadal forest cover loss analysis over Indian forests using MODIS 250m imagery
, pages 645–649
Forest dynamics
Analysis of carbon and nutrient storage of dry tropical forest of chhattisgarh using satellite data
, pages 659–665
Forest fire
Forest fire scenario and challenges of mitigation during fire season in North East India
, pages 27–33
Study of temporal variation of vegetation indices and phenology of tropical deciduous broadleaf forest in eastern India
, pages 569–572
Estimation of Trees Outside Forests using IRS High Resolution data by Object Based Image Analysis
, pages 623–629
Automated Burned Area Delineation Using IRS AWiFS satellite data
, pages 1429–1432
Spatial dynamics of deforestation and forest fragmentation (1930–2013) in Eastern Ghats, India
, pages 637–644
Dynamics of surface melting over Amery and Ross ice shelf in Antarctic using OSCAT data
, pages 505–509
DEM Construction using DInSAR
, pages 817–820
Evaluation of Time Series TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Models
, pages 437–441
Fuzzy Inference System
Geomatics Approach for Assessment of respiratory disease Mapping
, pages 205–211
Fuzzy logic AHP
Integrating GIS with AHP and Fuzzy Logic to generate hand, foot and mouth disease hazard zonation (HFMD-HZ) model in Thailand
, pages 1369–1382
feature extraction
Entropy based determination of optimal principal components of Airborne Prism Experiment (APEX) imaging spectrometer data for improved land cover classification
, pages 781–786
Quality Metrics of Semi Automatic DTM from Large Format Digital Camera
, pages 1159–1163
fire mitigation
Forest fire scenario and challenges of mitigation during fire season in North East India
, pages 27–33
fire spread
Forest fire scenario and challenges of mitigation during fire season in North East India
, pages 27–33
Spatial and seasonal characterization of terrestrial biospheric carbon flux over India using GOSAT data
, pages 617–621
forest ecosystem
Application of remote sensing and GIS in land use/land cover mapping and change detection in Shasha forest reserve, Nigeria
, pages 613–616
fusion Technique
Investigation of coastline changes in three provinces of Thailand using remote sensing
, pages 1079–1083
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Web based geoprocessing tool for coverage data handling
, pages 1139–1143
Geospatial data sharing, online spatial analysis and processing of Indian Biodiversity data in Internet GIS domain – A case study for raster based online geo-processing
, pages 1133–1137
In-Season Assessment of Rabi Crop Progression and Condition from Multi Source Data
, pages 919–926
Risk management support through India Remote Sensing Satellites
, pages 1–6
Enabling heterogenous multi-scale database for emergency service functions through geoinformation technologies
, pages 7–14
Dynamic Land Use and Coastline Changes in active Estuarine Regions – A Study of Sundarban Delta
, pages 133–139
Integrated flood disaster management and spatial information: Case studies of Netherlands and India
, pages 147–154
GIS and Remote Sensing for Malaria Risk Mapping, Ethiopia
, pages 155–161
Landscape Heterogeneity mapping for Access to Tribal health care in Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu, India
, pages 177–183
Geospatial Technology in Disease Mapping, E- Surveillance and Health Care for Rural Population in South India
, pages 221–225
Participatory GIS in action, a public health initiative from Kerala, India
, pages 233–237
Study Relating to the Spatial Distribution of Ground Water Quality for Different Elements using Legacy Data of RWS&S, Andhra Pradesh, India
, pages 383–390
Simulation Of Surface runoff For Upper Tapi Subcatchment Area (Burhanpur Watershed) Using SWAT
, pages 391–397
Ecological Niche Modelling using satellite data for assessing distribution of threatened species Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb.
, pages 597–603
Spatial dynamics of deforestation and forest fragmentation (1930–2013) in Eastern Ghats, India
, pages 637–644
Desertification Change Analysis in Siwalik Hills of Haryana Using Geo-informatics
, pages 677–681
Characterizing multi-dimensionality of urban sprawl in Jamnagar, India using multi-date remote sensing data
, pages 761–766
Remote Sensing Based Methane Emission Inventory Vis-A-Vis Rice Cultural Types Of South Asia
, pages 821–826
Using logit model to identify the drivers of landuse landcover change in the Lower Gangetic Basin, India
, pages 853–859
Monitoring Land Use/Land Cover Changes in a River Basin due to Urbanization using Remote Sensing and GIS Approach
, pages 949–953
Urban Mapping and Growth Prediction using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, Pune, India
, pages 967–970
Oil Spill Map for Indian Sea Region based on Bhuvan- Geographic Information System using Satellite Images
, pages 1085–1090
Space Based Information Support for Decentralised Planning (SIS-DP)-A case study in Balangir District,Odisha, India
, pages 1145–1148
Cadastral Resurvey using High Resolution Satellite Ortho Image - challenges: A case study in Odisha, India
, pages 1165–1170
Road Traffic Accident Analysis of Ajmer City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technology
, pages 1455–1462
GIS Tool
Development of Gis Tool for the Solution of Minimum Spanning Tree Problem using Prim's Algorithm
, pages 1105–1114
E-learning based distance education programme on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science – An initiative of IIRS
, pages 1237–1241
Reach the Unreached -IIRS Outreach program for enhanced learning to all
, pages 1243–1247
GIS and Remote Sensing
Quantitative Geomorphological Analysis & Land Use/ Land Cover Change Detection of Two Sub-Watersheds in NE region of Punjab, India
, pages 371–375
GIS based 3D visualization
GIS based 3D visualization of subsurface and surface lineaments / faults and their geological significance, northern tamil nadu, India
, pages 469–476
GIS techniques
Application of remote sensing and GIS in land use/land cover mapping and change detection in Shasha forest reserve, Nigeria
, pages 613–616
Evaluation of NOAA Carbon Tracker Global Carbon Dioxide Products
, pages 287–290
Spatial and seasonal characterization of terrestrial biospheric carbon flux over India using GOSAT data
, pages 617–621
XSTREAM: A Highly Efficient High Speed Real-time Satellite Data Acquisition and Processing System using Heterogeneous Computing
, pages 1171–1176
Spatial variability of Soil Nutrients Using Geospatial Techniques: A case study in soils of Sanwer Tehsil of Indore district of Madhya Pradesh
, pages 1353–1363
GPS Kinematic mode
Inland Water Bodies Monitoring using Satellite Altimetry over Indian Region
, pages 1035–1041
Estimation of regional mass anomalies from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) over Himalayan region
, pages 329–332
Identification of prominent spatio-temporal signals in GRACE derived terrestrial water storage for India
, pages 333–338
Quality Metrics of Semi Automatic DTM from Large Format Digital Camera
, pages 1159–1163
GWR models
Spatial Correlation Analysis between Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) Hazard and Respiratory Diseases in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand
, pages 185–191
Gale Crater
Extraction of aqueous minerals on Mars using CRISM based Targeted Reduced Data Records
, pages 431–436
Geodynamics of the Indian Lithospheric Plate relative to the neighbouring Plates as revealed by Space Geodetic Measurements
, pages 53–56
Gangotri Glacier; Chhota Shigri Glacier
Comparison of energy balance on Gangotri and Chhota Shigri Glaciers
, pages 537–542
An experimental case study to estimate Pre-harvest Wheat Acreage/Production in Hilly and Plain region of Uttarakhand state: Challenges and solutions of problems by using satellite data
, pages 983–986
Cadastral Resurvey using High Resolution Satellite Ortho Image - challenges: A case study in Odisha, India
, pages 1165–1170
Geodynamics of the Indian Lithospheric Plate relative to the neighbouring Plates as revealed by Space Geodetic Measurements
, pages 53–56
Geodetic mass balance
Understanding Dynamics of Himalayan Glaciers: Scope and Challenges of Remote Sensing
, pages 1283–1289
Geodynamics of the Indian Lithospheric Plate relative to the neighbouring Plates as revealed by Space Geodetic Measurements
, pages 53–56
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Integrating GIS with AHP and Fuzzy Logic to generate hand, foot and mouth disease hazard zonation (HFMD-HZ) model in Thailand
, pages 1369–1382
Geographic Information; Mountain GIS Portal; Mountain environment
Adoption of Geospatial Systems towards evolving Sustainable Himalayan Mountain Development
, pages 1319–1324
Geographical Information System
Geomatics Education: Need Assessment
, pages 1265–1267
Geographical information systems
Hot spot detection and spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue in Queensland, Australia
, pages 197–204
A study on state of Geospatial courses in Indian Universities
, pages 1443–1446
Automatic geolocation of targets tracked by aerial imaging platforms using satellite imagery
, pages 1213–1220
Assessment of underground water potential zones using modern geomatics technologies in Jhansi district, Uttar Pradesh, India.
, pages 377–381
Geometric Correction
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Geometric Moments
Texture Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
, pages 793–798
Geometric accuracy
INSAT-3D Quality Analysis System (i3dQAS)
, pages 257–263
Geometric error
Geometric Quality Assessment of Bundle Block Adjusted Mulit- Sensor Satellite Imageries
, pages 1115–1120
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Geomorphic variable
Geomorphic determinanats of landuse intensity
, pages 703–707
Development of a web geoservices platform for School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India
, pages 1207–1212
Geomatics Education: Need Assessment
, pages 1265–1267
Multi scale Disaster Risk Reduction Systems Space and Community based Experiences over HKH Region
, pages 1301–1307
Geospatial Industry
A study on state of Geospatial courses in Indian Universities
, pages 1443–1446
Geospatial Map based Election portal (GMEP)
Development of Geospatial Map Based Election Portal
, pages 1149–1152
Geospatial Modelling
Geospatial Modelling Approach for Interlinking of Rivers: A Case Study of Vamsadhara and Nagavali River Systems in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
, pages 127–132
Geospatial Technology
Geospatial Approach on Landslide Hazard Zonation Mapping Using Multicriteria Decision Analysis: A Study on Coonoor and Ooty, Part of Kallar Watershed, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu
, pages 1417–1422
Geospatial technology
Capacity Building through Geospatial Education in Planning and School Curricula
, pages 1253–1259
Geospatial tools
Forest climate change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment in Himalayas
, pages 1291–1294
Geostatistical Analysis
Geomatics Approach for Assessment of respiratory disease Mapping
, pages 205–211
Gettis Statistical Technique
Geomatics Approach for Assessment of respiratory disease Mapping
, pages 205–211
Glacial boundary
Semi-automated Technique to Extract Boundary of Valley/mountain Glaciers using Glacio-morphological Information from Digital Elevation Model
, pages 511–516
Glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF)
Glof Study in Tawang River Basin, Arunachal Pradesh, India
, pages 101–109
Understanding Dynamics of Himalayan Glaciers: Scope and Challenges of Remote Sensing
, pages 1283–1289
Measurement of glacier velocity at Pik Lenin, Tajikistan, by feature tracking
, pages 531–536
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Road Traffic Accident Analysis of Ajmer City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technology
, pages 1455–1462
Global Warming
Study Relating to the Spatial Distribution of Ground Water Quality for Different Elements using Legacy Data of RWS&S, Andhra Pradesh, India
, pages 383–390
Socio-economic and ecological transformations of the peri-urban region of Gurgaon: an analysis of the trickle-down effect in the post globalization era
, pages 1269–1276
Development of Flood Inundation Libraries using Historical Satellite Data and DEM for Part of Godavari Basin: An Approach Towards Better Flood Management
, pages 1463–1466
Geomatics Education: Need Assessment
, pages 1265–1267
Grid cell base
Geomorphic determinanats of landuse intensity
, pages 703–707
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Operationalizing crop monitoring system for informed decision making related to food security in Nepal
, pages 1325–1330
Ground Water Potential Zones (GWPZ)
Groundwater suitability recharge zones modelling – A GIS application
, pages 347–353
Ground water
Assessment of underground water potential zones using modern geomatics technologies in Jhansi district, Uttar Pradesh, India.
