The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Publications Copernicus

Volume XLII-3/W4, 2018 – Keyword index

Volume XLII-3/W4, 2018 – Keyword index


ALOS-2 ALS AUC AYDES Accessibility Accuracy Active Learning Aerial Platform Airborne Laser Scanning Altimetry Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Areal Land Surveying Attitude Determination and Control airborne sensor application architecture area based matching automatic orthomosaics


CBSI CORINE Cadastre Capacity building Cascading Effects Change Detection Change detection CitSci Citizen Science Classification Classification and regression tree (CART) Classification; Landsat 8 OLI; Land use Land cover; Random Forest; Decision Tree Climate Change Climate change Close-Range Photogrammetry Coastline Coherent Change Detection Collision-Tolerant Drone Complex analysis Crisis management Critical Infrastructure Crowdsource Cultural Heritage Cultural heritage civil protection climate change compensations controlling factor crisis management cyclones


DEM DInSAR DRLSE DSM generation Damage Damage assessment Data Integration Database Decision Support System Deep learning Deep-seated landslide Deformation Deformations Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) Digital Elevation Model Dimension Reduction Directional Distribution Disaster Disaster Management Disaster Relief Disaster Resilience Disaster management Disasters Dispersion Mechanism DoD Drones Drought Analysis damage data data fusion data processing digital image processing disaster management


FOOS Failure Mechanism Flood Flood Damage Flood Monitoring Flood detection Flood protection Floods Flying Altitudes Forest Fire Forest fire Forni Glacier fault zones fire hazard fire hotspot fire management system flood flood action flooding floods


GIS GPS GRACE Gathering points Geographic Information System Geographical Information Systems Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Geohazard Geohazards Geoinformation Geomatics Geospatial Information System Geotechnical Glaciology Graph Theory Greenhouses Ground Control Point (GCP) Ground Peak Acceleration (GPA) Ground-based radar interferometry Groundwater Guidance geomatics geostatistics


Image Classification Information Contents Information System Information system Infrastructure Growth Insurance Map Inter-annual signal IoT (Internet of Things) Izmir city image geometry image interpretation image matching infectious disease surveillance and control integrated flood management (IFM)


LISS-IV LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) LSM Land Use Land Use/Land Cover Land use pattern Land-based SAR Land-use Landsat Landsat-8 Landslide Landslide Monitoring Landslide Simulation Landslide micro-topography interpretation Landslide susceptibility Landslides Large-scale Landslide Laser Scanning Laser scanning Lesvos earthquake Levee monitoring LiDAR LiDAR DEMs Linear Discriminant Analysis Linkage System Low-cost Software land administration land cover landslide landslide monitoring landslides levee monitoring linear infrastructures


MCE MMS MODIS Machine Learning Map publishing Mapping Mitigation Mobile Laser Scanning Mobile LiDAR Monitoring Monitoring System Mudflow Multi-Criteria Evaluation Analysis Multi-Temporal Landsat Multi-agent based modeling Multi-sensors Multi-temporal Multi-temporal satellite dataset Multiplicatively Weighted Network Voronoi Diagram model monitoring


PCM PSI Participatory cartography Particle Swarm Optimization Performance Mapping Photogrammetry Plane Fitting Platform Point Cloud Point clouds Polarimetry SAR (PolSAR) Post-earthquake 3D mapping Prediction Preperdness Principal Component Analysis Public data post-earthquake


Radar Data Radar Polarimetry Radar data Rapid Disaster Mapping Rapid Mapping Recent Studies in Turkey Remote Sensing Remote sensing Resilience Resource allocation Risk Risk Management and Mitigation Risk analysis Risk assessment Risk evaluation Risk identification Risks Reduction Run-up Modelling rapid mapping real-time disaster management remote sensing risk risk information


SAR SENTİNEL SGM SPI Safety Satellite Image Scenario Simulation Sea Level Change Sea-land Segmentation Seismic Seismic Hazard Seismic emergency Selection Criteria Sensor Sentinel Sentinel 2A Sentinel-1 SfM method Simulation Sinkholes Sky-view factor Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) Smart city Smart rescue operation Social infrastructure areas Social media Space Monitoring Spacecraft Spatial Decision Support Systems Spatio-temporal Analysis Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index Structure from Motion Structure-from-Motion Subsidence Susceptibility Sustainability Sustainable Cities Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 Sustainable Urban Growth Synthetic Aperture Radar safety survey seasonal influenza seismic intensity shoreline spatial data collection spatial data management spatial epidemiology spatial information based response system surface displacements


TLS Temporal Temporal Inventory Terrestrial Laser Scanning Terrestrial photogrammetry Threshold Time management Tornadoes Tower transmitters Training Tsunami Turkey Twitter Two-step cluster twitter


UAV UAV data UAV photogrammetry UAV/UAS UAVs Undirected Graph United Arab Emirates (UAE) Urban Urban Analysis Urban Growth Urban Risks Urban settlements Urban spatial organization Urbanization Urmia Lake User-generated Utilities urban data model urban information systems


VGI VHR satellite imagery Valley floodplain Various Weather Condition Operation Vegetation Vegetation Index Vegetation condition index Volume estimation Voluntarism Volunteered Geographic Information volcanic disaster volunteered geographic information vulnerability assessment vulnerability reduction
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