, pages 377–381
Ground water quality
Study Relating to the Spatial Distribution of Ground Water Quality for Different Elements using Legacy Data of RWS&S, Andhra Pradesh, India
, pages 383–390
Groundwater Quality
Geospatial modelling for groundwater quality mapping: a case study of Rupnagar district, Punjab, India
, pages 227–232
Growing pattern
Understanding Crop Growing Pattern in Bardhaman district of West Bengal using Multi-Date RISAT 1 MRS data
, pages 861–864
Guwahati ,Satellite image
Susceptibility mapping and estimation of rainfall threshold using space based input for assessment of landslide hazard in Guwahati city in North East India
, pages 15–19
geochemical analysis
Processing and Analysis of Hyperspectral Fingerprints to Characterise Haematite of Singbhum Iron Ore Belt, Orissa, India
, pages 1341–1343
geospatial information
SERVIR HIMALYA: Enabling Improved Environmental Management and Livelihoods in the HKH
, pages 1277–1281
geostationary satellite
Operational Retrieval of aerosol optical depth over Indian subcontinent and Indian Ocean using INSAT-3D/Imager product validation
, pages 277–282
global warming
Evaluation of NOAA Carbon Tracker Global Carbon Dioxide Products
, pages 287–290
Potential of thermal emissivity for mapping of greenstone rocks and associated granitoids of Hutti Maski Schist belt, Karnataka
, pages 423–430
Potential of thermal emissivity for mapping of greenstone rocks and associated granitoids of Hutti Maski Schist belt, Karnataka
, pages 423–430
Graph – Based High Resolution Satellite Image Segmentation for Object Recognition
, pages 913–917
greenhouse gas
Evaluation of NOAA Carbon Tracker Global Carbon Dioxide Products
, pages 287–290
Glof Study in Tawang River Basin, Arunachal Pradesh, India
, pages 101–109
Assessment of HICO data for Coastal Studies
, pages 1423–1427
Origin of collapsed pits and branched valleys surrounding the Ius chasma on Mars
, pages 485–491
Road Detection from Remote Sensing Images using Impervious Surface Characteristics: Review and Implication
, pages 955–959
Integrating GIS with AHP and Fuzzy Logic to generate hand, foot and mouth disease hazard zonation (HFMD-HZ) model in Thailand
, pages 1369–1382
Hazardous air pollutants
Design of Laser Based Monitoring Systems for Compliance Management of Odorous and Hazardous Air Pollutants in Selected Chemical Industrial Estates at Hyderabad, India
, pages 1467–1470
Health care
Geospatial Technology in Disease Mapping, E- Surveillance and Health Care for Rural Population in South India
, pages 221–225
Health surveillance
Participatory GIS in action, a public health initiative from Kerala, India
, pages 233–237
Healthcare Critical Infrastructure
Hierarchical Coloured Petrinet Based Healthcare Infrastructure Interdependency Model
, pages 85–88
Hellas Planitia
Spectral stratigraphy and clay minerals analysis in parts of Hellas Planitia, Mars
, pages 419–422
Heterogeneous computing
XSTREAM: A Highly Efficient High Speed Real-time Satellite Data Acquisition and Processing System using Heterogeneous Computing
, pages 1171–1176
Hierarchical Coloured Petrinet
Hierarchical Coloured Petrinet Based Healthcare Infrastructure Interdependency Model
, pages 85–88
Hierarchical Decision rules
An experimental case study to estimate Pre-harvest Wheat Acreage/Production in Hilly and Plain region of Uttarakhand state: Challenges and solutions of problems by using satellite data
, pages 983–986
High Resolution
Estimation of Trees Outside Forests using IRS High Resolution data by Object Based Image Analysis
, pages 623–629
Graph – Based High Resolution Satellite Image Segmentation for Object Recognition
, pages 913–917
High Resolution Satellite Data
Shadow Analysis Technique for Extraction of Building Height using High Resolution Satellite Single Image and Accuracy Assessment
, pages 1185–1192
High resolution
New Change Detection Techniques to monitor land cover dynamics in mine environment
, pages 875–879
Cadastral Resurvey using High Resolution Satellite Ortho Image - challenges: A case study in Odisha, India
, pages 1165–1170
High resolution data
Entropy based determination of optimal principal components of Airborne Prism Experiment (APEX) imaging spectrometer data for improved land cover classification
, pages 781–786
Higher Education
A study on state of Geospatial courses in Indian Universities
, pages 1443–1446
Highest High Tide Line
Assessment of coastal erosion along Indian coast on 1 : 25, 000 scaleusing satellite data
, pages 119–125
Geodynamics of the Indian Lithospheric Plate relative to the neighbouring Plates as revealed by Space Geodetic Measurements
, pages 53–56
Estimation of regional mass anomalies from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) over Himalayan region
, pages 329–332
SERVIR HIMALYA: Enabling Improved Environmental Management and Livelihoods in the HKH
, pages 1277–1281
Semi-automated Technique to Extract Boundary of Valley/mountain Glaciers using Glacio-morphological Information from Digital Elevation Model
, pages 511–516
Hindu Kush Himalaya
Multi scale Disaster Risk Reduction Systems Space and Community based Experiences over HKH Region
, pages 1301–1307
Hindu Kush Himalayan river basins
Regional Water Security in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region: Role of Geospatial Science and Tools
, pages 1331–1340
Development of Flood Inundation Libraries using Historical Satellite Data and DEM for Part of Godavari Basin: An Approach Towards Better Flood Management
, pages 1463–1466
Hopfield neural network
Delineation of sub-pixel level sedimentary litho-contacts by super resolution mapping of Landsat image
, pages 1389–1396
Horticultural plantations
Object oriented classification of high resolution data for inventory of horticultural crops
, pages 745–749
Human activity
Study on Karst Rock Desertification by Human-Nature Interaction: A Case Study of Fengshan County of Guangxi, China
, pages 493–498
Hybrid Computing
XSTREAM: A Highly Efficient High Speed Real-time Satellite Data Acquisition and Processing System using Heterogeneous Computing
, pages 1171–1176
Hybrid Polarimetry
Comparative analysis of RISAT-1 and simulated RADARSAT-2 hybrid polarimetric SAR data for different land features
, pages 799–802
Hydrodynamic channel routing
Glof Study in Tawang River Basin, Arunachal Pradesh, India
, pages 101–109
Hydrological analysis
Sunkoshi landslide in Nepal and its possible impact in India: A remote sensing based appraisal
, pages 1345–1351
Automated system for generation of soil moisture products for agricultural drought assessment
, pages 111–117
Groundwater suitability recharge zones modelling – A GIS application
, pages 347–353
Retrospective Analysis of Recent Flood Events With Persistent High Surface Runoff From Hydrological Modelling
, pages 359–365
Hydrology tools
Constructing a Comprehensive Tool for Deriving Drainage Network using Semi-Open Source Tools and Comparision on Different DEM Data Sources
, pages 1129–1132
Hydrous Sulphates
Mineralogical characterization of Juventae Chasma, Mars: evidences from MRO-CRISM
, pages 477–479
Hyper spectral
Sub-pixel mineral mapping using EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral data
, pages 455–461
Comparative Analysis of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data for Mapping Snow Cover and Snow Grain Size
, pages 499–504
Urban land cover classification using hyperspectral data
, pages 751–754
Hyperspectral Data for Land use/Land cover classification
, pages 991–995
Hyperspectal measurements
Hyperspectral remote sensing of paddy crop using insitu measurement and clustering technique
, pages 845–851
Hyperspectral analysis of clay minerals
, pages 443–446
Integration of multispectral satellite and hyperspectral field data for aquatic macrophyte studies
, pages 581–588
Improved Classification of Mangroves Health Status Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
, pages 667–670
Texture Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
, pages 793–798
Quality Metrics Evaluation of Hyperspectral Images
, pages 1221–1226
Assessment of HICO data for Coastal Studies
, pages 1423–1427
Hyperspectral Reflectance
Assessing Wheat Yellow Rust Disease through Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
, pages 1413–1416
Hyperspectral fingerprints
Processing and Analysis of Hyperspectral Fingerprints to Characterise Haematite of Singbhum Iron Ore Belt, Orissa, India
, pages 1341–1343
Hyperspectral image classification
Multiple Classifiers and Graph Cut Methods for Spectral Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Image
, pages 683–688
Spatial Correlation Analysis between Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) Hazard and Respiratory Diseases in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand
, pages 185–191
high resolution data
Object oriented classification of high resolution data for inventory of horticultural crops
, pages 745–749
hybrid polarization
Study of Oil spill in Norwegian area using Decomposition Techniques on RISAT-1 Hybrid Polarimetric Data.
, pages 1043–1048
hyper spectral
Entropy based determination of optimal principal components of Airborne Prism Experiment (APEX) imaging spectrometer data for improved land cover classification
, pages 781–786
Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Data for Enhancement of Spectral and Spatial Resolution
, pages 1099–1103
hyperspectral image
Jeffries Matusita-Spectral Angle Mapper (JM-SAM) spectral matching for species level mapping at Bhitarkanika, Muthupet and Pichavaram mangroves
, pages 1403–1411
Geo-Environmental Appraisal For Studying Urban Environment And Its Associated Biophysical Parameters Using Remote Sensing And GIS Technique
, pages 717–724
Identification of prominent spatio-temporal signals in GRACE derived terrestrial water storage for India
, pages 333–338
Evaluation of Partially Overlapping 3D Point Cloud's Registration by using ICP variant and CloudCompare.
, pages 891–897
Geospatial Technology in Disease Mapping, E- Surveillance and Health Care for Rural Population in South India
, pages 221–225
Geospatial modelling for groundwater quality mapping: a case study of Rupnagar district, Punjab, India
, pages 227–232
IDW Technique
Geomatics Approach for Assessment of respiratory disease Mapping
, pages 205–211
IF: Intermediate Frequency
Modis data acquisition and utilization for forest fire management in india
, pages 1383–1387
In-Season Assessment of Rabi Crop Progression and Condition from Multi Source Data
, pages 919–926
Operational Retrieval of aerosol optical depth over Indian subcontinent and Indian Ocean using INSAT-3D/Imager product validation
, pages 277–282
Assessment of net primary productivity over India using Indian geostationary satellite (INSAT-3A) data
, pages 561–568
Evaluation of operational INSAT-3D UTH product, using Radiosonde, Meteosat-7 and NCEP Analysis
, pages 247–252
Absolute Vicarious Calibration of recently launched Indian Meteorological Satellite: INSAT-3D imager
, pages 291–298
Radiometric Quality Evaluation of INSAT-3D Imager Data
, pages 299–305
Synergistic use of Imager Window observations for Cloud Clearing of Sounder Observation for INSAT-3D
, pages 315–320
Remote Sensing Based Methane Emission Inventory Vis-A-Vis Rice Cultural Types Of South Asia
, pages 821–826
Site Suitability Analysis for Dissemination of Salt-tolerant Rice Varieties in Southern Bangladesh
, pages 961–966
Assessment of coastal erosion along Indian coast on 1 : 25, 000 scaleusing satellite data
, pages 119–125
Estimation of Trees Outside Forests using IRS High Resolution data by Object Based Image Analysis
, pages 623–629
Retrieval of Surface Reflectance using SACRS2: a Scheme for Atmospheric Correction of ResourceSat-2 AWiFS data
, pages 865–868
Inter Comparison of Atmospheric Correction Models - SACRS2, FLAASH and 6SV Using Resourcesat-2 AWiFS Data
, pages 881–884
IRS Cartosat
XSTREAM: A Highly Efficient High Speed Real-time Satellite Data Acquisition and Processing System using Heterogeneous Computing
, pages 1171–1176
Monitoring land use with reference to aquaculture in Chinna Cherukuru village of Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh, India – A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Approach
, pages 927–931
IRS Resourcesat-2 LISS-3
Geo-Environmental Appraisal For Studying Urban Environment And Its Associated Biophysical Parameters Using Remote Sensing And GIS Technique
, pages 717–724
Ice calving and deformation from Antarctic Ice margins using RISAT-1 circular polarization SAR data
, pages 525–529
Comparison of Bioclimatic, NDVI and Elevation variables in assessing extent of Commiphora wightii (Arnt.) Bhand.
, pages 589–595
Ice Calving
Ice calving and deformation from Antarctic Ice margins using RISAT-1 circular polarization SAR data
, pages 525–529
Study of temporal variation of vegetation indices and phenology of tropical deciduous broadleaf forest in eastern India
, pages 569–572
Image matching
Measurement of glacier velocity at Pik Lenin, Tajikistan, by feature tracking
, pages 531–536
Image registration
Automatic geolocation of targets tracked by aerial imaging platforms using satellite imagery
, pages 1213–1220
Synergistic use of Imager Window observations for Cloud Clearing of Sounder Observation for INSAT-3D
, pages 315–320
An ensemble classification approach for improved Land use/cover change detection
, pages 695–701
Impact Analysis
Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability in India using NDVI Data Products
, pages 39–46
Impervious Surfaces
Road Detection from Remote Sensing Images using Impervious Surface Characteristics: Review and Implication
, pages 955–959
GIS based 3D visualization of subsurface and surface lineaments / faults and their geological significance, northern tamil nadu, India
, pages 469–476
Spatial dynamics of deforestation and forest fragmentation (1930–2013) in Eastern Ghats, India
, pages 637–644
International Charter Support during Major Flood Disasters in India
, pages 1501–1505
Indian Summer Monsoon
Observational Analysis of Two Contrasting Monsoon Years
, pages 265–270
Indian coast
Estimation of currents using SARAL/AltiKa in the coastal regions of India
, pages 1365–1367
Indian plate
Geodynamics of the Indian Lithospheric Plate relative to the neighbouring Plates as revealed by Space Geodetic Measurements
, pages 53–56
Indo-Gangetic Plain
MOPITT total column CO over the Indian Subcontinent: Spatial variability and long term trend
, pages 323–327
Information Extraction
Road Detection from Remote Sensing Images using Impervious Surface Characteristics: Review and Implication
, pages 955–959
Estimation of Net Radiation using satellite based data inputs
, pages 307–313
Integrated Forest Z-score (IFZ)
Decadal forest cover loss analysis over Indian forests using MODIS 250m imagery
, pages 645–649
Intensity-Duration plot
Susceptibility mapping and estimation of rainfall threshold using space based input for assessment of landslide hazard in Guwahati city in North East India
, pages 15–19
International Charter
International Charter Support during Major Flood Disasters in India
, pages 1501–1505
Development of a web geoservices platform for School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India
, pages 1207–1212
E-learning based distance education programme on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science – An initiative of IIRS
, pages 1237–1241
Reach the Unreached -IIRS Outreach program for enhanced learning to all
, pages 1243–1247
Ontology-Driven Knowledge-Based Health-Care System, An Emerging Area – Challenges And Opportunities – Indian Scenario
, pages 239–246
Development of a web geoservices platform for School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India
, pages 1207–1212
Using logit model to identify the drivers of landuse landcover change in the Lower Gangetic Basin, India
, pages 853–859
Intrinsic Dimensionality
A Unified Framework for Dimensionality Reduction and Classification of Hyperspectral Data
, pages 447–453
Development of Flood Inundation Libraries using Historical Satellite Data and DEM for Part of Godavari Basin: An Approach Towards Better Flood Management
, pages 1463–1466
Irrigated area
Influence of Agricultural Developments on Net Primary Productivity (NPP) in the Semi-arid Region of India: A Study using GloPEM Model
, pages 725–732
Geospatial Techniques for Efficient Conservation and Management of Surface Water for Irrigation in Joganbedi Village, Khargone District, Madhya Pradesh, India
, pages 405–409
Iteratively Re-weighted Multivariate Alteration Detection (IR-MAD)
New Change Detection Techniques to monitor land cover dynamics in mine environment
, pages 875–879
INSAT-3D Quality Analysis System (i3dQAS)
, pages 257–263
image acquisition
Payload Configurations for Efficient Image Acquisition – Indian Perspective
, pages 1201–1206
image acquisition efficiency
Payload Configurations for Efficient Image Acquisition – Indian Perspective
, pages 1201–1206
image matching
Epipolar Rectification for CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Images Using SIFT and RANSAC
, pages 1095–1098
imaging satellite
Value Addition to Cartosat-I Imagery
, pages 1261–1264
in-flight calibration
Automated Registration of Images from Multiple Bands of Resourcesat-2 Liss-4 camera
, pages 1177–1183
inter-intra band
A comparative analysis of Resourcesat-2 LISS-3 and Landast-8 OLI imagery
, pages 987–989
interpolation methods
Synergetic merging of Cartosat-1 and RAMP to generate improved digital elevation model of Schirmacher oasis, east Antarctica
, pages 517–524
iron ores grades
Processing and Analysis of Hyperspectral Fingerprints to Characterise Haematite of Singbhum Iron Ore Belt, Orissa, India
, pages 1341–1343
Jeffries Matusita-Spectral Angle Mapper (JM-SAM) spectral matching for species level mapping at Bhitarkanika, Muthupet and Pichavaram mangroves
, pages 1403–1411
Geospatial Techniques for Efficient Conservation and Management of Surface Water for Irrigation in Joganbedi Village, Khargone District, Madhya Pradesh, India
, pages 405–409
Understanding Crop Growing Pattern in Bardhaman district of West Bengal using Multi-Date RISAT 1 MRS data
, pages 861–864
Juventae Chasma
Mineralogical characterization of Juventae Chasma, Mars: evidences from MRO-CRISM
, pages 477–479
Enhancement of snow cover change detection with sparse representation and dictionary learning
, pages 543–548
Operational semi-physical spectral-spatial wheat yield model development
, pages 977–982
Gaussian Kernel Based Classification Approach for Wheat Identification
, pages 671–676
GIS based Cadastral level Forest Information System using World View-II data in Bir Hisar (Haryana)
, pages 605–612
Knowledge Base
Ontology-Driven Knowledge-Based Health-Care System, An Emerging Area – Challenges And Opportunities – Indian Scenario
, pages 239–246
Knowledge base
Knowledge based system for Satellite data product selection
, pages 1233–1236
Sunkoshi landslide in Nepal and its possible impact in India: A remote sensing based appraisal
, pages 1345–1351
Satellite-based estimation and validation of monthly rainfall distribution over Upper Ganga river basin
, pages 399–404
Spatial variability of Soil Nutrients Using Geospatial Techniques: A case study in soils of Sanwer Tehsil of Indore district of Madhya Pradesh
, pages 1353–1363
k-means Clustering
Quality Metrics Evaluation of Hyperspectral Images
, pages 1221–1226
k-means clustering
Enhancement of snow cover change detection with sparse representation and dictionary learning
, pages 543–548
Quality Metrics of Semi Automatic DTM from Large Format Digital Camera
, pages 1159–1163
A comparative analysis of Resourcesat-2 LISS-3 and Landast-8 OLI imagery
, pages 987–989
An experimental case study to estimate Pre-harvest Wheat Acreage/Production in Hilly and Plain region of Uttarakhand state: Challenges and solutions of problems by using satellite data
, pages 983–986
Assessment of coastal erosion along Indian coast on 1 : 25, 000 scaleusing satellite data
, pages 119–125
An experimental case study to estimate Pre-harvest Wheat Acreage/Production in Hilly and Plain region of Uttarakhand state: Challenges and solutions of problems by using satellite data
, pages 983–986
Geo-Environmental Appraisal For Studying Urban Environment And Its Associated Biophysical Parameters Using Remote Sensing And GIS Technique
, pages 717–724
A Spatio-temporal disaggregation method to derive time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Land Surface Temperature at fine spatial resolution
, pages 1397–1401
Operational semi-physical spectral-spatial wheat yield model development
, pages 977–982
Monitoring land use with reference to aquaculture in Chinna Cherukuru village of Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh, India – A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Approach
, pages 927–931
Application of remote sensing and GIS in land use/land cover mapping and change detection in Shasha forest reserve, Nigeria
, pages 613–616
Land Cover Change Detection Using Object-Based Classification Technique: A Case Study Along The Kosi River, Bihar
, pages 839–843
Road Traffic Accident Analysis of Ajmer City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technology
, pages 1455–1462
LULC classification
Land use land cover classification using local multiple pattern from very high resolution satellite imagery
, pages 971–976
LWIR (Long Wave Infrared)
Target detection algorithm for airborne thermal hyperspectral data
, pages 827–832
Inter Comparison of Atmospheric Correction Models - SACRS2, FLAASH and 6SV Using Resourcesat-2 AWiFS Data
, pages 881–884
Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature Diurnal Cycle model parameters from Kalpana-1 VHRR data over India
, pages 933–936
Land Cover
Radar backscattering measurement of bare soil and vegetation covered soil using X-band and full polarization
, pages 733–736
Land Cover Change Detection Using Object-Based Classification Technique: A Case Study Along The Kosi River, Bihar
, pages 839–843
Using logit model to identify the drivers of landuse landcover change in the Lower Gangetic Basin, India
, pages 853–859
Land Cover Change
Land Cover Change Detection Using Object-Based Classification Technique: A Case Study Along The Kosi River, Bihar
, pages 839–843
Land Surface Temperature (LST)
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of UHI using Geo-Spatial Techniques: A case study of Ahmedabad
, pages 997–1002
Land Use
Using logit model to identify the drivers of landuse landcover change in the Lower Gangetic Basin, India
, pages 853–859
Land Use Land Cover
An ensemble classification approach for improved Land use/cover change detection
, pages 695–701
Land Use/Land Cover
Monitoring Land Use/Land Cover Changes in a River Basin due to Urbanization using Remote Sensing and GIS Approach
, pages 949–953
Land Use/Land Cover Change
Quantitative Geomorphological Analysis & Land Use/ Land Cover Change Detection of Two Sub-Watersheds in NE region of Punjab, India
, pages 371–375
Land cover
Urban land cover classification using hyperspectral data
, pages 751–754
Spatio-temporal Assessment of Land Use/ Land Cover Dynamics and Urban Heat Island of Jaipur City using Satellite Data
, pages 767–772
Land sat
Land Use and Land Cover Classification from ETM Sensor Data : A Case Study from Tamakoshi River Basin of Nepal
, pages 943–948
Land use
Spatio-temporal Assessment of Land Use/ Land Cover Dynamics and Urban Heat Island of Jaipur City using Satellite Data
, pages 767–772
Land Use and Land Cover Classification from ETM Sensor Data : A Case Study from Tamakoshi River Basin of Nepal
, pages 943–948
Land use land cover
Classification of various land features using RISAT-1 dual polarimetric data
, pages 833–837
Land use land cover change
Socio-economic and ecological transformations of the peri-urban region of Gurgaon: an analysis of the trickle-down effect in the post globalization era
, pages 1269–1276
Land use/ Land Cover
Desertification Change Analysis in Siwalik Hills of Haryana Using Geo-informatics
, pages 677–681
Land use/land cover
Time-Series analysis of MODIS NDVI data along with ancillary data for Land use/Land cover mapping of Uttarakhand
, pages 1491–1500
Comparative Analysis of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data for Mapping Snow Cover and Snow Grain Size
, pages 499–504
Spatio-temporal Assessment of Land Use/ Land Cover Dynamics and Urban Heat Island of Jaipur City using Satellite Data
, pages 767–772
Landsat TM
Assessment of underground water potential zones using modern geomatics technologies in Jhansi district, Uttar Pradesh, India.
, pages 377–381
Landsat TM/ETM+/8
Geo-Environmental Appraisal For Studying Urban Environment And Its Associated Biophysical Parameters Using Remote Sensing And GIS Technique
, pages 717–724
Landsat TRIS/8/LDCM
Climate Change for Agriculture, Forest Cover and 3d Urban Models
, pages 787–791
Glof Study in Tawang River Basin, Arunachal Pradesh, India
, pages 101–109
Landscape Mapping
Landscape Heterogeneity mapping for Access to Tribal health care in Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu, India
, pages 177–183
Assessment of slope stability using PS-InSAR technique
, pages 35–38
Sunkoshi landslide in Nepal and its possible impact in India: A remote sensing based appraisal
, pages 1345–1351
Susceptibility mapping and estimation of rainfall threshold using space based input for assessment of landslide hazard in Guwahati city in North East India
, pages 15–19
Landslide Hazard Zones
Geospatial Approach on Landslide Hazard Zonation Mapping Using Multicriteria Decision Analysis: A Study on Coonoor and Ooty, Part of Kallar Watershed, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu
, pages 1417–1422
Landuse intensity
Geomorphic determinanats of landuse intensity
, pages 703–707
Geospatial Techniques for Efficient Conservation and Management of Surface Water for Irrigation in Joganbedi Village, Khargone District, Madhya Pradesh, India
, pages 405–409
Laser Scanning
Evaluation of Partially Overlapping 3D Point Cloud's Registration by using ICP variant and CloudCompare.
, pages 891–897
Laser remote sensing
Design of Laser Based Monitoring Systems for Compliance Management of Odorous and Hazardous Air Pollutants in Selected Chemical Industrial Estates at Hyderabad, India
, pages 1467–1470
Latent heat flux
Mapping of coupling hot spots of satellite derived latent heat flux in indian agro-climatic regions
, pages 339–345
Leaf Area Index
Satellite based remote sensing technique as a tool for real time monitoring of leaf retention in natural rubber plantations affected by abnormal leaf fall disease
, pages 885–889
Leapfrog development
Characterizing multi-dimensionality of urban sprawl in Jamnagar, India using multi-date remote sensing data
, pages 761–766
INSAT-3D Quality Analysis System (i3dQAS)
, pages 257–263
Radiometric Quality Evaluation of INSAT-3D Imager Data
, pages 299–305
Airborne LIDAR and high resolution satellite data for rapid 3D feature extraction
, pages 573–580
Semantic labelling of urban point cloud data
, pages 907–911
Lidar Studies on The Optical Characteristics of High Altitude Cirrus Clouds at A Low Latitiude Station, Gadanki (13.5°N , 79.2°E ) India
, pages 253–256
Climatology Of Thin Cirrus Clouds at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) Using Ground Based Lidar And Satellite Based Measurements
, pages 283–286
Design of Laser Based Monitoring Systems for Compliance Management of Odorous and Hazardous Air Pollutants in Selected Chemical Industrial Estates at Hyderabad, India
, pages 1467–1470
Lidar ratio
Lidar Studies on The Optical Characteristics of High Altitude Cirrus Clouds at A Low Latitiude Station, Gadanki (13.5°N , 79.2°E ) India
, pages 253–256
Climatology Of Thin Cirrus Clouds at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) Using Ground Based Lidar And Satellite Based Measurements
, pages 283–286
Light Toned Layered Deposits
Mineralogical characterization of Juventae Chasma, Mars: evidences from MRO-CRISM
, pages 477–479
Linear spectral unmixing
Delineation of sub-pixel level sedimentary litho-contacts by super resolution mapping of Landsat image
, pages 1389–1396
Litho-contact delineation
Delineation of sub-pixel level sedimentary litho-contacts by super resolution mapping of Landsat image
, pages 1389–1396
Livelihood risk
Reduction of livelihood risk for river bank erosion affected villagers
, pages 1433–1436
Local Moran LISA statistics
Characterization of the Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the Dengue Epidemic in Northern Sri Lanka
, pages 163–166
Local Multiple patterns WorldView-2
Land use land cover classification using local multiple pattern from very high resolution satellite imagery
, pages 971–976
Look angle
Radar backscattering measurement of bare soil and vegetation covered soil using X-band and full polarization
, pages 733–736
land cover
Entropy based determination of optimal principal components of Airborne Prism Experiment (APEX) imaging spectrometer data for improved land cover classification
, pages 781–786
Land Use and Land Cover Classification from ETM Sensor Data : A Case Study from Tamakoshi River Basin of Nepal
, pages 943–948
A comparative analysis of Resourcesat-2 LISS-3 and Landast-8 OLI imagery
, pages 987–989
land use
Urban Mapping and Growth Prediction using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, Pune, India
, pages 967–970
landscape assessment
Effective Management of Trans boundary Landscapes – Geospatial Applications
, pages 1309–1317
latitudinal variations
MOPITT total column CO over the Indian Subcontinent: Spatial variability and long term trend
, pages 323–327
linear regress model and biomass change
Monitoring the performance of community forestry to achieve REDD+ goals through geospatial methods
, pages 1295–1300
long term trend
MOPITT total column CO over the Indian Subcontinent: Spatial variability and long term trend
, pages 323–327
Study of Oil spill in Norwegian area using Decomposition Techniques on RISAT-1 Hybrid Polarimetric Data.
, pages 1043–1048
Capacity Building for collecting primary data through Crowdsourcing - An Example of Disaster affected Uttarakhand State (India)
, pages 1249–1252
Hydat-A Hyperspectral Data Processing Tool for Field Spectroradiometer Data
, pages 481–484
MBPS: Mega Bytes per second
Modis data acquisition and utilization for forest fire management in india
, pages 1383–1387
Origin of collapsed pits and branched valleys surrounding the Ius chasma on Mars
, pages 485–491
Spatio-temporal assessment of ecological disturbance and its intensity in the Mangrove forest using MODIS derived disturbance index
, pages 555–559
Radiometric Quality Evaluation of INSAT-3D Imager Data
, pages 299–305
Assessing Wheat Yellow Rust Disease through Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
, pages 1413–1416
Geo-Environmental Appraisal For Studying Urban Environment And Its Associated Biophysical Parameters Using Remote Sensing And GIS Technique
, pages 717–724
Urban land cover classification using hyperspectral data
, pages 751–754
Time-Series analysis of MODIS NDVI data along with ancillary data for Land use/Land cover mapping of Uttarakhand
, pages 1491–1500
Forest fire scenario and challenges of mitigation during fire season in North East India
, pages 27–33
Operational Retrieval of aerosol optical depth over Indian subcontinent and Indian Ocean using INSAT-3D/Imager product validation
, pages 277–282
Mapping of coupling hot spots of satellite derived latent heat flux in indian agro-climatic regions
, pages 339–345
Prioritising Carbon Sequestration Areas in Southern Queensland using Time Series MODIS Net Primary Productivity (NPP) Imagery
, pages 549–553
Spatio-temporal assessment of ecological disturbance and its intensity in the Mangrove forest using MODIS derived disturbance index
, pages 555–559
Decadal forest cover loss analysis over Indian forests using MODIS 250m imagery
, pages 645–649
Satellite based remote sensing technique as a tool for real time monitoring of leaf retention in natural rubber plantations affected by abnormal leaf fall disease
, pages 885–889
Operational semi-physical spectral-spatial wheat yield model development
, pages 977–982
Forest climate change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment in Himalayas
, pages 1291–1294
Time-Series analysis of MODIS NDVI data along with ancillary data for Land use/Land cover mapping of Uttarakhand
, pages 1491–1500
MODIS images
Spatial Correlation Analysis between Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) Hazard and Respiratory Diseases in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand
, pages 185–191
MODIS-<i>a</i> Comparison
Time Series Analysis Of Primary Productivity Along The East Coast Of India Using Oceansat-2 Ocean Colour Monitor (O cm)
, pages 1049–1053
MODIS: Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
Modis data acquisition and utilization for forest fire management in india
, pages 1383–1387
MOPITT total column CO over the Indian Subcontinent: Spatial variability and long term trend
, pages 323–327
Spectral stratigraphy and clay minerals analysis in parts of Hellas Planitia, Mars
, pages 419–422
Monitoring the performance of community forestry to achieve REDD+ goals through geospatial methods
, pages 1295–1300
Radiometric Quality Evaluation of INSAT-3D Imager Data
, pages 299–305
MTTCIMF algorithm
Sub-pixel mineral mapping using EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral data
, pages 455–461
Mafic minerals
Mineralogical characterization of Juventae Chasma, Mars: evidences from MRO-CRISM
, pages 477–479
Graph – Based High Resolution Satellite Image Segmentation for Object Recognition
, pages 913–917
Majority Rule Based (MRB) aggregation
Geospatial Modelling Approach for Interlinking of Rivers: A Case Study of Vamsadhara and Nagavali River Systems in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
, pages 127–132
Analytical Hierarchy Process modeling for malaria risk zones in Vadodara district, Gujarat
, pages 171–176
Mangrove ecosystem
Spatio-temporal assessment of ecological disturbance and its intensity in the Mangrove forest using MODIS derived disturbance index
, pages 555–559
Mangroves health
Improved Classification of Mangroves Health Status Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
, pages 667–670
Map server
Development of a web geoservices platform for School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India
, pages 1207–1212
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Using logit model to identify the drivers of landuse landcover change in the Lower Gangetic Basin, India
, pages 853–859
Automated Burned Area Delineation Using IRS AWiFS satellite data
, pages 1429–1432
Markov Chain model
Urban Mapping and Growth Prediction using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, Pune, India
, pages 967–970
Extraction of aqueous minerals on Mars using CRISM based Targeted Reduced Data Records
, pages 431–436
Master degree
A study on state of Geospatial courses in Indian Universities
, pages 1443–1446
Evaluation of Partially Overlapping 3D Point Cloud's Registration by using ICP variant and CloudCompare.
, pages 891–897
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Mathematical Modeling
Mathematical Modeling of spatial disease variables by Spatial Fuzzy Logic for Spatial Decision Support Systems
, pages 213–220
Comparison of Bioclimatic, NDVI and Elevation variables in assessing extent of Commiphora wightii (Arnt.) Bhand.
, pages 589–595
Maximum cross correlation
Retrieval of coastal ocean currents using MCC technique on satellite imagery for supplementing altimeter derived currents
, pages 1483–1489
Absolute Vicarious Calibration of recently launched Indian Meteorological Satellite: INSAT-3D imager
, pages 291–298
Dynamics of surface melting over Amery and Ross ice shelf in Antarctic using OSCAT data
, pages 505–509
Evaluation of operational INSAT-3D UTH product, using Radiosonde, Meteosat-7 and NCEP Analysis
, pages 247–252
Remote Sensing Based Methane Emission Inventory Vis-A-Vis Rice Cultural Types Of South Asia
, pages 821–826
Deriving crop calendar using NDVI time-series
, pages 869–873
Microwave Remote Sensing
Radar backscattering measurement of bare soil and vegetation covered soil using X-band and full polarization
, pages 733–736
Mineral exploration
Sub-pixel mineral mapping using EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral data
, pages 455–461
Minimum Noise Fraction
Potential of thermal emissivity for mapping of greenstone rocks and associated granitoids of Hutti Maski Schist belt, Karnataka
, pages 423–430
Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF)
Target detection algorithm for airborne thermal hyperspectral data
, pages 827–832
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
Development of Gis Tool for the Solution of Minimum Spanning Tree Problem using Prim's Algorithm
, pages 1105–1114
Mobile Application
Capacity Building for collecting primary data through Crowdsourcing - An Example of Disaster affected Uttarakhand State (India)
, pages 1249–1252
Retrospective Analysis of Recent Flood Events With Persistent High Surface Runoff From Hydrological Modelling
, pages 359–365
Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature Diurnal Cycle model parameters from Kalpana-1 VHRR data over India
, pages 933–936
Study of temporal variation of vegetation indices and phenology of tropical deciduous broadleaf forest in eastern India
, pages 569–572
Mono window algorithm
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of UHI using Geo-Spatial Techniques: A case study of Ahmedabad
, pages 997–1002
Monteith efficiency model
Operational semi-physical spectral-spatial wheat yield model development
, pages 977–982
Morphometric Parameters
Quantitative Geomorphological Analysis & Land Use/ Land Cover Change Detection of Two Sub-Watersheds in NE region of Punjab, India
, pages 371–375
Multi Criteria Analysis
Site Suitability Analysis of Water Harvesting Structures Using Remote Sensing and GIS – A Case Study of Pisangan Watershed, Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1471–1482
Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)
Groundwater suitability recharge zones modelling – A GIS application
, pages 347–353
Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE)
Analytical Hierarchy Process modeling for malaria risk zones in Vadodara district, Gujarat
, pages 171–176
Multi-date Remote Sensing
Characterizing multi-dimensionality of urban sprawl in Jamnagar, India using multi-date remote sensing data
, pages 761–766
Multi-date data
Understanding Crop Growing Pattern in Bardhaman district of West Bengal using Multi-Date RISAT 1 MRS data
, pages 861–864
Multi-resolution Segmentation
Land Cover Change Detection Using Object-Based Classification Technique: A Case Study Along The Kosi River, Bihar
, pages 839–843
Archiving and Managing Remote Sensing Data using State of the Art Storage Technologies
, pages 1153–1158
Multi-view Stereo (MVS)
Landform monitoring in active volcano by UAV and SfM-MVS technique
, pages 71–75
Multinomial logistic regression
Multinomial Logistic Regression Predicted Probability Map To Visualize The Influence Of Socio-Economic Factors On Breast Cancer Occurrence in Southern Karnataka
, pages 193–196
Multiple classifier system
Multiple Classifiers and Graph Cut Methods for Spectral Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Image
, pages 683–688
Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability in India using NDVI Data Products
, pages 39–46
Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability in India using NDVI Data Products
, pages 39–46
Multispectral (MS)
Single Space Born Image Based Anaglyph Generation
, pages 803–807
Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability in India using NDVI Data Products
, pages 39–46
Study of temporal variation of vegetation indices and phenology of tropical deciduous broadleaf forest in eastern India
, pages 569–572
New Change Detection Techniques to monitor land cover dynamics in mine environment
, pages 875–879
GIS based Cadastral level Forest Information System using World View-II data in Bir Hisar (Haryana)
, pages 605–612
mitigation and adaptation
Forest climate change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment in Himalayas
, pages 1291–1294
modified Gaussian model (MGM)
Extraction of aqueous minerals on Mars using CRISM based Targeted Reduced Data Records
, pages 431–436
Semi-automated Technique to Extract Boundary of Valley/mountain Glaciers using Glacio-morphological Information from Digital Elevation Model
, pages 511–516
mountain environment
SERVIR HIMALYA: Enabling Improved Environmental Management and Livelihoods in the HKH
, pages 1277–1281
multi criteria evaluation (MCE)
GIS and Remote Sensing for Malaria Risk Mapping, Ethiopia
, pages 155–161
multi-date SAR data
Role of Polarimetric SAR data for discrimination/biophysical parameters of crops based on canopy architecture
, pages 737–744
multi-sensor imagery
Geometric Quality Assessment of Bundle Block Adjusted Mulit- Sensor Satellite Imageries
, pages 1115–1120
multiple scattering approximation
Estimation of aerosol optical depth over Dehradun (India) using simple model for atmospheric radiative transfer in multiple scattering approximation
, pages 271–276
Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Data for Enhancement of Spectral and Spatial Resolution
, pages 1099–1103
Enabling heterogenous multi-scale database for emergency service functions through geoinformation technologies
, pages 7–14
Enhancement of snow cover change detection with sparse representation and dictionary learning
, pages 543–548
Analysing agricultural drought vulnerability at sub-district level through exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity based composite index
, pages 65–70
Comparison of Bioclimatic, NDVI and Elevation variables in assessing extent of Commiphora wightii (Arnt.) Bhand.
, pages 589–595
Relationship between AWiFS derived Spectral Vegetation Indices with Simulated Wheat Yield Attributes in Sirsa district of Haryana
, pages 689–694
Climate Change for Agriculture, Forest Cover and 3d Urban Models
, pages 787–791
In-Season Assessment of Rabi Crop Progression and Condition from Multi Source Data
, pages 919–926
An experimental case study to estimate Pre-harvest Wheat Acreage/Production in Hilly and Plain region of Uttarakhand state: Challenges and solutions of problems by using satellite data
, pages 983–986
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of UHI using Geo-Spatial Techniques: A case study of Ahmedabad
, pages 997–1002
A Spatio-temporal disaggregation method to derive time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Land Surface Temperature at fine spatial resolution
, pages 1397–1401
Time-Series analysis of MODIS NDVI data along with ancillary data for Land use/Land cover mapping of Uttarakhand
, pages 1491–1500
Relationship between AWiFS derived Spectral Vegetation Indices with Simulated Wheat Yield Attributes in Sirsa district of Haryana
, pages 689–694
In-Season Assessment of Rabi Crop Progression and Condition from Multi Source Data
, pages 919–926
Radiometric Quality Evaluation of INSAT-3D Imager Data
, pages 299–305
NOAA Carbon Tracker
Evaluation of NOAA Carbon Tracker Global Carbon Dioxide Products
, pages 287–290
Assessment of net primary productivity over India using Indian geostationary satellite (INSAT-3A) data
, pages 561–568
Narmada Basin
Geospatial Techniques for Efficient Conservation and Management of Surface Water for Irrigation in Joganbedi Village, Khargone District, Madhya Pradesh, India
, pages 405–409
Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability in India using NDVI Data Products
, pages 39–46
Natural Rubber
Satellite based remote sensing technique as a tool for real time monitoring of leaf retention in natural rubber plantations affected by abnormal leaf fall disease
, pages 885–889
Need Assessment
Geomatics Education: Need Assessment
, pages 1265–1267
Net Energy Balance
Energy Balance of Rural Ecosystems In India
, pages 411–417
Net Primary Productivity
Prioritising Carbon Sequestration Areas in Southern Queensland using Time Series MODIS Net Primary Productivity (NPP) Imagery
, pages 549–553
Net Surface Radiation
Estimation of Net Radiation using satellite based data inputs
, pages 307–313
Network Analysis
Development of Gis Tool for the Solution of Minimum Spanning Tree Problem using Prim's Algorithm
, pages 1105–1114
Network Routing
Geospatial Modelling Approach for Interlinking of Rivers: A Case Study of Vamsadhara and Nagavali River Systems in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
, pages 127–132
An ensemble classification approach for improved Land use/cover change detection
, pages 695–701
Neural network classifier
Land use land cover classification using local multiple pattern from very high resolution satellite imagery
, pages 971–976
Nishinoshima volcano
Landform monitoring in active volcano by UAV and SfM-MVS technique
, pages 71–75
Nitrogen application
Hyperspectral remote sensing of paddy crop using insitu measurement and clustering technique
, pages 845–851
North Eastern Region
Forest fire scenario and challenges of mitigation during fire season in North East India
, pages 27–33
Northern Tamil Nadu
GIS based 3D visualization of subsurface and surface lineaments / faults and their geological significance, northern tamil nadu, India
, pages 469–476
natural hazards
Analysing agricultural drought vulnerability at sub-district level through exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity based composite index
, pages 65–70
nutrient pattern
Analysis of carbon and nutrient storage of dry tropical forest of chhattisgarh using satellite data
, pages 659–665
Land Cover Change Detection Using Object-Based Classification Technique: A Case Study Along The Kosi River, Bihar
, pages 839–843
Time Series Analysis Of Primary Productivity Along The East Coast Of India Using Oceansat-2 Ocean Colour Monitor (O cm)
, pages 1049–1053
Seasonal variability of phytoplankton blooms in the coastal waters along the East coast of India
, pages 1065–1071
OGC web services
Geospatial data sharing, online spatial analysis and processing of Indian Biodiversity data in Internet GIS domain – A case study for raster based online geo-processing
, pages 1133–1137
A comparative analysis of Resourcesat-2 LISS-3 and Landast-8 OLI imagery
, pages 987–989
Observational Analysis of Two Contrasting Monsoon Years
, pages 265–270
OSCAR currents
Retrieval of coastal ocean currents using MCC technique on satellite imagery for supplementing altimeter derived currents
, pages 1483–1489
Dynamics of surface melting over Amery and Ross ice shelf in Antarctic using OSCAT data
, pages 505–509
Assessment of OSCAT winds for coastal circulation on the north western continental shelf of India
, pages 1073–1077
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Object based image analysis
Geomorphic determinanats of landuse intensity
, pages 703–707
Ocean color monitor
Retrieval of coastal ocean currents using MCC technique on satellite imagery for supplementing altimeter derived currents
, pages 1483–1489
Oceanic winds and waves
Spatial Coherence of winds and waves over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal and their evolution during SW Monsoon: a novel application of along-track Radar Altimeter measurements from Space
, pages 1027–1033
Temporal changes in semivariogram of ocean surface latent heat flux under linear trend
, pages 321–322
Supplementing Oscat winds with Saral Altika observations for cyclone studies
, pages 1059–1064
Retrieval of coastal ocean currents using MCC technique on satellite imagery for supplementing altimeter derived currents
, pages 1483–1489
Odorous compounds
Design of Laser Based Monitoring Systems for Compliance Management of Odorous and Hazardous Air Pollutants in Selected Chemical Industrial Estates at Hyderabad, India
, pages 1467–1470
Oil spill
Study of Oil spill in Norwegian area using Decomposition Techniques on RISAT-1 Hybrid Polarimetric Data.
, pages 1043–1048
Oil Spill Map for Indian Sea Region based on Bhuvan- Geographic Information System using Satellite Images
, pages 1085–1090
Ontology-Driven Knowledge-Based Health-Care System, An Emerging Area – Challenges And Opportunities – Indian Scenario
, pages 239–246
Open Source
Mathematical Modeling of spatial disease variables by Spatial Fuzzy Logic for Spatial Decision Support Systems
, pages 213–220
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
XSTREAM: A Highly Efficient High Speed Real-time Satellite Data Acquisition and Processing System using Heterogeneous Computing
, pages 1171–1176
Operational Remote Sensing Systems
Risk management support through India Remote Sensing Satellites
, pages 1–6
Optical Depth
Lidar Studies on The Optical Characteristics of High Altitude Cirrus Clouds at A Low Latitiude Station, Gadanki (13.5°N , 79.2°E ) India
, pages 253–256
Optical depth
Climatology Of Thin Cirrus Clouds at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) Using Ground Based Lidar And Satellite Based Measurements
, pages 283–286
Optically Complex Water
Assessment of HICO data for Coastal Studies
, pages 1423–1427
Ortho-Mosaic Photo
Landform monitoring in active volcano by UAV and SfM-MVS technique
, pages 71–75
Cadastral Resurvey using High Resolution Satellite Ortho Image - challenges: A case study in Odisha, India
, pages 1165–1170
GIS based Cadastral level Forest Information System using World View-II data in Bir Hisar (Haryana)
, pages 605–612
Ortho-rectified Image
Space Based Information Support for Decentralised Planning (SIS-DP)-A case study in Balangir District,Odisha, India
, pages 1145–1148
Generation of 3D Model for Urban area using Ikonos and Cartosat-1 Satellite Imageries with RS and GIS Techniques
, pages 899–906
The role of national and international geospatial data sources in the management of natural disasters
, pages 47–51
object oriented
Object oriented classification of high resolution data for inventory of horticultural crops
, pages 745–749
open source
Web based geoprocessing tool for coverage data handling
, pages 1139–1143
optical depth
Operational Retrieval of aerosol optical depth over Indian subcontinent and Indian Ocean using INSAT-3D/Imager product validation
, pages 277–282
Automated Registration of Images from Multiple Bands of Resourcesat-2 Liss-4 camera
, pages 1177–1183
Value Addition to Cartosat-I Imagery
, pages 1261–1264
Identification of prominent spatio-temporal signals in GRACE derived terrestrial water storage for India
, pages 333–338
Gaussian Kernel Based Classification Approach for Wheat Identification
, pages 671–676
PFZ advisories
, pages 1017–1026
Assessing Wheat Yellow Rust Disease through Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
, pages 1413–1416
Evaluation of TRMM Precipitation Products over Indian Subcontinent
, pages 355–358
Assessment of slope stability using PS-InSAR technique
, pages 35–38
PSK: Phase Shift key
Modis data acquisition and utilization for forest fire management in india
, pages 1383–1387
Panchromatic image (PAN)
Single Space Born Image Based Anaglyph Generation
, pages 803–807
Payload health
INSAT-3D Quality Analysis System (i3dQAS)
, pages 257–263
Payload planning
Risk management support through India Remote Sensing Satellites
, pages 1–6
Persistent Scatterers
Efficacy of StaMPS technique for monitoring surface deformation in L'Aquila, Italy
, pages 141–145
Petri Nets
Hierarchical Coloured Petrinet Based Healthcare Infrastructure Interdependency Model
, pages 85–88
Time-Series analysis of MODIS NDVI data along with ancillary data for Land use/Land cover mapping of Uttarakhand
, pages 1491–1500
Extraction of aqueous minerals on Mars using CRISM based Targeted Reduced Data Records
, pages 431–436
Phytoplankton Blooms
Seasonal variability of phytoplankton blooms in the coastal waters along the East coast of India
, pages 1065–1071
Planning syllabi
Capacity Building through Geospatial Education in Planning and School Curricula
, pages 1253–1259
Point Cloud
Evaluation of Partially Overlapping 3D Point Cloud's Registration by using ICP variant and CloudCompare.
, pages 891–897
Polarimetric Interferometric SAR (POLINSAR)
POLINSAR Coherence-Based Regression Analysis of Forest Biomass Using RADARSAT-2 Datasets
, pages 631–635
Radar backscattering measurement of bare soil and vegetation covered soil using X-band and full polarization
, pages 733–736
Study of Discrimination Between Plantation and Dense Scrub Based on Backscattering Behavior of C Band SAR Data
, pages 755–760
Pole of rotation
Geodynamics of the Indian Lithospheric Plate relative to the neighbouring Plates as revealed by Space Geodetic Measurements
, pages 53–56
Dynamics and forecasting of population growth and urban expansion in Srinagar City – A Geospatial Approach
, pages 709–716
Poverty and Vulnerability
Socio-economic and ecological transformations of the peri-urban region of Gurgaon: an analysis of the trickle-down effect in the post globalization era
, pages 1269–1276
Precinct Area Boundary
Development of Geospatial Map Based Election Portal
, pages 1149–1152
Validation of Satellite Soil Moisture Retrievals using Precipitation Records in India
, pages 367–370
Precipitation Trends
Precipitation Trend Analysis over Eastern Region of India Using Cmip5 Based Climatic Models
, pages 1437–1442
Temporal changes in semivariogram of ocean surface latent heat flux under linear trend
, pages 321–322
Primary Productivity
Time Series Analysis Of Primary Productivity Along The East Coast Of India Using Oceansat-2 Ocean Colour Monitor (O cm)
, pages 1049–1053
Prim’s Algorithm
Development of Gis Tool for the Solution of Minimum Spanning Tree Problem using Prim's Algorithm
, pages 1105–1114
Principal Component Analysis
Investigation of coastline changes in three provinces of Thailand using remote sensing
, pages 1079–1083
Quality Metrics Evaluation of Hyperspectral Images
, pages 1221–1226
Principal Component analysis
Integration of multispectral satellite and hyperspectral field data for aquatic macrophyte studies
, pages 581–588
Multinomial Logistic Regression Predicted Probability Map To Visualize The Influence Of Socio-Economic Factors On Breast Cancer Occurrence in Southern Karnataka
, pages 193–196
Automated system for generation of soil moisture products for agricultural drought assessment
, pages 111–117
Remote Sensing Based Analysis of the Role of Land Use/Land Cover on Surface Temperature and Temporal Changes in Temperature; a Case Study of Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1447–1454
An experimental case study to estimate Pre-harvest Wheat Acreage/Production in Hilly and Plain region of Uttarakhand state: Challenges and solutions of problems by using satellite data
, pages 983–986
Assessment of net primary productivity over India using Indian geostationary satellite (INSAT-3A) data
, pages 561–568
Projective tranformation
Reduction of livelihood risk for river bank erosion affected villagers
, pages 1433–1436
Public health
Participatory GIS in action, a public health initiative from Kerala, India
, pages 233–237
Geospatial modelling for groundwater quality mapping: a case study of Rupnagar district, Punjab, India
, pages 227–232
Web based geoprocessing tool for coverage data handling
, pages 1139–1143
Constructing a Comprehensive Tool for Deriving Drainage Network using Semi-Open Source Tools and Comparision on Different DEM Data Sources
, pages 1129–1132
Web based geoprocessing tool for coverage data handling
, pages 1139–1143
particulate matter
Spatial Correlation Analysis between Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) Hazard and Respiratory Diseases in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand
, pages 185–191
A Spatio-temporal disaggregation method to derive time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Land Surface Temperature at fine spatial resolution
, pages 1397–1401
Role of Polarimetric SAR data for discrimination/biophysical parameters of crops based on canopy architecture
, pages 737–744
population distribution
A Merging Approach for Urban Boundary Correction Acquired By Remote Sensing Images
, pages 1011–1015
Quality Database
INSAT-3D Quality Analysis System (i3dQAS)
, pages 257–263
Ontology-Driven Knowledge-Based Health-Care System, An Emerging Area – Challenges And Opportunities – Indian Scenario
, pages 239–246
Enhanced Urban Landcover Classification for Operational Change Detection Study Using Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Data
, pages 773–779
Study of the Effects of Target Geometry on Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Simulation Studies
, pages 1227–1231
Comparative analysis of RISAT-1 and simulated RADARSAT-2 hybrid polarimetric SAR data for different land features
, pages 799–802
RAM: Random Access Memory
Modis data acquisition and utilization for forest fire management in india
, pages 1383–1387
Synergetic merging of Cartosat-1 and RAMP to generate improved digital elevation model of Schirmacher oasis, east Antarctica
, pages 517–524
Precipitation Trend Analysis over Eastern Region of India Using Cmip5 Based Climatic Models
, pages 1437–1442
Monitoring the performance of community forestry to achieve REDD+ goals through geospatial methods
, pages 1295–1300
Ice calving and deformation from Antarctic Ice margins using RISAT-1 circular polarization SAR data
, pages 525–529
Comparative analysis of RISAT-1 and simulated RADARSAT-2 hybrid polarimetric SAR data for different land features
, pages 799–802
Classification of various land features using RISAT-1 dual polarimetric data
, pages 833–837
Study of Oil spill in Norwegian area using Decomposition Techniques on RISAT-1 Hybrid Polarimetric Data.
, pages 1043–1048
Oil Spill Map for Indian Sea Region based on Bhuvan- Geographic Information System using Satellite Images
, pages 1085–1090
Understanding Crop Growing Pattern in Bardhaman district of West Bengal using Multi-Date RISAT 1 MRS data
, pages 861–864
Study of Discrimination Between Plantation and Dense Scrub Based on Backscattering Behavior of C Band SAR Data
, pages 755–760
Supplementing Oscat winds with Saral Altika observations for cyclone studies
, pages 1059–1064
Value Addition to Cartosat-I Imagery
, pages 1261–1264
RS and GIS
Analysis of carbon and nutrient storage of dry tropical forest of chhattisgarh using satellite data
, pages 659–665
Operational semi-physical spectral-spatial wheat yield model development
, pages 977–982
Evaluation of TRMM Precipitation Products over Indian Subcontinent
, pages 355–358
Study of the Effects of Target Geometry on Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Simulation Studies
, pages 1227–1231
Radar Altimeter
Spatial Coherence of winds and waves over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal and their evolution during SW Monsoon: a novel application of along-track Radar Altimeter measurements from Space
, pages 1027–1033
Radar backscatter
Radar backscattering measurement of bare soil and vegetation covered soil using X-band and full polarization
, pages 733–736
Absolute Vicarious Calibration of recently launched Indian Meteorological Satellite: INSAT-3D imager
, pages 291–298
Radiative Transfer
Retrieval of Surface Reflectance using SACRS2: a Scheme for Atmospheric Correction of ResourceSat-2 AWiFS data
, pages 865–868
Radiometric Quality
INSAT-3D Quality Analysis System (i3dQAS)
, pages 257–263
Radiometric Quality Evaluation of INSAT-3D Imager Data
, pages 299–305
Absolute Vicarious Calibration of recently launched Indian Meteorological Satellite: INSAT-3D imager
, pages 291–298
Evaluation of operational INSAT-3D UTH product, using Radiosonde, Meteosat-7 and NCEP Analysis
, pages 247–252
Rain Gauge
Satellite-based estimation and validation of monthly rainfall distribution over Upper Ganga river basin
, pages 399–404
Assessment of underground water potential zones using modern geomatics technologies in Jhansi district, Uttar Pradesh, India.
, pages 377–381
Satellite-based estimation and validation of monthly rainfall distribution over Upper Ganga river basin
, pages 399–404
Raman lida
Design of Laser Based Monitoring Systems for Compliance Management of Odorous and Hazardous Air Pollutants in Selected Chemical Industrial Estates at Hyderabad, India
, pages 1467–1470
Random subspace method
Multiple Classifiers and Graph Cut Methods for Spectral Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Image
, pages 683–688
Epipolar Rectification for CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Images Using SIFT and RANSAC
, pages 1095–1098
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Re-emerged plots
Reduction of livelihood risk for river bank erosion affected villagers
, pages 1433–1436
Real-time Processing
XSTREAM: A Highly Efficient High Speed Real-time Satellite Data Acquisition and Processing System using Heterogeneous Computing
, pages 1171–1176
Records of Rights (ROR)
GIS based Cadastral level Forest Information System using World View-II data in Bir Hisar (Haryana)
, pages 605–612
Red Edge Inflection Point
Hyperspectral Data for Land use/Land cover classification
, pages 991–995
Reference Channel
Potential of thermal emissivity for mapping of greenstone rocks and associated granitoids of Hutti Maski Schist belt, Karnataka
, pages 423–430
Satellite based remote sensing technique as a tool for real time monitoring of leaf retention in natural rubber plantations affected by abnormal leaf fall disease
, pages 885–889
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Dynamics and forecasting of population growth and urban expansion in Srinagar City – A Geospatial Approach
, pages 709–716
Remote Sensing
Integrating effective drought index (EDI) and remote sensing derived parameters for agricultural drought assessment and prediction in Bundelkhand region of India
, pages 89–100
Dynamic Land Use and Coastline Changes in active Estuarine Regions – A Study of Sundarban Delta
, pages 133–139
GIS and Remote Sensing for Malaria Risk Mapping, Ethiopia
, pages 155–161
Absolute Vicarious Calibration of recently launched Indian Meteorological Satellite: INSAT-3D imager
, pages 291–298
Study Relating to the Spatial Distribution of Ground Water Quality for Different Elements using Legacy Data of RWS&S, Andhra Pradesh, India
, pages 383–390
Geospatial Techniques for Efficient Conservation and Management of Surface Water for Irrigation in Joganbedi Village, Khargone District, Madhya Pradesh, India
, pages 405–409
Remote Sensing Based Methane Emission Inventory Vis-A-Vis Rice Cultural Types Of South Asia
, pages 821–826
Satellite based remote sensing technique as a tool for real time monitoring of leaf retention in natural rubber plantations affected by abnormal leaf fall disease
, pages 885–889
Monitoring Land Use/Land Cover Changes in a River Basin due to Urbanization using Remote Sensing and GIS Approach
, pages 949–953
Urban Mapping and Growth Prediction using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, Pune, India
, pages 967–970
Space Based Information Support for Decentralised Planning (SIS-DP)-A case study in Balangir District,Odisha, India
, pages 1145–1148
E-learning based distance education programme on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science – An initiative of IIRS
, pages 1237–1241
Reach the Unreached -IIRS Outreach program for enhanced learning to all
, pages 1243–1247
Geomatics Education: Need Assessment
, pages 1265–1267
Sunkoshi landslide in Nepal and its possible impact in India: A remote sensing based appraisal
, pages 1345–1351
Remote Sensing & GIS
Site Suitability Analysis for Dissemination of Salt-tolerant Rice Varieties in Southern Bangladesh
, pages 961–966
Remote Sensing (RS)
Road Traffic Accident Analysis of Ajmer City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technology
, pages 1455–1462
Remote Sensing ABSTRACT:
Validation of Satellite Soil Moisture Retrievals using Precipitation Records in India
, pages 367–370
Remote Sensing and GIS
Energy Balance of Rural Ecosystems In India
, pages 411–417
Remote sensing
Climatology Of Thin Cirrus Clouds at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) Using Ground Based Lidar And Satellite Based Measurements
, pages 283–286
Study on Karst Rock Desertification by Human-Nature Interaction: A Case Study of Fengshan County of Guangxi, China
, pages 493–498
Ecological Niche Modelling using satellite data for assessing distribution of threatened species Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb.
, pages 597–603
Application of remote sensing and GIS in land use/land cover mapping and change detection in Shasha forest reserve, Nigeria
, pages 613–616
Spatial dynamics of deforestation and forest fragmentation (1930–2013) in Eastern Ghats, India
, pages 637–644
Desertification Change Analysis in Siwalik Hills of Haryana Using Geo-informatics
, pages 677–681
Operational semi-physical spectral-spatial wheat yield model development
, pages 977–982
Investigation of coastline changes in three provinces of Thailand using remote sensing
, pages 1079–1083
Payload Configurations for Efficient Image Acquisition – Indian Perspective
, pages 1201–1206
Remote sensing applications
Knowledge based system for Satellite data product selection
, pages 1233–1236
Understanding Dynamics of Himalayan Glaciers: Scope and Challenges of Remote Sensing
, pages 1283–1289
Retrieval of Surface Reflectance using SACRS2: a Scheme for Atmospheric Correction of ResourceSat-2 AWiFS data
, pages 865–868
Respiratory diseases
Spatial Correlation Analysis between Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) Hazard and Respiratory Diseases in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand
, pages 185–191
Respiratory risk map
Geomatics Approach for Assessment of respiratory disease Mapping
, pages 205–211
Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature Diurnal Cycle model parameters from Kalpana-1 VHRR data over India
, pages 933–936
Understanding Crop Growing Pattern in Bardhaman district of West Bengal using Multi-Date RISAT 1 MRS data
, pages 861–864
Rice cultural types
Remote Sensing Based Methane Emission Inventory Vis-A-Vis Rice Cultural Types Of South Asia
, pages 821–826
Rice genotypes
Hyperspectral remote sensing of paddy crop using insitu measurement and clustering technique
, pages 845–851
Rice suitability map
Site Suitability Analysis for Dissemination of Salt-tolerant Rice Varieties in Southern Bangladesh
, pages 961–966
Risk Management
Integrated flood disaster management and spatial information: Case studies of Netherlands and India
, pages 147–154
Risk Mitigation
Mathematical Modeling of spatial disease variables by Spatial Fuzzy Logic for Spatial Decision Support Systems
, pages 213–220
Risk analysis
Geospatial Technology in Disease Mapping, E- Surveillance and Health Care for Rural Population in South India
, pages 221–225
River Basin
Monitoring Land Use/Land Cover Changes in a River Basin due to Urbanization using Remote Sensing and GIS Approach
, pages 949–953
Road Detection
Road Detection from Remote Sensing Images using Impervious Surface Characteristics: Review and Implication
, pages 955–959
Rocky desertification
Study on Karst Rock Desertification by Human-Nature Interaction: A Case Study of Fengshan County of Guangxi, China
, pages 493–498
Dynamics of surface melting over Amery and Ross ice shelf in Antarctic using OSCAT data
, pages 505–509
Rubber yield
Satellite based remote sensing technique as a tool for real time monitoring of leaf retention in natural rubber plantations affected by abnormal leaf fall disease
, pages 885–889
Runoff Depth
Site Suitability Analysis of Water Harvesting Structures Using Remote Sensing and GIS – A Case Study of Pisangan Watershed, Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1471–1482
Geospatial modelling for groundwater quality mapping: a case study of Rupnagar district, Punjab, India
, pages 227–232
Rural Energy Balance Model
Energy Balance of Rural Ecosystems In India
, pages 411–417
Rural ecosystem
Energy Balance of Rural Ecosystems In India
, pages 411–417
regional wheat yield
Operational semi-physical spectral-spatial wheat yield model development
, pages 977–982
Value Addition to Cartosat-I Imagery
, pages 1261–1264
remote sensing GIS
Effective Management of Trans boundary Landscapes – Geospatial Applications
, pages 1309–1317
remote sensing detection
A Merging Approach for Urban Boundary Correction Acquired By Remote Sensing Images
, pages 1011–1015
Payload Configurations for Efficient Image Acquisition – Indian Perspective
, pages 1201–1206
Retrieval of Surface Reflectance using SACRS2: a Scheme for Atmospheric Correction of ResourceSat-2 AWiFS data
, pages 865–868
Ice calving and deformation from Antarctic Ice margins using RISAT-1 circular polarization SAR data
, pages 525–529
Forest above ground biomass estimation and forest/non-forest classification for Odisha, India, using L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data
, pages 651–658
Study of Oil spill in Norwegian area using Decomposition Techniques on RISAT-1 Hybrid Polarimetric Data.
, pages 1043–1048
Study of the Effects of Target Geometry on Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Simulation Studies
, pages 1227–1231
SAR images
Oil Spill Map for Indian Sea Region based on Bhuvan- Geographic Information System using Satellite Images
, pages 1085–1090
SAR interferometry
Efficacy of StaMPS technique for monitoring surface deformation in L'Aquila, Italy
, pages 141–145
SAR polarimetry
Role of Polarimetric SAR data for discrimination/biophysical parameters of crops based on canopy architecture
, pages 737–744
Supplementing Oscat winds with Saral Altika observations for cyclone studies
, pages 1059–1064
Geo-Environmental Appraisal For Studying Urban Environment And Its Associated Biophysical Parameters Using Remote Sensing And GIS Technique
, pages 717–724
SERVIR HIMALYA: Enabling Improved Environmental Management and Livelihoods in the HKH
, pages 1277–1281
Epipolar Rectification for CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Images Using SIFT and RANSAC
, pages 1095–1098
Estimation of aerosol optical depth over Dehradun (India) using simple model for atmospheric radiative transfer in multiple scattering approximation
, pages 271–276
, pages 1017–1026
, pages 1017–1026
Classification of various land features using RISAT-1 dual polarimetric data
, pages 833–837
A Unified Framework for Dimensionality Reduction and Classification of Hyperspectral Data
, pages 447–453
SW Monsoon
Spatial Coherence of winds and waves over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal and their evolution during SW Monsoon: a novel application of along-track Radar Altimeter measurements from Space
, pages 1027–1033
Simulation Of Surface runoff For Upper Tapi Subcatchment Area (Burhanpur Watershed) Using SWAT
, pages 391–397
Salt-tolerant rice varieties
Site Suitability Analysis for Dissemination of Salt-tolerant Rice Varieties in Southern Bangladesh
, pages 961–966
Remote Sensing Based Analysis of the Role of Land Use/Land Cover on Surface Temperature and Temporal Changes in Temperature; a Case Study of Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1447–1454
Spatial variability of Soil Nutrients Using Geospatial Techniques: A case study in soils of Sanwer Tehsil of Indore district of Madhya Pradesh
, pages 1353–1363
Study of temporal variation of vegetation indices and phenology of tropical deciduous broadleaf forest in eastern India
, pages 569–572
An ensemble classification approach for improved Land use/cover change detection
, pages 695–701
Study of the Effects of Target Geometry on Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Simulation Studies
, pages 1227–1231
Remote Sensing Based Analysis of the Role of Land Use/Land Cover on Surface Temperature and Temporal Changes in Temperature; a Case Study of Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1447–1454
Development of Flood Inundation Libraries using Historical Satellite Data and DEM for Part of Godavari Basin: An Approach Towards Better Flood Management
, pages 1463–1466
Satellite Altimetry
Inland Water Bodies Monitoring using Satellite Altimetry over Indian Region
, pages 1035–1041
Satellite Data
Satellite-based estimation and validation of monthly rainfall distribution over Upper Ganga river basin
, pages 399–404
Satellite Data Processing
XSTREAM: A Highly Efficient High Speed Real-time Satellite Data Acquisition and Processing System using Heterogeneous Computing
, pages 1171–1176
Satellite Imagery
The role of national and international geospatial data sources in the management of natural disasters
, pages 47–51
Measurement of glacier velocity at Pik Lenin, Tajikistan, by feature tracking
, pages 531–536
Satellite Oceanography
, pages 1017–1026
Satellite based Data Inputs
Estimation of Net Radiation using satellite based data inputs
, pages 307–313
Satellite data
Assessment of underground water potential zones using modern geomatics technologies in Jhansi district, Uttar Pradesh, India.
, pages 377–381
Satellite data product
Knowledge based system for Satellite data product selection
, pages 1233–1236
Radar backscattering measurement of bare soil and vegetation covered soil using X-band and full polarization
, pages 733–736
Scatterometer (OSCAT)
Supplementing Oscat winds with Saral Altika observations for cyclone studies
, pages 1059–1064
Scatterometers wind
Assessment of OSCAT winds for coastal circulation on the north western continental shelf of India
, pages 1073–1077
Enabling heterogenous multi-scale database for emergency service functions through geoinformation technologies
, pages 7–14
Sea Level Rise
Dynamic Land Use and Coastline Changes in active Estuarine Regions – A Study of Sundarban Delta
, pages 133–139
Identification of prominent spatio-temporal signals in GRACE derived terrestrial water storage for India
, pages 333–338
Coastal Sediment Monitoring by Spectral Analysis
, pages 1055–1057
Estimation of Trees Outside Forests using IRS High Resolution data by Object Based Image Analysis
, pages 623–629
New Change Detection Techniques to monitor land cover dynamics in mine environment
, pages 875–879
Quality Metrics Evaluation of Hyperspectral Images
, pages 1221–1226
Semantic Retrieval
Ontology-Driven Knowledge-Based Health-Care System, An Emerging Area – Challenges And Opportunities – Indian Scenario
, pages 239–246
Semi-arid region
Influence of Agricultural Developments on Net Primary Productivity (NPP) in the Semi-arid Region of India: A Study using GloPEM Model
, pages 725–732
Estimation of Trees Outside Forests using IRS High Resolution data by Object Based Image Analysis
, pages 623–629
Deriving crop calendar using NDVI time-series
, pages 869–873
Sensitivity Analysis (SA)
Groundwater suitability recharge zones modelling – A GIS application
, pages 347–353
Services Oriented Architecture
Geospatial data sharing, online spatial analysis and processing of Indian Biodiversity data in Internet GIS domain – A case study for raster based online geo-processing
, pages 1133–1137
Shadow Analysis
Shadow Analysis Technique for Extraction of Building Height using High Resolution Satellite Single Image and Accuracy Assessment
, pages 1185–1192
Shallow Aquifer
Geospatial modelling for groundwater quality mapping: a case study of Rupnagar district, Punjab, India
, pages 227–232
Shoreline analysis
Dynamic Land Use and Coastline Changes in active Estuarine Regions – A Study of Sundarban Delta
, pages 133–139
Shoreline changes
Assessment of coastal erosion along Indian coast on 1 : 25, 000 scaleusing satellite data
, pages 119–125
Shortwave Albedo
Estimation of Net Radiation using satellite based data inputs
, pages 307–313
Study of the Effects of Target Geometry on Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Simulation Studies
, pages 1227–1231
Singhbhum iron ore belt
Processing and Analysis of Hyperspectral Fingerprints to Characterise Haematite of Singbhum Iron Ore Belt, Orissa, India
, pages 1341–1343
Single-Image-Super resolution
Emulation of LISS III images for high temporal resolution at larger swath
, pages 1193–1200
Snow Cover Change Detection
Enhancement of snow cover change detection with sparse representation and dictionary learning
, pages 543–548
Snow grain size
Comparative Analysis of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data for Mapping Snow Cover and Snow Grain Size
, pages 499–504
Social Vulnerability Index; Land Use Land Cover Change; Conservation; Sustainable development
Socio-economic vulnerability and sustainable development in context of Development vs. Conservation debate: A study of Bhagirathi Basin, Uttarakhand, INDIA
, pages 77–84
Socio-economic development
Socio-economic and ecological transformations of the peri-urban region of Gurgaon: an analysis of the trickle-down effect in the post globalization era
, pages 1269–1276
Socio-economic influence
Multinomial Logistic Regression Predicted Probability Map To Visualize The Influence Of Socio-Economic Factors On Breast Cancer Occurrence in Southern Karnataka
, pages 193–196
Automated system for generation of soil moisture products for agricultural drought assessment
, pages 111–117
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Automated system for generation of soil moisture products for agricultural drought assessment
, pages 111–117
Soil Moisture
Validation of Satellite Soil Moisture Retrievals using Precipitation Records in India
, pages 367–370
Soil Properties
Spatial variability of Soil Nutrients Using Geospatial Techniques: A case study in soils of Sanwer Tehsil of Indore district of Madhya Pradesh
, pages 1353–1363
Soil adjusted vegetative indices
Improved Classification of Mangroves Health Status Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
, pages 667–670
Soil moisture
Integrating effective drought index (EDI) and remote sensing derived parameters for agricultural drought assessment and prediction in Bundelkhand region of India
, pages 89–100
Soil water index
Mapping of coupling hot spots of satellite derived latent heat flux in indian agro-climatic regions
, pages 339–345
Synergistic use of Imager Window observations for Cloud Clearing of Sounder Observation for INSAT-3D
, pages 315–320
Remote Sensing Based Methane Emission Inventory Vis-A-Vis Rice Cultural Types Of South Asia
, pages 821–826
Sparse Representation
Enhancement of snow cover change detection with sparse representation and dictionary learning
, pages 543–548
Temporal changes in semivariogram of ocean surface latent heat flux under linear trend
, pages 321–322
Prioritising Carbon Sequestration Areas in Southern Queensland using Time Series MODIS Net Primary Productivity (NPP) Imagery
, pages 549–553
Spatial Analyst Tool
Site Suitability Analysis of Water Harvesting Structures Using Remote Sensing and GIS – A Case Study of Pisangan Watershed, Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1471–1482
Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS)
Mathematical Modeling of spatial disease variables by Spatial Fuzzy Logic for Spatial Decision Support Systems
, pages 213–220
Development of Geospatial Map Based Election Portal
, pages 1149–1152
Spatial Fuzzy Logic
Mathematical Modeling of spatial disease variables by Spatial Fuzzy Logic for Spatial Decision Support Systems
, pages 213–220
Spatial Information Infrastructure
Integrated flood disaster management and spatial information: Case studies of Netherlands and India
, pages 147–154
Spatial Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (SMCDA)
Integrating GIS with AHP and Fuzzy Logic to generate hand, foot and mouth disease hazard zonation (HFMD-HZ) model in Thailand
, pages 1369–1382
Spatial Variability
Spatial variability of Soil Nutrients Using Geospatial Techniques: A case study in soils of Sanwer Tehsil of Indore district of Madhya Pradesh
, pages 1353–1363
Spatial adjustment tool
Reduction of livelihood risk for river bank erosion affected villagers
, pages 1433–1436
Spatial association analysis
Characterization of the Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the Dengue Epidemic in Northern Sri Lanka
, pages 163–166
Spatial autocorrelation
Hot spot detection and spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue in Queensland, Australia
, pages 197–204
Spatial statistical analysis
Characterization of the Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the Dengue Epidemic in Northern Sri Lanka
, pages 163–166
Spatio-temporal Data Fusion
Emulation of LISS III images for high temporal resolution at larger swath
, pages 1193–1200
Hot spot detection and spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue in Queensland, Australia
, pages 197–204
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
Development of Geospatial Map Based Election Portal
, pages 1149–1152
Assessment of HICO data for Coastal Studies
, pages 1423–1427
Texture Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
, pages 793–798
Inter Comparison of Atmospheric Correction Models - SACRS2, FLAASH and 6SV Using Resourcesat-2 AWiFS Data
, pages 881–884
Spectral Angle Mapper
Hyperspectral analysis of clay minerals
, pages 443–446
Urban land cover classification using hyperspectral data
, pages 751–754
Hyperspectral Data for Land use/Land cover classification
, pages 991–995
Jeffries Matusita-Spectral Angle Mapper (JM-SAM) spectral matching for species level mapping at Bhitarkanika, Muthupet and Pichavaram mangroves
, pages 1403–1411
Spectral Disease Indices
Assessing Wheat Yellow Rust Disease through Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
, pages 1413–1416
Spectral Geometry
Hydat-A Hyperspectral Data Processing Tool for Field Spectroradiometer Data
, pages 481–484
Spectral Indices
Hydat-A Hyperspectral Data Processing Tool for Field Spectroradiometer Data
, pages 481–484
Spectral Matching
Jeffries Matusita-Spectral Angle Mapper (JM-SAM) spectral matching for species level mapping at Bhitarkanika, Muthupet and Pichavaram mangroves
, pages 1403–1411
Spectral analysis
Spectral stratigraphy and clay minerals analysis in parts of Hellas Planitia, Mars
, pages 419–422
Integration of multispectral satellite and hyperspectral field data for aquatic macrophyte studies
, pages 581–588
Spectral angle mapper
Delineation of sub-pixel level sedimentary litho-contacts by super resolution mapping of Landsat image
, pages 1389–1396
Spectral spatial classification
Multiple Classifiers and Graph Cut Methods for Spectral Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Image
, pages 683–688
Hydat-A Hyperspectral Data Processing Tool for Field Spectroradiometer Data
, pages 481–484
Hyperspectral remote sensing of paddy crop using insitu measurement and clustering technique
, pages 845–851
Dynamics and forecasting of population growth and urban expansion in Srinagar City – A Geospatial Approach
, pages 709–716
Sprawl Metrics
Characterizing multi-dimensionality of urban sprawl in Jamnagar, India using multi-date remote sensing data
, pages 761–766
Assessment of slope stability using PS-InSAR technique
, pages 35–38
Efficacy of StaMPS technique for monitoring surface deformation in L'Aquila, Italy
, pages 141–145
Geomatics Education: Need Assessment
, pages 1265–1267
Statistical Indices
Satellite-based estimation and validation of monthly rainfall distribution over Upper Ganga river basin
, pages 399–404
Temporal changes in semivariogram of ocean surface latent heat flux under linear trend
, pages 321–322
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Stereo image
Generation of 3D Model for Urban area using Ikonos and Cartosat-1 Satellite Imageries with RS and GIS Techniques
, pages 899–906
Stereo pair
Single Space Born Image Based Anaglyph Generation
, pages 803–807
Stokes Parameters
Comparative analysis of RISAT-1 and simulated RADARSAT-2 hybrid polarimetric SAR data for different land features
, pages 799–802
Stokes vector
Study of Oil spill in Norwegian area using Decomposition Techniques on RISAT-1 Hybrid Polarimetric Data.
, pages 1043–1048
Structure from Motion (SfM)
Landform monitoring in active volcano by UAV and SfM-MVS technique
, pages 71–75
Sub-pixel mineral mapping using EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral data
, pages 455–461
Subsurface lineaments
GIS based 3D visualization of subsurface and surface lineaments / faults and their geological significance, northern tamil nadu, India
, pages 469–476
Geo-information Based Spatio-temporal Modeling of Urban Land Use and Land Cover Change in Butwal Municipality, Nepal
, pages 809–815
Spatio-temporal assessment of ecological disturbance and its intensity in the Mangrove forest using MODIS derived disturbance index
, pages 555–559
Sunkoshi landslide in Nepal and its possible impact in India: A remote sensing based appraisal
, pages 1345–1351
Super Resolution Reconstruction
Sub pixel location identification using super resolved multilooking CHRIS data
, pages 463–468
Super resolution mapping
Delineation of sub-pixel level sedimentary litho-contacts by super resolution mapping of Landsat image
, pages 1389–1396
Support Vector Machine
Urban land cover classification using hyperspectral data
, pages 751–754
Enhanced Urban Landcover Classification for Operational Change Detection Study Using Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Data
, pages 773–779
Texture Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
, pages 793–798
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Comparative Analysis of Haar and Daubechies Wavelet for Hyper Spectral Image Classification
, pages 937–941
Support Vector Machine Classification
Forest above ground biomass estimation and forest/non-forest classification for Odisha, India, using L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data
, pages 651–658
Study of the Effects of Target Geometry on Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Simulation Studies
, pages 1227–1231
Surface Reflectance
Retrieval of Surface Reflectance using SACRS2: a Scheme for Atmospheric Correction of ResourceSat-2 AWiFS data
, pages 865–868
Surface Runoff
Simulation Of Surface runoff For Upper Tapi Subcatchment Area (Burhanpur Watershed) Using SWAT
, pages 391–397
Surface lineaments
GIS based 3D visualization of subsurface and surface lineaments / faults and their geological significance, northern tamil nadu, India
, pages 469–476
Surface temperature
Remote Sensing Based Analysis of the Role of Land Use/Land Cover on Surface Temperature and Temporal Changes in Temperature; a Case Study of Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1447–1454
Automatic geolocation of targets tracked by aerial imaging platforms using satellite imagery
, pages 1213–1220
Susceptibility map
Susceptibility mapping and estimation of rainfall threshold using space based input for assessment of landslide hazard in Guwahati city in North East India
, pages 15–19
Coastal Sediment Monitoring by Spectral Analysis
, pages 1055–1057
Suspended Sediment Concentration
Retrieval of coastal ocean currents using MCC technique on satellite imagery for supplementing altimeter derived currents
, pages 1483–1489
Swath Expansion
Emulation of LISS III images for high temporal resolution at larger swath
, pages 1193–1200
Geomatics Education: Need Assessment
, pages 1265–1267
Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
Evaluation of Time Series TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Models
, pages 437–441
Graph – Based High Resolution Satellite Image Segmentation for Object Recognition
, pages 913–917
semi -variogram
Spatial variability of Soil Nutrients Using Geospatial Techniques: A case study in soils of Sanwer Tehsil of Indore district of Madhya Pradesh
, pages 1353–1363
Object oriented classification of high resolution data for inventory of horticultural crops
, pages 745–749
sensible heat flux; latent heat flux
Comparison of energy balance on Gangotri and Chhota Shigri Glaciers
, pages 537–542
sensor model
Automated Registration of Images from Multiple Bands of Resourcesat-2 Liss-4 camera
, pages 1177–1183
shifting cultivation
Forest fire scenario and challenges of mitigation during fire season in North East India
, pages 27–33
simple interpolation
Sub pixel location identification using super resolved multilooking CHRIS data
, pages 463–468
Semi-automated Technique to Extract Boundary of Valley/mountain Glaciers using Glacio-morphological Information from Digital Elevation Model
, pages 511–516
spatial coherence
Spatial Coherence of winds and waves over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal and their evolution during SW Monsoon: a novel application of along-track Radar Altimeter measurements from Space
, pages 1027–1033
spectral re-sampling
Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Data for Enhancement of Spectral and Spatial Resolution
, pages 1099–1103
statistical analysis
Processing and Analysis of Hyperspectral Fingerprints to Characterise Haematite of Singbhum Iron Ore Belt, Orissa, India
, pages 1341–1343
Value Addition to Cartosat-I Imagery
, pages 1261–1264
sub pixel location identification
Sub pixel location identification using super resolved multilooking CHRIS data
, pages 463–468
Land Use and Land Cover Classification from ETM Sensor Data : A Case Study from Tamakoshi River Basin of Nepal
, pages 943–948
surface deformation
Efficacy of StaMPS technique for monitoring surface deformation in L'Aquila, Italy
, pages 141–145
Radiometric Quality Evaluation of INSAT-3D Imager Data
, pages 299–305
Evaluation of Partially Overlapping 3D Point Cloud's Registration by using ICP variant and CloudCompare.
, pages 891–897
Evaluation of TRMM Precipitation Products over Indian Subcontinent
, pages 355–358
Evaluation of TRMM Precipitation Products over Indian Subcontinent
, pages 355–358
Satellite-based estimation and validation of monthly rainfall distribution over Upper Ganga river basin
, pages 399–404
Evaluation of Time Series TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Models
, pages 437–441
Simulation Of Surface runoff For Upper Tapi Subcatchment Area (Burhanpur Watershed) Using SWAT
, pages 391–397
Target tracking
Automatic geolocation of targets tracked by aerial imaging platforms using satellite imagery
, pages 1213–1220
Study of the Effects of Target Geometry on Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Simulation Studies
, pages 1227–1231
Reach the Unreached -IIRS Outreach program for enhanced learning to all
, pages 1243–1247
Spatio-temporal Assessment of Land Use/ Land Cover Dynamics and Urban Heat Island of Jaipur City using Satellite Data
, pages 767–772
Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature Diurnal Cycle model parameters from Kalpana-1 VHRR data over India
, pages 933–936
Temporal changes in semivariogram of ocean surface latent heat flux under linear trend
, pages 321–322
Gaussian Kernel Based Classification Approach for Wheat Identification
, pages 671–676
Dynamics and forecasting of population growth and urban expansion in Srinagar City – A Geospatial Approach
, pages 709–716
Deriving crop calendar using NDVI time-series
, pages 869–873
Remote Sensing Based Analysis of the Role of Land Use/Land Cover on Surface Temperature and Temporal Changes in Temperature; a Case Study of Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1447–1454
Temporal analysis
Characterization of the Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the Dengue Epidemic in Northern Sri Lanka
, pages 163–166
Terrestrial Water Storage
Identification of prominent spatio-temporal signals in GRACE derived terrestrial water storage for India
, pages 333–338
Forest above ground biomass estimation and forest/non-forest classification for Odisha, India, using L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data
, pages 651–658
Texture Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
, pages 793–798
Land use land cover classification using local multiple pattern from very high resolution satellite imagery
, pages 971–976
Groundwater suitability recharge zones modelling – A GIS application
, pages 347–353
Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature Diurnal Cycle model parameters from Kalpana-1 VHRR data over India
, pages 933–936
Thermal Hyperspectral
Target detection algorithm for airborne thermal hyperspectral data
, pages 827–832
Thermal data
Potential of thermal emissivity for mapping of greenstone rocks and associated granitoids of Hutti Maski Schist belt, Karnataka
, pages 423–430
Time series
Decadal forest cover loss analysis over Indian forests using MODIS 250m imagery
, pages 645–649
Time series data
Evaluation of Time Series TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Models
, pages 437–441
Time-series data
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Transboundary landscape
Effective Management of Trans boundary Landscapes – Geospatial Applications
, pages 1309–1317
Transformed Divergence
Classification of various land features using RISAT-1 dual polarimetric data
, pages 833–837
Transportation Network
Development of Gis Tool for the Solution of Minimum Spanning Tree Problem using Prim's Algorithm
, pages 1105–1114
Identification of prominent spatio-temporal signals in GRACE derived terrestrial water storage for India
, pages 333–338
Triangle Method
Integrating effective drought index (EDI) and remote sensing derived parameters for agricultural drought assessment and prediction in Bundelkhand region of India
, pages 89–100
Tribal health
Landscape Heterogeneity mapping for Access to Tribal health care in Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu, India
, pages 177–183
Trickle-down effect
Socio-economic and ecological transformations of the peri-urban region of Gurgaon: an analysis of the trickle-down effect in the post globalization era
, pages 1269–1276
Turbidity Reflectance
Coastal Sediment Monitoring by Spectral Analysis
, pages 1055–1057
E-learning based distance education programme on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science – An initiative of IIRS
, pages 1237–1241
terrain curvatures
Semi-automated Technique to Extract Boundary of Valley/mountain Glaciers using Glacio-morphological Information from Digital Elevation Model
, pages 511–516
Object oriented classification of high resolution data for inventory of horticultural crops
, pages 745–749
Automatic Image Registration Using Free and Open Source Software
, pages 1121–1128
Automatic geolocation of targets tracked by aerial imaging platforms using satellite imagery
, pages 1213–1220
Quality Metrics of Semi Automatic DTM from Large Format Digital Camera
, pages 1159–1163
Unified Framework
A Unified Framework for Dimensionality Reduction and Classification of Hyperspectral Data
, pages 447–453
A study on state of Geospatial courses in Indian Universities
, pages 1443–1446
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Landform monitoring in active volcano by UAV and SfM-MVS technique
, pages 71–75
Upper Tropospheric Humidity
Evaluation of operational INSAT-3D UTH product, using Radiosonde, Meteosat-7 and NCEP Analysis
, pages 247–252
Dynamics and forecasting of population growth and urban expansion in Srinagar City – A Geospatial Approach
, pages 709–716
Urban land cover classification using hyperspectral data
, pages 751–754
Spatio-temporal Assessment of Land Use/ Land Cover Dynamics and Urban Heat Island of Jaipur City using Satellite Data
, pages 767–772
Urban Mapping and Growth Prediction using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, Pune, India
, pages 967–970
Urban Environment
Geo-Environmental Appraisal For Studying Urban Environment And Its Associated Biophysical Parameters Using Remote Sensing And GIS Technique
, pages 717–724
Urban Heat Island (UHI)
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of UHI using Geo-Spatial Techniques: A case study of Ahmedabad
, pages 997–1002
Urban Sprawl
Characterizing multi-dimensionality of urban sprawl in Jamnagar, India using multi-date remote sensing data
, pages 761–766
Urban Thermal Field Variance Index (UTFVI)
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of UHI using Geo-Spatial Techniques: A case study of Ahmedabad
, pages 997–1002
Urban expansion
A Merging Approach for Urban Boundary Correction Acquired By Remote Sensing Images
, pages 1011–1015
Monitoring Land Use/Land Cover Changes in a River Basin due to Urbanization using Remote Sensing and GIS Approach
, pages 949–953
Socio-economic and ecological transformations of the peri-urban region of Gurgaon: an analysis of the trickle-down effect in the post globalization era
, pages 1269–1276
Capacity Building for collecting primary data through Crowdsourcing - An Example of Disaster affected Uttarakhand State (India)
, pages 1249–1252
urban boundary extraction
A Merging Approach for Urban Boundary Correction Acquired By Remote Sensing Images
, pages 1011–1015
urban modelling
Semantic labelling of urban point cloud data
, pages 907–911
, pages 1017–1026
VGPM model
Time Series Analysis Of Primary Productivity Along The East Coast Of India Using Oceansat-2 Ocean Colour Monitor (O cm)
, pages 1049–1053
Retrospective Analysis of Recent Flood Events With Persistent High Surface Runoff From Hydrological Modelling
, pages 359–365
Validation of Satellite Soil Moisture Retrievals using Precipitation Records in India
, pages 367–370
Valles Marineris
Origin of collapsed pits and branched valleys surrounding the Ius chasma on Mars
, pages 485–491
Seasonal variability of phytoplankton blooms in the coastal waters along the East coast of India
, pages 1065–1071
Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability in India using NDVI Data Products
, pages 39–46
Study of temporal variation of vegetation indices and phenology of tropical deciduous broadleaf forest in eastern India
, pages 569–572
Vegetation indices
Integration of multispectral satellite and hyperspectral field data for aquatic macrophyte studies
, pages 581–588
Vegetation water content
Diurnal Difference Vegetation Water Content (ddVWC) of Advance Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) for assessment of crop water stress at regional level
, pages 21–26
Village Developmental Committee and crop monitoring
Operationalizing crop monitoring system for informed decision making related to food security in Nepal
, pages 1325–1330
Village women
Participatory GIS in action, a public health initiative from Kerala, India
, pages 233–237
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Development of Geospatial Map Based Election Portal
, pages 1149–1152
Virtualized Storage
Archiving and Managing Remote Sensing Data using State of the Art Storage Technologies
, pages 1153–1158
Geospatial Technology in Disease Mapping, E- Surveillance and Health Care for Rural Population in South India
, pages 221–225
Ontology-Driven Knowledge-Based Health-Care System, An Emerging Area – Challenges And Opportunities – Indian Scenario
, pages 239–246
Evaluation of Partially Overlapping 3D Point Cloud's Registration by using ICP variant and CloudCompare.
, pages 891–897
Dynamic Land Use and Coastline Changes in active Estuarine Regions – A Study of Sundarban Delta
, pages 133–139
vegetation indices
A comparative analysis of Resourcesat-2 LISS-3 and Landast-8 OLI imagery
, pages 987–989
Analysing agricultural drought vulnerability at sub-district level through exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity based composite index
, pages 65–70
Web based geoprocessing tool for coverage data handling
, pages 1139–1143
Web based geoprocessing tool for coverage data handling
, pages 1139–1143
Web based geoprocessing tool for coverage data handling
, pages 1139–1143
Water Equivalent height (WEH)
Estimation of regional mass anomalies from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) over Himalayan region
, pages 329–332
Water Harvesting Structures
Site Suitability Analysis of Water Harvesting Structures Using Remote Sensing and GIS – A Case Study of Pisangan Watershed, Ajmer District, Rajasthan
, pages 1471–1482
Water Level Decline
Study Relating to the Spatial Distribution of Ground Water Quality for Different Elements using Legacy Data of RWS&S, Andhra Pradesh, India
, pages 383–390
Water Quality Parameters
Geospatial modelling for groundwater quality mapping: a case study of Rupnagar district, Punjab, India
, pages 227–232
Water Vapor
Evaluation of operational INSAT-3D UTH product, using Radiosonde, Meteosat-7 and NCEP Analysis
, pages 247–252
Water resources assessment
Regional Water Security in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region: Role of Geospatial Science and Tools
, pages 1331–1340
Simulation Of Surface runoff For Upper Tapi Subcatchment Area (Burhanpur Watershed) Using SWAT
, pages 391–397
Hyperspectral remote sensing of paddy crop using insitu measurement and clustering technique
, pages 845–851
Waveform Retracking
Inland Water Bodies Monitoring using Satellite Altimetry over Indian Region
, pages 1035–1041
Wavelet transform
Comparative Analysis of Haar and Daubechies Wavelet for Hyper Spectral Image Classification
, pages 937–941
Development of a web geoservices platform for School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India
, pages 1207–1212
Web Services
Web based geoprocessing tool for coverage data handling
, pages 1139–1143
Weighted Constant
Gaussian Kernel Based Classification Approach for Wheat Identification
, pages 671–676
Wheat Yellow Rust
Assessing Wheat Yellow Rust Disease through Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
, pages 1413–1416
Wind speed
Supplementing Oscat winds with Saral Altika observations for cyclone studies
, pages 1059–1064
World View-II
GIS based Cadastral level Forest Information System using World View-II data in Bir Hisar (Haryana)
, pages 605–612
Enhanced Urban Landcover Classification for Operational Change Detection Study Using Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Data
, pages 773–779
water management
A Spatio-temporal disaggregation method to derive time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Land Surface Temperature at fine spatial resolution
, pages 1397–1401
X Ray Diffraction
Hyperspectral analysis of clay minerals
, pages 443–446
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